Chapter 40

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I was reading on the bed, I was barely listening to whatever Hadrian was ranting about, today we are going to meet my father and Hadrian has been stressing ever since he's woken up. I sighed as he started ranting about something involving chairs, I closed my book, setting it down and getting up to stop my pacing lover. I grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him, I slid my tongue against the seam of his mouth causing him to gasp allowing me access to his mouth, I instantly intertwined our tongues, I pulled back gently tugging on his bottom lip as I did so. 

Hadrian panted as he looked at me, his face was slightly flushed, *Lovely you need to calm down. Everything will be fine, we've got an amazing  plan, don't worry as long as we have each other everything will be fine,* I kissed his forehead gently, he chuckled as he grabbed my hand and nuzzled into it. *That was surprisingly sappy,* he said laughing. I kissed him and relaxed as I felt some of his stress go away, "Oh good you've relaxed," I said with a smirk, "Oh... I forgot that you can feel what I can feel," he chuckled nervously, I laughed as I kissed him again. 

Hadrian has significantly calmed down since earlier, he's stopped pacing and has instead moved on to nervously running his hands through my hair, I know for a fact that my hair probably looked more than atrocious right now, I sighed as I felt him scratch lightly at my scalp, "Is it time yet?" he asked for the umpteenth time, I sighed and cast a tempus, "We have ten minutes," I sighed as I got up to comb my hair and actually try to look presentable, Hadrian whined as he got up and followed me to the bathroom, watching as I combed out the atrocious mess that was currently my hair. 

I moved to the closet with Hadrian close on my heels, I carefully picked out our outfits, two nice formal robes both in a dark crimson. I handed Hadrian his and watched as his face fell, "Do I really have to?" Hadrian asked with a cringe, "Yes," I said sternly and watched as he grumbled and walked to go get changed.  I came out of the closet to see Hadrian finishing buttoning his shirt, I smirked as I walked towards him taking him by the waist. 

We walked through the shadows until we got to Little Hangleton, we appeared right in front of the front door of the mansion. I glanced at Hadrian to see him looking nervous, I glanced back at the door and knocked. We waited for the door to open for several minutes before finally it creaked open to reveal an old butler, he looked down his nose at us which I must say was very much impressive considering that I towered over the man, Hadrian on the other hand not so much. I chuckled under my breath as I felt Hadrian's frustration and annoyance. 

"May I help you sirs?" the man asked with an undertone of annoyance,  "We would like to talk to one Tom Riddle?" the man looked us up and down again before opening the door a bit wider, "Please come in and wait here please," he said leading us into the house and into what appeared to be the lounge. We sat down and waited, the butler went up the stairs and out of sight. We could hear some ruckus from upstairs and then a loud bang, Hadrian and I shared a look.

Soon we heard foot steps, we both watched as two people came down the stairs. I watched anxiously as a man stepped into the lounge with the butler, the man had this permanent look of smugness, he looked down at Hadrian and I as we stood, I was unsurprised to notice that I was taller than him. "You requested to speak with me?" he said, I smiled and held out my hand, "Hello I am Tom Marvolo Riddle," I watched as the his face fell, his face morphed into a snarl, "Your that wenches spawn," he spat, I felt disappointment swell in me, Hadrian grabbed my hand in reassurance which didn't go unnoticed by Riddle Snr. 

"What do you freaks want?" he spat again, I felt Hadrian's flinch, at that I felt the rage boil within me, "I came to see if you were the scum bag I was hoping you to be," I said looking down at him as I wrapped my arm around Hadrian. I watched as the muggles eyes narrowed, with a swift wave of my hand he was placed under the imperious curse, I watched as his eyes glazed over, I made him walk out of the house and toward the Gaunt shack. As Hadrian and I followed him through the shadows I looked at Hadrian in concern, he was awfully quiet. *Are you alright my dear?* I asked, Hadrian sighed but nodded, *I just hate that word... freak that is. My muggle relatives...* he didn't need to say more I understood completely, I kissed his forehead and continued to lead him. 

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