Chapter 6

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I sat in my room upon my bed thinking. Dumbledore had found a new pawn to play with, the third year boy had given me more specific details on what he heard, apparently this Hadrian Peverell was better than me in everything, though the boy tried to "make me feel better", honestly it just made me more aggravated. I kept myself in deep thought, if this Hadrian Peverell was more powerful than me than I had to yank him out of the old mans grip and turn him into my own pawn, I smirked, if Peverell was powerful enough to make Dumbledore put faith into him then it would make it much better to rip Peverell out of Dumbledore's grip. I heard the door creak open, I looked up already knowing who it was by the magical signature, "What are you thinking about?" Malfoy asked, "I'm thinking about Hadrian," I answered truthfully, Malfoy lifted his eyebrow, "Do you feel threatened by him?" he asked, this time I raised my eyebrow, "No. I simply believe that it would be proper for me to introduce myself to him," I smirked as I said this, Malfoy raised his brow, "Introduce yourself, or recruit?" he asked, I narrowed my eyes keeping the smirk, "I think you should remember to keep your place Abraxias," I warned, he bowed his head, "Sorry... I was just curious... if he was to join us it might be very beneficial," he said, I could tell he was trying to redeem himself, I nodded my head signaling that I let it slide, I always let my inner circle off easy.

Malfoy left after our little chat, saying that he was going to go talk to the rest. I sat thinking, if Peverell was on our side we would most likely have a powerful ally, depending if the old coot actually found someone powerful, if not than we would have a spoiled brat completely weak and useless, knowing the old coot Peverell was probably the second option. I casted a quick Tempus to check the time, it was close to dinner time, in fact I had 5 more minutes till, I cursed under my breath and made my way to the Great Hall, I walked at a brisk pace making it just in time. Of course when I got there my friends had saved me my spot in the middle, as I took a seat I heard the whispers coming from around me, it was to close to be from another table. I looked around the table seeing all the snakes whispering about Peverell, I narrowed my eyes, instantly the snakes went silent, I looked to Malfoy who only nodded. The Great Hall suddenly went quiet as we heard a clinking, all the students looked up to see Headmaster Dippet trying to get our attention, "Hello dear students, today we have a new student transferring here," there were murmurs around the hall but my table stayed carefully silent, "Please treat him well no matter what house," Dippet continued, I glanced at my inner circle seeing all of them look carefully neutral, I knew what they were thinking though... utter hell for Peverell, "Everyone please welcome Hadrian Peverell!" Dippet exclaimed as a young man and Dumbledore walked out from the back room, the young man had black hair that fell just a little below his ears and a little into the eyes, it was messy but not too messy, like a cute bedhead, his eyes were killing curse green making it seem as if they were glowing, he was tall but not too tall at least 5'7 maybe 5'6, he was lean as well, by the way his robes fit I could see that he has slight feminine curves, I could hear some girls giggling in fact I could see almost every girl giggling, even some boys were looking at him with lust. This however disgusted me seeing so many people look at him this way, I watched as he walked forward heading towards the stool his eyes were sweeping the room, sometimes his eyes would have recognition, as his eyes swept over to the Slytherin table his eyes were mostly filled with recognition until they landed on me, his eyes widened a fraction, they filled with surprise, then anger, then hate, what surprised me was the pure hate in his eyes, I watched as his hate dimmed but was replaced with curiosity, and what looked to be satisfaction,  I watched as he took a seat on the stool, Dumbledore was behind him placing the hat on his head.


I followed Dumbledore through the floo to be greeted by the Headmasters office, it was slightly different, instead of all the trinkets that Dumbledore had it was filled with pictures and banners. I looked towards the desk to see Dippet sat waiting he smiled at me then looked towards Dumbledore "Thank you Albus," he said nodding to said man, Dumbledore nodded back before he headed further into the room while I got my stuff sorted out with Dippet. Dippet stood and made his way in front of me, "You will get your time table tomorrow after you have been sorted into a house, your luggage will be moved to your dorm," I nodded along showing my understanding, "Dinner will be starting in a couple of minutes, I will make the announcement and Professor Dumbledore will lead you to the Great Hall to be sorted," I once again nodded my understanding. I looked to Dumbledore as Dippet left to the Great Hall, Dumbledore gave me what I assume he felt like a reassuring smile but in reality made me feel slightly sick, I returned his smile with a small smile of my own. "Peverell? I haven't heard that name in a while... I thought they died off?" Dumbledore stated as he broke the silence, "Well obviously that is false, since I am standing right here... very much alive," I said with a challenging smile, Dumbledore looked surprised that I retorted in that way... probably thinking that I'll be his new pawn... hold on... Dumbledore is alive and looking youngish... almost like that memory I saw in the journal... no... Death wouldn't do that he wouldn't put me in a time with Riddle... that's absurd! "You look like you could be a Gryffindor, maybe Ravenclaw by how easily you get lost in thought," I looked over to the old coot as he said Gryffindor narrowing my eyes. "I don't really care what house I'm in to be completely honest," I said narrowing my eyes further, Dumbledore narrowed his eyes as well, "Well I think you will do well as a Gryffindor, you're clearly outspoken enough to be one," he stated almost triumphantly, I chuckled darkly to myself. I watched as Dumbledore brought out his wand, I began to reach for mine incase he tried anything, he spared me a glance before casting a Tempus, "We better head to the Great Hall," he began to walk towards the passage that led to the trophy room, I followed him begrudgingly.

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