Chapter 35

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I watched as Hadrian walked around the manor in awe, an old house elf was giving us the tour of the place, although I had been here before it was still somewhat new to me. I had the whole inside renovated, I kept some of the old design though, like the grand staircase, the fireplace with the coat of arms above it, the large Roman like columns, and the high painted ceiling within the ball room, dining room, lounge room, and library. So far we were just barely three quarters of the way done with the tour, I liked the new and more modern look to the dark hard wooden floors and light grey and dark forest green walls.

Finally we made it to the western wing which held all of the main bedrooms, the lords suite, the heir suite, and other more lavish rooms.
"Where would Master Hadrian like to stay?" the elf asked tilting its head slightly. "He'll be in the lord suite with me Ticky," I smiled at the elf who in turn nodded before leading us to our room. 

Hadrian walked into the room with an audible gasp, the room was painted a rich black with small silver and grey accents upon the walls, there was a large fireplace that had two large dark wooden shelves on either side of it, and a soft black love seat in front of it, there was also a desk placed near the windows upon the east wall, several paces from the desk were the doors to a grand balcony that gave an amazing view of the property below, also allowing for a great view of the sun rise. Across the room were two doors that led to a large spacious closet, that also led into the master bathroom. Set in the center of the room was a large canopy bed with silky black covers and large fluffy blankets, two small mahogany tables on either side. 

I watched as Hadrian looked around the room with a face of awe, I turned to the elf and silently dismissed it as I turned back to Hadrian. I walked up to him and lifted him into my arms causing him to let out a squeak. 


I was looking around the whole manor in awe, everything about the place was nice, the walls and floors looked more modern, but small things like the fireplaces, stairs, lights, clocks, and furniture in general were more styled in the Victorian era. I loved everything about the manors design. 

Then we finally got to our room and I couldn't stop gapping, the room was luxuriously beautiful, I slowly walked around the room in awe taking everything in, from the large fireplace, to the little tables beside the bed, and Merlin help me the bed. The bed was extremely large, not to mention that it looked extremely comfortable.

I felt familiar strong arms wrap around me before lifting me into a bridal carry, an undignified squeak left my lips as Tom lifted me off the ground and carried me over to the bed. He chucked me onto it before kneeling over me, a sly smirk gracing his face as he looked down at me. I felt breathless as I looked up at him, he slowly lent down allowing our lips to just ever so slightly brush against each other. He leant down to my ear causing shivers to wrack my body as he whispered in my ear, "How do you like the manor, *darling?*"  I felt a blush creep up and onto my cheeks, *I love it* I hissed unconsciously, Tom chuckled as he pulled away from my ear. 

He connected our lips together finally, I hummed as his tongue twirled against my own, he sucked on my tongue lightly before pulling away, he smirked down at me before tilting his head to lightly run his lips down my throat. I groaned as he began to lightly nibble the juncture  of my neck, before harshly sucking on it, *I swear to Merlin's beard that if you bite me a-* I cut myself off with a sharp moan as Tom bit into my flesh. He pulled away with a smirk dancing on his face as he swiped the blood off his lip with his thumb. I could feel the tears at the corners of my eyes as the pleasure consumed me, I was panting as Tom went to continue to leave marks upon my skin. He nipped and bit at my neck, I knew that late I would curse him to hell but at the moment I couldn't give a damn. 

Suddenly a thought sprung upon me, normally around this time someone, or something, would interrupt us, I couldn't help but to let out a chuckle as Tom began to unbutton my shirt to get to more skin. He stopped his actions and looked up at me in curiosity and slight annoyance, "What?" he growled as he began to suck and nip at my collarbone. "It's nothing, I was just thinking of something," I said with another chuckle, Tom raised his eyebrow at me before biting down on my collarbone, hard. I let out a gasp and groan. 

"I was just thinking about how normally right about now something would interrupt us," I said breathlessly as Tom finally removed my shirt, he pulled back slightly and chuckled too, "That is true... but let's not jinx it," he leant over and knocked onto the wooden table. 

There was then a loud pop, "Masters lunch is served," came the small voice of Ticky. I burst into hysterics at Tom's murderous expression, I rolled away from him as I clutched my stomach. "Thank you Ticky," I said between wheezes, the elf nodded before popping away again. I was just barely calming down when Tom pulled me back towards him. He connected our lips again not wasting time to make it deep and passionate, soon the mood was back on. 

I groaned as he began to nip at my other collarbone, Tom leaned away and began to unbutton his own shirt as he leaned forward to connect our lips again, I clung on desperately to his hair as our tongues got entangled. Then there was a loud growl, we both froze. I pulled away and looked down at my stomach, which growled loudly again. "Dammit Hadrian," Tom growled as he stood and made for the door of the bedroom, I laughed as I threw my shirt back on following quickly after him. 


I was scowling at Hadrian as we ate the lunch the elf's prepared, they had made us some soup and croissant chicken sandwiches, Hadrian was happily sipping at his soup, every now and then taking a small bite of the sandwich. He looked up at me with a wide small, eyes gleaming with mischief, "Please stop pouting Tom, I promise we won't be disturbed on our bonding," he said with a smile. I felt excitement well up in me at the mention of our bonding, then it dawned on me of what the little imp did, "What are you planning my little imp?" I asked as I took a spoon full of soup. He tried to wear an innocent expression when he answered, "Nothing really Tom, just a small idea," he said before taking a sip of tea. I narrowed my eyes at him, "Do enlighten me my dear," I demanded.

He gulped before responding, "Promise not to interrupt, or get overly protective, or angry?" he asked, I skeptically nodded my head.  "I want to kill Grindelwald. He's going around using my coat of arms as his symbol, that and he won't stop coming after the Hallows. That puts everyone I love in danger Tom, I can't ju-" during his rant I had stood and made my way around the table to him, I lifted his head and firmly planted my lips onto his. "We'll discuss it more after we've bonded," I said, gently stroking his face, he nodded with a soft small dancing across his face.

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