Chapter 9

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I watched Riddle's eye twitch slightly at my statement, I felt some sort of satisfaction in annoying the young Dark Lord. 

I was walking out of potions with a wide smirk on my face, the potion turned out brilliant but the whole time I made an effort to annoy the Slytherin King. I watched as Riddle left the classroom huffing in annoyance, this made my smirk widen into a wicked grin, I began to head towards the dorms since I still had at least an hour till dinner, besides I wanted to question some people about Riddle. As I made my way towards the dorm I noticed that Riddle wasn't following... instead he was headed in the opposite direction... strange... he's probably off to do something evil and childish... not my fault. I continued on my way towards the dorm till my curiosity got the best of me. "Hey Riddle! Where you headed?" I called out as I made my way towards him, he glanced at me as I joined by his side to walk, "If you must know I'm meeting Warren," he stated, I raised my brow, "What for like a date? I thought she wasn't your type... oh well... if you like bland and gla-" "Please, please shut up," Riddle interrupted glaring at me, I gave him a goofy grin only making him glare harder as he looked away. "Do you have someplace to be Peverell?" he seethed, "Oh! Yes. I was going to get to know your friends," I said grinning, "They're in the library now leave me be," he said spitefully, "Thank you kind sir," I said as I turned down the hallway towards the library.

As I entered the library I could easily pick out the group of DE's, they sat with parchment and open books as they quietly gossiped with each other. As I approached I noticed them silence themselves as they all looked at me in unison. "Hello mind if I sit and study with you?" I asked with the most polite smile I could muster, "We don't mind," Black said getting nasty glares from the table. I sat down in one of the empty chairs pulling out a book to 'study'. "I believe that an introduction is arranged," Malfoy spoke, "This is Nathaniel Nott," he gestured towards a boy with brown hair and hazel green eyes, when the light hit his hair you could see slight gold strands, he looked lanky... probably taller than me like everyone else, "Dorian Avery," he then motioned towards a plain looking lad, he had dull dirt brown hair with light brown eyes, he too was lanky, "the Carrow twins, Chao and Rixas," I tried not to shudder at the mention of Carrow twins remembering the havoc the two caused in my time, like their offspring they had dirty blond hair, and dark brown eyes that practically bled with mischief and intelligence, their bodies were also lanky but you could tell that they had muscles, "then you have Edward Goyle and Damion Crabbe," now their appearance shocked me, instead of looking like fat oafs like their offspring they were tall and broad shouldered, very muscular, though they still had the bland hair, though while Goyle had light brown eyes, Crabbe was left with cold smoldering dark blue. I inclined my head to the group, "As you probably already know... I am Hadrian Peverell," I introduced with a grin.


I was waiting for the daft girl in front of the Great Hall doors, I had apparently ran into some of her friends who told me to wait for her here, and so here I am... waiting for a mudblood. I heard giggles then looking towards the sound I found Warren wearing strange clothes, her makeup was done poorly, and her hair was done... poorly. "Hi- hi Tom," she stuttered. "Hello, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked trying to get straight to the point. The daft fool blushed and stuttered out, "Ca- ca- can we go to the cour- c- c- court yard to talk?" Her face was an ugly shade of red... then it hit me, I felt my body fill with bile and disgust, "Of course," I said with false reassurance, plastering on a fake smile to go with the tone. She smiled at me as she walked towards the court yard, I glared at her as I followed behind.

As we entered the court yard she led me to one of the benches, as we sat she began to pull something out of her pocket. "I-... um... I real-...... I like you Tom!" exclaimed as she threw herself at me, her bright red hideous face crashing into my chest. I felt bile rise in me. 'How dare she touch me! How dare she assume I would want her!' I thought angrily. I pried the girl off of me only for her to shove a letter scribbled in hearts in my face, I snatched the letter out of my face carefully keeping my pureblood mask intact. "I am sorry Warren but I do not feel the same. Nor will I ever feel the same, so it would be greatly appreciated if you forgot your feelings for me and moved on," I said as solemnly as possible, I was trying not to laugh at the hope fleeing from her gaze only to be replaced by ugly tears. "Bu- bu- but I got so dressed for you Tom..." she said trying and failing not to sound broken with her screeching voice. "Never change yourself for someone, it's not attractive," I said flatly, I watched as the girl stood abruptly, fat tears in her eyes, as she then scurried off. I stood from the bench and made my way back inside starting my journey to the library to at least talk with somewhat sensible people.

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