Chapter 36

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I was in the library thinking when Hadrian came in with a pensive floating behind him. I raised my brow in question as he came and plopped himself in my lap. "I have something that I need to tell you... I can't imagine not being with you but I need you to know this. I need you to know about my past Tom," he said while fiddling with my fingers, he gnawed on his bottom lip once he was done showing just how nervous he was. I gently brushed his hair from his face, "Go head love I'm listening," I said as I gently brushed my lips against his cheek, he sighed before getting up and began to pace in front of me.

"I'm from the future. As you know I am the Master of Death... in my first life when I died I was given a chance to come back in time... obviously I took that chance," he made eye contact with me for a brief moment, "In my time I was the 'chosen one'. I was selected by Dumbledore for the 'greater good' to defeat the dark lord of the time... from the moment I got my first Hogwarts' letter I was put under strong compulsions, one of my so called friends was being paid to be my friend, and that person's mother also had me under strong love potions and compulsions as well. Before that however I was put into my muggle families 'care', they abused me as often as they could, Dumbledore paying them off to do it so that I could be his perfect little sheep. So that I would be able to go to my death without and qualms, I did it too you know?" he took a deep breath as he went to continue.

"Throughout my entire Hogwarts career I was faced with dangerous... 'tasks'. I didn't however get to do my seventh year, I was too busy being on the run from the Dark Lord and the law. I was part of a war Tom. A war that wiped out multiple wizarding lines, the Black's, Lupin's, Lestrange's... and many, many more, hell some of the lines that I see today had died off completely before I even got to school in my time!" he was breathing heavily as he continued to pace, I silently stood and took him into my embrace, he clung onto me desperately before continuing. "I was forced into a marriage with a close friend of mine, there was no real love between us... she had tried to help me though, but it was of no use. We had offspring... three to be exact. All of them were murdered before the could even properly experience life, my 'wife' was also killed. For many, many years I lived within solitude, my only company being a very old house elf and a few friends that were still alive. I killed myself when I was over 150 years old... not because I was lonely, no I decided I didn't want to die at the hands of dimwitted arseholes," I chuckled as I continued to rub Hadrian's back, "I believe that my little imp," he sighed as he gently pulled back. 

He put his wand to his temple before pulling out a silvery strand he summoned the pensive closer before setting the memory into it. He gestured for me to go first and so I did. I was transported to a neighborhood, all the houses were plain and boring. Then I heard the screaming of a child begging for help, I turned in that direction to see a small boy with raven black hair and big emerald green eyes hidden behind big round glasses fleeing from a group of boys. The boy had tears running down his face as he desperately ran, "That was me, the boys that were chasing me was my cousin and his goons. They were playing their favorite game called Harry Hunting," I watched in dismay as the fattest child I have ever seen grabbed the young Hadrian and threw him to the ground, the other boys joined into the beating that the fat boy had started. I growled as I watched adults walk by, ignoring the cry's for help coming from young Hadrian. I was pulled from the memory then, Hadrian was silently watching me, I was seething as I looked down at the pensive. Hadrian then took another memory and placed it within the pensive, I glared at it not wanting to watch whatever it was, but I knew that Hadrian wanted me to. I took a deep breath before diving into the memory.

This memory seemed to be later in Hadrian's life. I watched as the same boy with round glasses walked into a room, the room contained a cerberus which was sleeping to the sound of the harp, there were to other children with him. One had bright orange hair, he was a bit on the chubby side with freckles dotting his whole face, the other child was a girl with big bushy hair.  I watched as the three children approached the beast and began to move it's paw, "This was my first year at Hogwarts. The two children beside me are Hermione and Ronald Weasley," Hadrian said beside me as we watched the children barley escape the three headed dogs bite, we followed them through the latch and into what seemed to be devil's snare, I noticed how Hadrian sneered the Weasley boy's name, "Is Weasley the false friend then?" I asked, Hadrian simply nodded as he watched the orange haired boy struggle. 

We followed the children through the memory, and to say the least I was very displeased with what was going on. I watched as child Hadrian walked into an empty room except for a man standing in front of a large ornate mirror. "I wonder if the Mirror of Erised  still works in memories," Hadrian said as the memory seemed to have stopped. He stepped in front of the mirror and smiled, "It doesn't," he said with a chuckle. I raised my brow and stepped in front of the mirror with him, "What is it supposed to do?" I asked. "It's supposed to show your heart most deepest and most desperate desire... at the time mine was to have my parents," Hadrian said with a nostalgic smile, "And now?" I couldn't help but ask, he only shrugged, "I say we find it and find out," he said with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

We surfaced from the memory disgust clear upon my face, "What was that bloody parasite?" I asked in disgust, Hadrian chuckled somewhat sadly, "Would you believe me if I said that was you?" I looked at him in horror as he said this, then it dawned on me, "Is that what would've happened if I had gotten Horcruxes?" I asked. Hadrian nodded with a sad smile, "You would have gone insane and your magic would've become unstable," I swallowed hard at this revelation. 

I watched as he pulled another memory before he put it in the pensive, I eyed it before reluctantly going into the memory. I was greeted by two boys bursting into a room, there was a man with curly blond hair wearing colorful robes, he seemed to be frantically packing his office, the boys were talking excitedly before they trailed off and watched the man frantically pack. "What are you doing?" the young Hadrian asked the peacock of the man, "Ah, well you see..." before the man could finish his sentence, the young Hadrian sneered in disgust, "Are you... packing," the man gave a nervous smile and chuckle, "Ah... yes that would," the man stuttered as he glanced at the two boys, "What about my sister?!" the ginger headed boy yelled, "Ah well, my condolences," he said as he then made to leave. "That man is a coward and disgusting," I sneered as I watched the two boys lead the now captured man. Hadrian laughed, "Just be glad you didn't have a class with him, he gave us a test on him," I raised my eyebrows in shock and disgust, "Do you kill him?" I asked, Hadrian looked at me startled before laughing, "No Tom I didn't kill him, I was only twelve after all," he chuckled as we watched the boys push the professor into the hole of the entrance to the Chamber, I raised my brow as the boys then soon followed.

I sat thinking after we left that memory, Hadrian was watching me closely and carefully, "Say something please, your making me worried," he said finally, his brows were slightly furrowed as he looked at me, a slight frown graced his lips as well. I stood and approached him, caressed his cheek before dipping down and pressing my lips to his, I pulled away without deepening the kiss. "I would've created a horcrux this year... using Myrtle's death," I said as I leaned our foreheads together, "I'm glad that you somehow stopped me from doing that," Hadrian chuckled as he leaned forward to connect our lips again.

"That rat," I growled as I watched a sniveling man whimper as he begged for his life, he looked much like a rat to be completely honest. I watched as Hadrian, or Harry as I've noticed people call him, step in front of the two men stopping them from killing the sniveling imbecile, Hadrian laughed beside me as I continued to look on in disgust at the man, "I believe you'll be eating your words in the next memory," he said chuckling, he laughed harder at the horror that was on my face. 

I sat watching as Hadrian zoomed past me with a dragon hot on his tail, I glared at him as the memory continued to play out, "Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't have a choice," he said slightly offended as I continued to judge him, "Yes well you had the decision not to approach the deadly dragon," I sighed as I turned back to the memory. Once the memory was over it was quickly replaced with a memory of Hadrian in a maze, I raised my brow at him as we followed behind Harry, "I thought you said there were three tasks," he shrugged as we continued to trudge on with the memory, "The second task wasn't all that traumatic. To be honest I kind think that one was just bull shit," he said shrugging his shoulders as we watched Harry and another boy grab the cup. We were transported to a grave yard then, I glanced around in curiosity as the boys also looked around. I watched the scene unfold in front of me, I felt bile rise in my throat as I watched the rat man slice open Hadrian's arm, I grabbed Hadrian's arms and checked for the scar, I was glad to see nothing there. I was watching once again in horror as I watched the snake man walk around, I glanced at Hadrian to see him somewhat amused at my reaction to what future me was supposed to look like. 

Finally, finally Hadrian stopped torturing me with his trauma's, we had gotten Ticky to get us some fire whiskey, I was sipping on it as I glared at Hadrian, "I'm glad your just as traumatized as I am," Hadrian said with a small chuckle and wide smile. I huffed in indignation.

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