Chapter 18

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I was standing across from Riddle as he stared at me, I felt my face flush slightly as he continued to stare. "You're the Master of Death," it wasn't a question it was a statement, "Yes," I answered anyway. "You can tell me when you're ready... just please don't make me wait too long," I was shocked by this, I stared at Riddle for a moment before I sighed, "I'll tell you," I said sounding resigned, "My family has been hunted across the whole world because we are the protectors of the three Hallows, the only valuable things to the Peverell blood line is our library and the Hallows protecting both with our lives. Grindelwald knew that we had the Hallows so he hunted us all down. My parents gave me the valuables and I fled the country, moving from one estate to the next, I was finally captured in a Munich Germany where I was then taken to a secret area to be tortured for the Hallows," Tom looked intrigued as I recounted the memories that Death gave me, "How many times have you died?" I was once again shocked, I thought for a moment mentally counting how many times I have died, "I believe five times," I said, I don't exactly keep count. Tom's eyes widened, "What's it like?" he asked I looked at him not hesitating to answer, "It depends on how you die... if it's by killing curse everything just goes black, like being knocked out, if it's by a bomb... man that shit hurts, you feel a hot seering pain before you just go numb, then you it goes black again. Now being killed by a bunch of curses just kind of gives you a numb feeling before you're ripped into a whole new world of pain... it sucks to be honest," I said chuckling slightly, suddenly I was being enveloped into strong and safe arms. "I will protect you from being killed again, I don't want you to suffer," I blinked before hugging him back as he continued, "I will not stop calling you mine however, the simple reason is is that you are mine, Hadrian. Just as I am yours. We are equals and nothing will change my mind about that, no matter how many times you reject the idea Hadrian you and I both know it's true," I looked down trying to think, "Fine... but I must ask you to resist biting me like some wild animal," I said after a long pause, Tom just chuckled, "No," he simply stated, I spluttered indignantly. "What do you mean 'no'?" Tom looked me in the eyes before responding, "I mean no, I must publicly annouce what's mine," he smiled evilly.

The rest of the week went into a blur and before I knew it it was our first date. I swallowed hard as I looked in the mirror, I don't know why I'm so nervous, I've been on plenty of dates before. This one was no different... except for the fact that I seriously liked this guy... I swallowed again. I let out an unsteady breath before opening my dorm door to make my way to the entrance hall where Tom and I agreed to meet. I was just walking up the stairs when someone cried out my name, I was greeted by a very much alive Moaning Myrtle, "Myrtle how do you do?" she only scowled before coming closer to me, "You're the reason that I no longer have friends!" she screeched, I raised a brow clearly not amused, "Do not blame me for something that you did to yourself. Now if you'll excuse me I have a date," I turned to leave only making it two steps before she was shrieking again, "First you make my friends turn on me then you steal Tom from me?! How dare you!" I felt my blood boil, "Tom was never yours to begin with Myrtle don't be delusioned," I continued to make my way up the stairs, suddenly I heard an ear peircing shriek I turned just in time for Myrtle to take hold of my robes and shove me down the stairs, I felt my feet leave the stairs. I cursed violently as my head smashed agianst the floor."


The Ravenclaw stood there dumb founded as she watched the beautiful boy Hadrain Peverell be surounded by a pool of his own blood. Her hands trembled as she watched the puddle getting bigger, she turned and scurried away. She was ghostly pail as she ran far away from the crime scene, the scene of the beautiful boy falling replayed in her head just like the sound of his neck and skull breaking from the impact of the fall, tears welled up in her eyes as she continued to run for her favorite spot to cry... the girls lavatory.


I watched as Death continued to laugh histarically, "You- you got push- pushed down the stairs by a jealous fan girl!" he wheezed. I rolled my eyes as I waited for my body to heal knowing that it would only be a matter of seconds before I could go back, "Yes, yes, I'm so glad that you're happy about my demise," I said sarcastically with a snarl. Death only laughed harder before waving his hand and sending me back to the land of the living.

I awoke with a groan as I sat up, my head hurt like a bitch but other than that I'm fine. I looked down at my robes to see them slightly trenched with blood, "That bitch!" I snarled as I got up, I quickly casted multiple cleaning charms on the robe, most of the coming out but the once charcoal casual robes were now slightly tinted red. I huffed as I made my way to the Entrance Hall only to find it empty. I felt my brows furrow with confusion before I heard the whispering of Asuza... the Basilisk. I felt my heart begin to pound as I sprinted for the lavatory, my blood was  running cold as I listened to the whispering, something about getting revenge. I quickend my pace as much as I could.


I exited the chamber to hear sobbing, whoever it was must of heard me come out of the chamber, "Go away!" a familiar shriek said, "Myrtle?" I asked. The sobbing stopped for a second before it turned into wails, "I cautiuosly approached the stall, "I didn't mean to kill him! I just wanted to push him! Not kill him!" she wailed. I felt my blood run cold, my heart stopped, "Who?" the daft girl continued to sob and wail, I lost my patience and started to bang on the door, "WHO!?" I snarled, the girl let out another sob, "Peverell! I didn't mean too! I was- I was just so mad! Then- then he fe- fell and- and hit his head!" she wailed. I felt my blood boil, "There was so much blood..." she sounded so lost and broken, but I don't give a damn. She hurt my Hadrian. I summoned Asuza, *Asuza get revenge for my lover,* I hissed before sprinting out of the lavatory, I sprinted down the corridors in a hurry to find and protect my love.

I turned and right smack into him, before he could hit the ground though I pulled him up and into my arms, clutching him tightly. He did the same, holding onto me as if I was his life line. I leaned back taking in his appearance making sure that he was alright, I sighed as their was no trace of an injury, "Thank Merlin," I breathed. I then noticed his robes, they were nicely fitted dark crimson robes that made me want to do unspeakable things. "Tom, did you kill somebody?" he asked in a panic, "No," he let a breath, "I didn't but Asuza did," Hadrian's head whipped up then, "You did what?" he hissed, I chuckled darkly, "You said that I couldn't kill anybody because of their blood status... I didn't. I ordered that wenches death because she hurt you," I said brushing some hair out of his face. He huffed, "Now show we go on our date? We shouldn't be here when somebody discovers the body," I said with a smile, Hadrian hesitated before nodding.


The Ravenclaw girl slowly left he cubicle when she heard foot steps retreat, she looked around before letting out a somewhat relieved breath, her face was stained with tears, her face slightly red and swollen from crying. She made her way to the sinks to put some cold water on her face, she looked up to see a tall looming beast behind her she whipped around to let out a scream but the beast struck her, biting her arm clear off. The girl screamed, yelling and begging for someone to help her but the beast struck her again this time taking both her legs, the girl was crying so hard that she began to choke on her own saliva, she turned to look at the beast meeting its gaze before her world faded to black. Water surrounded her corpse as the beast made its escape, blood mixed with the water making a horrific scene as the blood spread throughout the lavatory, the blood spreading like that of a beautiful boy that she had pushed moments before.

1581 Words

A/N: I am about to publish my new story please feel free to check it out. It's call Wrong Number.

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