Chapter 11

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I awoke feeling alert. I could feel in my whole being that something was wrong. I got up and headed to the shower, I looked around and casted some spells to make sure nothing was going to go wrong. After my shower I checked my trunk to make sure nothing was wrong there. I was surprised to see nothing was wrong there either, I furrowed my brows as I got dressed. I checked my familiars to see them in amazing shape, I fed them before checking my satchel for any danger, again nothing. I looked around confused, why do I feel like something is going to go terribly wrong? I looked over to see Riddle getting ready, I made my way to the common room, I don't feel like being alone so I will wait for the DE's to show up. Riddle made his way up the stairs looking at me quizzically, "Are the knights almost done?" I asked, he nodded, "I'd give them at least ten or fifteen more minutes," he said shrugging before leaving. Fifteen minutes later Black, Lestrange, the Carrow's, and Nott came up the stairs. I stood and joined them they looked at me strangely. I paid them no mind as we continued to walk to the hall for breakfast.

As we sat at the table, it was perfect timing for the mail. The feeling only grew stronger as I watched the owls fly overhead, a pit grew in my stomach and I new that something was coming. I waited for something to drop from an owl but nothing came, but that only made the terrible feeling stronger. As all the owls left the feeling was almost unbearable making me feel slightly sick. I tried to continue to eat my breakfast but I was getting too queasy, so I stuck to my earl gray. I noticed that my hands were shaking, I took a sip of my tea to try and calm my self. As the last owl finally completely left the building, I felt the tension build into my body, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly a big raven came swooping into the room it seemed to be scanning the crowds till it narrowed in on me, it dropped the letter in front of me. I furrowed my brow as I picked up the letter instantly alarm bells went off inside my head as I looked at it, the envelope it's self was black and had a strange symbol on the wax seal. I got up and headed out into the corridor. I was searching for an abandoned classroom to open the letter just in case.

"Hadrian!" I heard someone call out to me just as I had rounded the corner, I peered back around to see Black headed my way. "What is it?" I asked as he got closer, "I wanted to keep you company is all," he said plastering on a smile, I nodded. "What's that?" he asked gesturing towards the letter, "I don't know..." he raised an eyebrow before snatching it out of my grasp. He studied the envelope and seal, he looked up confusion shining in his eyes. "Can I open it?" he asked I only shook my head in disagreement, "No allow me," I said as I took the envelope back. I have a terrible feeling about this. I carefully began to open the letter quickly trying to sense if anything was wrong with it, so far nothing. I took out the neatly folded piece of paper out, it felt unusually heavy. I barely opened the paper when suddenly it exploded... time seemed to slow down as I sent Black flying across the corridor with raw magic to a safer distance away, still using the raw magic I imprisoned myself and the bomb in a bubble, I pulled my arms up to shield my face as I turned my body away from the explosion. Suddenly time seemed to speed up again and I was thrown against my bubble wall, everything going black.


Everything was quiet after a loud boom resounded through the castle. Suddenly everyone was moving at once, students running into the corridor to see what's happened, teachers shouting and barking at the students to remain in their seats as they shoved past them. I stood as did my knights and we made our way to where everyone was headed. Suddenly a shriek came from a Hufflepuff girl as she came running back to where everyone was gathering in the corridor. "Peverell and Black are dead!" she shrieked, I watched as most of the knights paled, the only thing consuming my mind was the denial. Hadrian can't be dead, he's much to strong to be dead! Everybody began to scurry after the girl to where she had found the two boys, I felt my heart pounding as I also followed. When we got to the corridor where she spotted them I froze there on the floor in front of me against the wall was Black, I hurried over to him professor Slughorn following, I quickly checked for a pulse and was relieved to find one. I gently slapped Black awake, he grumbled, moaned, and cursed as he raised his hand to his head wincing when he touched it. "What happened?" I demanded, he grumbled a little before responding, "The letter... it... it exploded. Hadrian opened the letter... and it exploded! I was standing right beside him... something pushed me back... oh merlin..." his voice was weak and his eyes were hazed over in shock, "We'll talk more later for now go to the hospital wing. Lestrange take Black to the infirmary," I ordered, I looked down at Black to see his gaze transfixed on something across from us, I looked up and took a sharp intake of breath. There on the floor was a heap of what looked like rags and blood, I felt my heart sink and I felt sick. I wanted to call out for Hadrian and go looking for him. He couldn't be dead... he was too powerful to be dead! I felt something inside of me break making me want to break down right here, right now, but I pushed the feelings away, if only for an hour or two. The teachers surged forward and made their way towards the bloodied rags, "Somebody get Madam Pomfrey," Dumbledore said, he sounded urgent as if the rags were still miraculously alive. A short few seconds later Pomfrey came rushing into the corridor, "What's happened?" before anybody could tell her what was going on the Headmaster cut in, "Prefects take your respective houses to their common rooms teachers will be there shortly," I had never heard the Headmaster speak like that, and I much preferred it over his overly cheerful tone all the time.

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