Chapter 17

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I felt him pressed up against me, I felt my body tingle wherever he touched me. I shivered refusing to make eye contact with him, he leaned in closer to me, nibbling my ear before hissing into it *Look at me Hadrian,* I shivered again. I glanced up at him, his eyes were a bright red making yet another shiver run down my spine as I spotted the lust pooling there. *Tom* I unconsciously hissed back, before I could utter another word his lips were slamming into mine making me gasp, his tongue was prodding and sweeping into my mouth.

I shoved him off of me. I like Tom, a lot, but I need to find my place in his future first before I decide to become his lover. Tom glared at me for pushing him away, "Hadrian, you are MINE. I suggest you don't shove me away again," he said startling me. I felt something in me boil, making me beyond angry, I know this rage well. This is the rage that I feel every time I thought of Dumbledore, this is the rage that comes when I get sick and tired of people telling me what to do. 

Before I could think of what I was doing I was ranting, "I am not yours Tom, I am not a bloody object to be obtained or owned. I am my own person! If you can't respect that than I suggest you stay the bloody hell away from me before I curse you," I growled. Tom's glare became more deadly, all traces of lust gone, "I have already claimed you as mine Hadrian, the school knows it, the world knows, and I know it. The only one who is in denial is you," he said coolly even though I could see the rage in his eyes, this only made my blood boil more. "I am not in denial! I know who I belong to! And it's not bloody well you!" I shouted as I made my way to leave. Right before I could fully exit though Tom was shouting out, "Who do you belong to then!?" his shout was more of a roar of rage, his magic lashing out to shake the ground and brake things around us. 

Before I could think of my reply the answer was spilling from my mouth, "NOBODY! I AM THE MASTER OF DEATH I BELONG TO NO ONE!" I all but snarled. We both froze. I felt regret crawl it's way up my spine, I could feel Riddle's gaze burning through me, I ran for it. I sprinted out of there as if dementors were after me, I didn't stop running till I made it to the forbidden forest, even then I kept running.

When I finally stopped running I was completely and utterly lost, I'm still huffing for air as I summon Death. "Master? What is it? I can feel your distress," Death said from behind me. I just plopped down onto the forest floor allowing the past argument to flow through my mind, knowing for a fact Death will see it. I felt anger boil inside me once again, then regret. "I fucked up Death... I really, really fucked up," I said at last. "Yes you did," Death agreed, I huffed out a hysteric laugh at that, "What am I going to do? He knows! I'm screwed," I felt frustrated as my eyes welled up with tears.


I watched as Hadrian ran from the room, I let him go, still processing what just happened. He just confessed to being the Master of Death. How old is Hadrian really then? How many times has he died? As questions continued to swarm inside my mind I collapsed onto the floor feeling dread seep into my heart.

I don't know why it tore me up so much that I had hurt my Hadrian. I don't even know what I did wrong! I've been overly possessive of him all day! Why is he just now fed up with it? Goodness he's worse than a girl.

I stood up and left starting my search for Hadrian, I passed several students not bothering to put on the fake, kind smile. I passed by a Slytherin third year and called his attention to me, "Have you seen Peverell?" The boy shook like a leaf before responding in a meek voice, "He went into the forest."

I nodded before heading into that direction. The look Hadrian gave me before fleeing filled my mind, his face had morphed into realization, regret, and horror within a second. I continued my search for Hadrian nearing the Foorbidden Forest before melting myself into shadow. I had been practicing my shadow magic and so far shadow stepping has been my favorite skill.

I searched through the shadows before I came to a stop when I heard voices, one that I easily recognized as Hadrian and the other unfamiliar, the voice was deep and had an ominous rattle to it. I peered through the shadows to see Hadrian speaking to a tall dark figure, Hadrian had tears running down his face as he made frantic hand motions, he was talking in a rush, panic over taking his voice. I hated it, hearing him sound so frantic and seeing him so terrified. I turned my attention to the tall figure, it loomed over Hadrian. I couldnt see its face since it's back was to me.

Hadrian suddenly nodded and wiped his eyes before the figure vanished. I moved to the shadows just behind Hadrian before stepping out.


I was still standing in the middle of the forest when I heard Tom's smooth baritone voice. Death hadn't been much help with this whole situation, I was still completely and utterly lost on what I should do. I whipped around to face Tom making my face a carefully blank mask, "Riddle, what are you doing here?" I asked, making my voice monotone. Tom raised a brow at me, "Are we going to be civilized or am I going to drag you back to the castle to talk?" He asked his tone was calm but his eyes flashed with brief annoyance, "I do believe we can stay here and be civilized," I responded smoothly. Tom huffed before coming closer, "Hadrian we need to talk about our earlier disagreement."

I looked away from him, I don't want to talk about what I said... I don't want to explain that to him. "Hadrian. The reason I say you are mine is because I fancy you. Not because I believe you're my personal property," I looked back up at him, he stepped closer to me, "I also want to talk about what you said before you left," I glared at him. "I dont want to talk about it," I said coldly. He blinked before his eyebrow twitched.

"Well I do Hadrian. I don't like the idea that I've offended or hurt you in any way, so let's talk about this," his voice was calm and soothing and I almost gave in... almost. I huffed before crossing my arms over my chest, turning my back to him.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms engulfed me and pressed my back against a well defined and rock hard chest. *Don't be mad at me Hadrian, it won't end well,* he hissed into my ear making me shiver against him. I craned my neck to look at him... dammit why is he so tall? *You're so cute and short... perfectly built for me,* I felt my eye twitch. I drew up my leg before driving my heel into his shin... hard.

He cried out in pain letting me go. I instantly scurried away heading into a random direction, "That's what you get for calling me short and cute! You poorly wrapped piece of horse shit!" I yelled from over my shoulder. Taking glee at watching his face scrunch up in confusion and anger. I laughed as I turned back around quickly running smack into a tree. I groaned as I fell backwards and onto the ground rubbing at my head. I heard Tom laugh from behind me as he approached, I scrambled back up and gave him the bird over my shoulder as I ran off again.

I was wheezing and out of breath by the time I came to a stop, I was somewhere deep in the woods but I don't really care, I leaned against a tree before plopping myself on the ground to rest. I had lost Tom a while ago but it's better safe than sorry. *Are you done running now?* I darted my eyes up to see Tom standing over me with a wide smirk on his face. I spluttered before cursing violently, the bastard wasn't even breathing hard! *Let's talk Hadrian... please,* I blinked up at him. He said please... Tom never says please. I swallowed my nerves before responding, *Ok Tom let's talk.*

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