Chapter 24

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I was sulking as I sat between Tom and Abraxias, the Malfoy heir raised his brow at me, "Are you alright Hadrian?" he asked, I scowled before responding, "Fine, just peachy actually," I said sarcastically, Abraxias' eyebrows raised farther onto his head, "He's sulking because I wouldn't pay attention to him," Tom spoke from beside me, I snapped my eyes at him as my glare intensified. "Well on a more brooding note, the professors believe that they found some evidence that could lead back to a student," Orion said, a glimmer of excitement shining in his eyes, "Which student?" Corban asked, we all gave our attention to Orion, "One Rubeus Hagrid," I watched as everyone's faces contorted into confusion, "He's a Gryffindor half giant," Orion said, voice dripping with disgust, "So... he's a half breed?" Chao said wrinkling his nose in disgust, his twin also wrinkled his nose. I share a glance with Tom as the circle continued to discuss the murders and the supposed murderer. I hissed lowly to him, *We need to find convincing evidence that it's him * Tom sighed as he nodded, * Yes, but the question is what? * I wracked my brain for an answer before a memory resurfaced, the memory of what the diary horcrux showed me, * I have an idea * I say as I get up, Tom raised an eyebrow as he followed me up. "Going to go enjoy yourself Tom?" Orion asked as we left, Tom only chuckled before wrapping his arm around my waist briefly brushing his hand against my ass. I felt my face heat up as I walked faster.

I was walking towards the room that I remembered Hagrid holding his giant spider, as we got to the room Tom grabbed hold of me before stepping into a shadow. Like always when stepping into a shadow with Tom it was utterly dark, the only comfort that I had was Tom's warm arms wrapped around me, I was snuggly pressed against his chest, the only warmth that was in this place. Suddenly we were back into the real world, I blinked a few times to get used to the light again, "Can you warn me next time you take me into the shadows?" I asked with a huff, Tom smirks down at me before looking back up, "My apologies love but our little murderer was visiting his pet," He smiled in satisfaction, "How did you know that he had an Acromantula?" I shrugged before responding, "Death has many secrets that includes its master," I say as I walk away, "So do you want to tell Dippet or Dumbledore?" Tom hummed in thought before responding, "We will tell no one but let Hagrid expose himself instead," he had an evil smirk on his face as he spoke. 


I watched Hadrian walk beside me, he intrigues me to no end, but instead of annoying me it only made me fancy him even more, making him more appealing to me. I wrapped my arm around his waist pulling him closer to me, he looked up at me with a smirk as we made our way back to our dormitories, we had conveniently left the door open for the spider, we knew it wouldn't be able to resist just a single moment of freedom, and of course the half giant would foolishly try and find his missing spider. I sighed in satisfaction, we had plucked some hair from the spider although both of us almost losing a limb as we did so, we had placed the hairs where the bodies were, the bodies were moved but the scene was still being surveyed by the ministry officials.  

Once we reached the Slytherin common room Hadrian instantly went to my chair, I followed him to the seat, I sat down and pulled Hadrian into my lap. My inner circle made their way to the chairs around us, Hadrian looked at me with raised eyebrows, * Are we going to tell them of our plan * I hummed in thought before sighing * What do you think I should do love? * he thought for a moment before responding * I think we should tell them... they are your most loyal, * I sighed before nodding, I called the attention of my followers, they looked at me expectantly as I put up privacy charms around us, I explained the plan to them. 

As I finished explaining the knights shared glances, "Any questions?" I asked as I finished, again they all glanced at each other, "What would you like us to do," Orion finally asked, "Nothing for now, I need you all to act as if nothing has changed," they all nodded and continued to sit in silence. Finally Rixas broke the silence, "So... you ordered the basilisk to kill Warren because she injured Hadrian?" he asked, "Yes, although I simply said to get revenge," Chao laughed at that, "Yes similar to how you disposed of the aurors," he smiled wickedly as he cackled with his twin. "Is there anything else you need from us Tom?" Abraxias asked, I glanced at him before looking back at the group, "That is all you are dismissed," I said as I watched the group slowly get up and disperse. I sighed as I ran wrapped my arms more securely around Hadrian closing my eyes as I did so, he shifted until he was facing me to run his fingers through my hair. I hummed in satisfaction as he continued to run his fingers through my hair, "I would say that that went fairly well, wouldn't you?" he said as he scratched lightly at my scalp, I hummed before responding, "My knights have gotten used to my ways, so yes it went well," Hadrian chuckled as he listened to me. I slowly opened my eyes to gaze up at him, I leaned forward and captured his lips into a soft kiss, we slowly moved our lips against each other, it was a slow kiss, very different from our normal hunger filled kisses. Hadrian pulled away first as he got up and headed to our dormitory. I too got up to follow him, I walked into the room to see Hadrian laying on my bed, he smiled at me as he got comfortable and patted the bed beside him, I chuckled as I made my way over to him to lay beside him. 

Hadrian was napping against my chest as I read the shadow book. I was almost done with the book but that didn't mean that I was a master. I was on my way to becoming a shadow master but the only way to solidify my place as the shadow master I needed to create my own spell with the shadows and I already had an idea of what I would create. I ran my fingers soothingly through Hadrian's hair as I continued to read. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, in the doorway was Abraxias, he slowly came closer to my bed, "What is it Abraxias?" I asked as I watched him get closer, he took a deep breath which was never good for Abraxias, it normally means that he's about to disagree or have a concern. "Tom... are you sure you should be doing all this? Murdering Warren was one thing but murdering a whole auror quadrant? Then blaming it on the half giant? I know your blaming it on his creature but nobody is going to believe this! And all for what? Some fling that is only going to last a month? Hadrian is going to bore you eventually and when that happens you will realize your mistakes," I watched him rant, I felt rage boil in me but I hid it under many mental barriers. "Every decision I make is carefully calculated. Blaming it on the half giant is the best choice, everyone will believe he surrendered himself to his savage ancestry, by the time they believe he is innocent his wand will be broken and he'll be on probation for life. Now the concerning matter of Hadrian and I. You accuse it to being a fling of one month, but it isn't I am serious about him, I am however courting him," I watched as Abraxias continued to shrink in on himself as I spoke, my rage wasn't visible but the deadly calm of my voice made him cower. I had kept my voice low and never stopped the stroking of his hair as I spoke in an effort to keep Hadrian asleep. Abraxias bowed and hung his head low as he left.


I was storming down the corridor back to the dorm lounge Tom's words were ringing in my head, I felt myself get sick at what I had said, I never go against Tom but now that this... this boy is here I always feel sick and angry. I sat down next to Nathaniel as I fumed he raised a delicate brow at me, "I'm guessing your talk didn't go well?" he asked, I sighed but nodded, "I lost my temper and my words escaped me," I said bitterly. Nott nodded before getting lost in thought, "Do you suppose that Tom will stop all his plans for Hadrian?" he asked finally, I felt my heart stutter, "No. Tom has worked too hard to through his plans away," I said with finality. Nathaniel glanced at me before humming, "Abraxias have you considered that you are jealous of Hadrian for having all of Tom's attention?" he asked I huffed, because yes it has occurred to me, although I didn't fancy Tom I still didn't like the lack of attention. "You need to be distracted and relaxed," Nathaniel said dragging me from my thoughts, I looked at him in curiosity, "What are you suggesting?" I asked, he smiled at me wickedly, "I'm sure Avery or Black would be more than willing to distract you," I felt my trousers grow tighter at the thought, it was no secret between the knights that we'll seek pleasure or a distraction from one another, this was no different. I stood up making my way back to the dormitories, "I'll go see if Avery isn't busy, I'm not feeling in the mood for Black's... preferences today," I heard Nathaniel laugh behind me. 

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