Chapter 33

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Warning: This chapter contains slight homophobic slang, viewer discretion is advised.


I wrapped my arm securely around Hadrian's waist as he desperately clung to me, I guided us through the gate and towards the dreaded building. I held him impossibly close as we walked, we walked up the steps to the door and entered the building, instantly we could hear the chatter of children, I led us to the matrons office. Every fiber of my being was telling me to take Hadrian away and keep him safe, to never return to this place in which I knew people wouldn't treat him right. 

I knocked on the office door and patiently waited, soon Ms. Cole came out, I always hated her. She was a somewhat thin women yet she still had some meat on her, she always wore a sad or angry expression plain grey eyes and greying brown hair, her eyes were sunken in somewhat as her cheeks sagged with wrinkles with age. She narrowed her eyes slightly at me, "Well, if it isn't Tom Riddle. I thought you weren't supposed to be back till supper," she sniffed, I narrowed my eyes into a glare, "Some issues arose so I was sent home early," I said edging onto a sneer, the women sneered at me in disgust. 

It seemed that she finally noticed Hadrian at that moment however, she looked him up and down with some suspicion, "And who are you might I ask?" she quirked a brow with her dull eyes still narrowed, Hadrian flashed her his best smile as he responded, "I'm Hadrian Peverell miss. You see I was sent here with Tom for my own safety and protection. I thank you for housing me, your generosity is never ending," by the time he finished speaking his smile was blinding and I could see that Ms. Cole was falling for Hadrian's charm as she sent him her version of a smile (which wasn't a smile at all, if anything it was more of a grimace,). Then her eyes landed on my hand on his hip, I could see her smile drop into something akin to disgust as her eyes then shifted onto the way Hadrian was still slightly clinging to me. "You will be rooming with Tom. He'll show you about. Behave," she said almost in a growl as she then turned and disappeared back into her office. 

I lead Hadrian through the orphanage until we reached my room. He looked around the small room, taking in the two small beds on either side of the room and the one wardrobe, "The bathroom is down the hall and to the left," I said as I went to my bed and shoved my trunk under it. Hadrian followed suit although hesitantly, I sighed and opened my arms to give him an embrace, to which he flung himself into. I gently caressed his hair as we embraced, he was shaking from what I don't know. 

"What's the matter love?" I finally asked. Hadrian buried his head against my neck and exhaled, causing hot air to fan across my neck making me shiver, "I can't wait until we leave," he mumbled, his lips brushing against my skin in an enticing way. I forcefully pulled him away only to quickly pin him against the bed so that I could hover over him, I carefully nipped at the skin behind his ear causing him to squirm. I lent up so that I could brush my lips against his, he leaned up and into my touch practically begging me for more, I barely brushed our lips together again before finally fully connecting our lips. 

A loud bang sounded throughout the room causing Hadrian to jump, I looked up to see a younger boy staring at us, I glared at him as I slowly sat up pulling Hadrian with me so I could hide him against my chest, "Is there a problem Jamison?" I growled, the boy gulped before he took something out of his pocket and chucked it at me. Though his aim was extraordinarily off and instead almost hit Hadrian, I stopped the rock midair as I watched the boy freeze in terror. I glared harshly at him as I used my magic to slam the door in his face.

 I felt gentle hands  stroke my face, I looked at Hadrian as he watched me with a soft expression as he gently caressed my face. I felt myself calm down under his gentle touch, "Your no good for me. You make me soft," I sighed as I nuzzled one of his hands, he chuckled. "I make you stronger," he said as he continued with his gentle touches. I scowled when there was a knock on the door and Hadrian got up to answer it, though the scowl slowly vanished as I took in Hadrian's figure through the tight dragon hide trousers and my shirt (of which he stole) tucked into them nicely. 

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