Chapter 4

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I sat looking at my new dagger, which is when the doctor walked in, "Would you like to meet the Hogwarts people or Ministry first?" he asked. I acted like I was thinking when in reality it was an easy decision, "I would like to speak to the Ministry first please," I said with the most charming smile I could pull, he simply nodded. A few moments later two Ministry officials walked in, one had greasy dirt brown hair, his eyes were crazed and dark brown, and he had a permanent scary smile on his face, he was built incredibly thin and lean, he titled his body at a strange angle making it clear how thin he really was. The other man however was much more pleasant thankfully, he had almost snow white hair that had a few black streaks running through it, his eyes were a light hazel color,  he was chubby in that old man grandpa way, "Hello I presume that you are Mr. Peverell?" the older man asked, "Lord Peverell actually," I said with a small smile, he nodded, "We are here to ask what Grindlewald wanted from you," the creepy one stated, 'I'm going to call him Creeper,' I thought to myself, "Before I give you any information, I will need titles gentlemen," I said stiffly, making my smile more dangerous, "Of course I am Peter Headwind, and this is Minister Bulden," Creeper introduced, I nodded to them. "Well to answer your earlier question, he was after... a family... heirloom," I said, trying to sound convincing, "You sound unsure," the Minister stated snidely, "Well you see sir he never got to specify because the aurors came," I said lifting my head ever so slightly in challenge, "Well what ever it was that he wanted must be very powerful, powerful enough to end the war on his terms," Creeper said his smile growing, the Minister rolled his eyes, "Speaking of your kidnapping, how is it that you survived the killing curse?" the Minister's eyes glinted with jealousy, "My family is well known for their resistance towards the curse," I said a smirk spreading across my face. "I think we're done here," the Minister growled then stormed out, Creeper pouted about to protest, the Minster barked at him before he could however, before he left he gave me a creepy smile. I sighed as the men left, I began to mentally prepare myself for the Hogwarts men.

After I told the doctor to bring in Hogwarts. It took them at least two hours to come. Finally someone knocked on the door 'Merlin someone finally knocked' I thought to myself,  "Come in," I said while playing with my dagger, the door opened to the Hogwarts Headmaster, Amondo Dippet, luckily he was the only one, "Headmaster, how may I help you?" I asked with fake cheer. He smiled at me widely, like the Minister he had the chubby grandpa look, he had light brown hair turning gray, and his eyes were a dark blue that twinkled, not like Dumbledore's (which was a annoying), no his was more friendly, "I was coming to personally give you your Hogwarts letter, along with try and convince you to come," he said smiling sheepishly, I chuckled at him, "I would love to attend Hogwarts, I've heard it's the safest place in Europe, which I really do need a safe place right now, so I believe I won't need alot of convincing," I said nervously rubbing the back of my head, this time Dippet chuckled. He smiled at me, "Then I guess that we can get you out of here and start school shopping," he said smiling, I smiled back, "Actually I would prefer to shop by myself if you don't mind," I said with a small smile, he nodded his head in understanding, "Alright, but I will send a teacher over to pick you up by 5 p.m to bring you to the school," I nodded, "Sir, if you don't mind me saying, but I think that that is way more time than what I need," he chuckled a little, "I thought you would like more time for yourself," he said with a soft smile, I smiled back. I was starting to somewhat respect the man.

A few minutes later found Headmaster Dippet and I walking side by side towards a desk, Dippet walked up to the desk and began talking to the women stationed there, by the way she was blushing, I could guess that he wasn't only talking. I spaced them out and tried to think of my situation a little more carefully, so far everything was going to plan, the only problem was Dumbledore, I honestly don't know what to aspect from him in this timeline, I don't know if he'll be more manipulative or less manipulative, I am also worried about the students I didn't want to mess up and rewrite history completely, I continued to think of my slight problems. I noticed that Dippet was grabbing something from the women. I watched steadily as he waved good-bye  to the women at the desk, as he got closer to me I noticed that the bag he got from the women was my satchel, I smiled as he then handed it to me, I nodded gratefully to him. I looked around the hall looking for a restroom, I heard a throat clear, I looked over to the person only to see Dippet pointing to something, I followed the direction to the labeled restroom. I smiled cheekily at Dippet and headed towards my destination. 

After Dippet helped me leave the hospital, he made sure that I was somewhat situated at Diagon Alley, he left me be to do as I please, the first thing I knew I was going to do was get an endless pouch connected to my vaults. I walked towards a more new and less crooked looking Gringots(spelling please), I headed for the front door nodding my head at the guards posted, they both smiled and nodded back. I entered the huge building, I noticed that many tellers were very busy, so I joined a random line and waited patiently, I noticed Alnock standing on guard, he turned and met my gaze he began to walk towards me with a wide smile, once he was within my area he began to speak, "Hello Master of Death," he said as cheerfully as a goblin could, I smiled back at him, "Hello Alnock it's a pleasure to see you again," I said with a bright smile, he smiled back, "Can I get you a teller?" he asked, I nodded my head gratefully. He looked around, made eye contact with something, then suddenly I'm being dragged to a teller. "How may I help you my lord?" the goblin asked politely, I smiled at him and stated my business, "I would just like an endless pouch connected to my vaults please," I said with a charming smile, the teller simply nodded than disappeared. A few minutes later the same goblin came back with a small pouch in hand, handing it off to me he said, "One drop of blood on the pouch will activate it, the blood will help the pouch recognize who you are. After you have activated it just say the amounted price in the language of the dead and it will come," I nodded to the goblin in thanks, then made my way out of the grand building. I prepared myself for my miniature shopping spree.

1261 Words

A/N - Hello I am the author! I just wanted to tell you readers that I do not have a proper schedule for this story, I just write when I have time, I will try to update at least once or twice a week. Also I personally do not like A/Ns so this probably won't happen alot. Thank you!

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