Chapter 30

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I sighed as the Nott's gathered in their entrance hall before apparating to the Malfoy Manor, I watched as the family disapparated. I waited a moment before apparating myself, when I landed it was in front of a familiar iron gate, I huffed as I made my way towards the entrance, lanterns were floating along the path for the party guests, I took in the well kept property and shivered as memories resurfaced, although there was probably only a few bad memories the others much more happy, although after Hermione and Draco married they renovated the whole manor to help get the manor feel more like home and to dissolve some of the bad memories held there. This however was not a renovated manor and still looked like the place where my friends and I were held captive and tortured, I shuttered at the memories.

I made it to the foyer to be greeted by a small and meek looing house elf, the elf had bruises littering it's small body causing my blood to boil. "Hello party guest of Master," the elf said in a small voice, "May I take your coat?" he asked, his voice got meeker as he continued speak. The small elf seemed to shrink in on itself as I stared at, then it hit me. The party guests have been taking hits at the poor thing all night, I tried to stay calm as I took of my coat, I hung it up on my own before conjuring a potion from my personal storage, I held out the potion to the small creature, "Take a small drink of this it will alleviate the pain, then hide it in your... room. If your masters question where you got it, say you got it from Lord Peverell," I said, the elf looked up at me with wide eyes as he looked at me with admiration. It disappeared for a split second before appearing again looking ever so slightly better.  I smiled before heading further into the manor to join the rest of the party. The elf led me through the manor to where the party was, once we arrived the elf announced my name causing the party goers to look in my direction. 

I slowly descended into the room allowing my eyes to roam the room looking for people I knew. I felt an arm slowly slink around my waist, I turned to glare at the person only to be met by oh so familiar crimson eyes. I felt my face soften as I smiled up at him, "Your late," he said with a slight glare. "I showed up didn't I?" I said with a smirk. He scowled at me as I said this, "You'll be leaving here with me. I've reconstructed one of my ancestors manors, we'll be staying there from now on," he said, I raised my brow as he began to lead me to someone. "What are you doing?" I asked he only smirked down at me as he joined my side, linking our arms together, "Making alliances," he said, I only scowled, "I don't want to make alliances with people that abuse their house elf's" I said, glaring at some smug looking bastards. I heard Tom sigh, "Well once we have more allies and more influence less people will want to upset you," he said with exasperation.

I huffed as we approached a couple with fine blond hair, "Lady and Lord Malfoy, what a wonderful party," Tom's said, I didn't even bother to try and smile, I was already bored. I blocked out the conversation before me as I took in the crowded room. My eyes finally landed on a familiar group, "Excuse me," I said with a fake smile as I detached myself from Tom and made my way over to the group. "Hello Hadrian," Orion said with a polite smile I nodded a greeting back smiling, "Have I ever introduced you to my family?" Orion asked, I raised my brow at that, "I don't believe you have."


I was sitting at my desk thinking, the Peverell boy was far from being within my reach, not to mention he acted extremely suspicious, it didn't help that he asked the sorting hat to be placed in Slytherin out of spite, but now he was firmly within Tom's clutches. I sighed and rubbed my temples in frustration, there is no possible way that Peverell allowed himself to fall within the grasp of a dark wizard such as Tom.... he must be under some sort of compulsion charm. I felt triumph at this, this meant that Peverell could still be of some use to me.


I watched as Hadrian conversed with my Knights from across the room, I wasn't really listening to the lord in front of me, quite frankly I found his rambling of how 'creatures should be imprisoned' annoying. "He's a fine fellow. I would very much like a taste of him... he's quite pretty," I felt my blood boil when I heard the fool in front of me say this, I returned my full attention to him with a smile, "Who do you speak of sir?" I asked, the vile man just chuckled, "Why Peverell of course!" he said with a jolly laugh. I dropped my smile and glared at him, "How about you join me for a conversation outside?" the man didn't seem to notice my glare or my deadly calm tone as he agreed. As I made my way to the doors with the lord following behind me I made eye contact with Abraxas and Orion, they seemed to understand my expression and nodded as they followed us from a distance, most likely to guard the door to keep people from interrupting me.

"What is it you wanted to speak about?" the man asked, "I just wanted to make it clear what things belong to you and what doesn't belong to you... Hadrian Peverell is mine, and if you so much as look at him again it will be the last thing you do," I said as I glared at the man, he went to say something but was cut off with his own scream as he fell to his knees in pain. I watched as the man writhed in pain as the crutiatus took full effect. "Do I make myself clear?" the man continued to scream as he tried to nod his head, "Do I make myself clear?" I snarled, "Yes! YES!" he screamed. I smirked as I released him, "Good," the man panted as he kneeled on the ground. "What's your name again?" I asked, the man scowled up at me only for me to put him under the curse again, he screamed again causing satisfaction to flow through me, "Name?" I asked again in a bored tone, "Orford Umbridge," I thought for a moment, the name did sound familiar, he probably had a child at Hogwarts, "Are you even a lord?" I asked with disgust, "I am!" he cried indignantly, I glared at him as I once again put him under the curse, "Do you work for the Ministry?" I asked hoping he would say no, he wheezed a yes, I scowled. "What department?" I asked almost in a hiss, "Magical Maintenance," he said. I blinked a couple of times as I realized what he said, I started laughing at the man still kneeling at my feet, "What gives you right to think that someone like Hadrian Peverell would ever want a bottom licker like you?" I cackled. The man winced, I smirked as I turned to leave, "Leave. Don't let me ever see you again," I said as I made it back to the doors.

I walked back inside to see Orion and Abraxas looking slightly concerned, "He's still alive don't worry, he just didn't know his place," I said as I walked by. Once back inside the room my eyes instantly landed on Hadrian, he was laughing at something Lestrange was saying, his eyes drifted over to me and he smiled at me, I smiled slightly back at him.

1359 Words.

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