Chapter 3

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I awoke in purgatory, I growled to myself as I slammed my fist down onto the ground. I heard a dark chuckle from beside me, I whipped my head around to look at Death, "What?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him. "I though you would live longer is all, oh well. You should be up and running in a few more minutes, though just a little warning, you will be exhausted when you awake," Death said with a shit-eating grin, I huffed in annoyance. "How long was I in that hell hole?" I snarled, only making Death chuckle, "Five days," he said with a growing smirk.

I gasped awake only to be in what I assume to be a body bag. I looked around as best as I could in through the white fabric, I heard someone come in and head towards me, I instantly went still keeping in the same position I had awoken, the person pulled away the blanket or maybe tarp, I sat bolt up right causing the person to let out a horrific scream. I snapped my head towards the sound to see a women running out of the room, I sighed and stretched feeling a satisfying pop, I looked around at my surroundings, I came to the conclusion that I am currently in a morgue. I lifted a brow and slowly got up, like Death said I was exhausted, I slowly made my way out of the room. When I got out the door I was greeted with a long hallway that led to a staircase leading up, I followed it up to be greeted by a set of doors. I slowly opened them to be greeted by utter chaos on the other side, I stood still watching the mayhem, nurses were running everywhere, doctors were scurrying around dropping papers as they hurried by, a big heavy looking door then burst open and a whole team of aurors flooded into the chaos, I blink once, then twice, then thrice. I let out a low chuckle, everyone seemed to stop what they were doing to look at me, suddenly everything started at once, most of the doctors surged froward, someone screamed, nurses were running toward the desk to get papers, and the aurors sprinted towards me drawing their wands. I quickly became alarmed of my situation and instantly took off running down one of the many halls away from the aurors. I was relying on my adrenaline as I sprinted down the halls, I noticed that it felt very breezy, I quickly looked down to see I was as naked as the day I was born... not only was I in the morgue presumed dead, but now I was running around a hospital of some sort, and I was also butt ass naked like some mental maniac, I huffed and continued to run. As I skid around a corner I noted the basket of dirty clothes, I sprinted towards it and picked out something that looked like a shirt and pants, I looked around quickly, my gaze fell on a closed door, I ran towards it, slammed it open, and rolled in like a maniac. I quickly threw on the clothes, looking down I paled noticing that the whole ensemble was completely covered in blood... great now I look like a sociopath... I huffed and went back into the hall only to be tackled by at least 10 different bodies. I squawked in surprise as I hit the floor hard.

I awoke again, but this time in a bed thankfully, I looked around to notice that I was in what looked like a hospital room, suddenly the door opened. I looked over to the person, only to see a nurse concentrated on her clip board, once she looked up her face instantly morphed into shock, then she seemed to brighten, "How are you feeling?" she asked, "Like ten men pilled on me... so... brilliant really," I said, giving her my best smile, she giggled, 'Merlin I hate it when people giggle,' I thought to myself though I kept my smile plastered on, "I'm just going to run a quick scan," she stated as she began to cast the spell I watched her as she did so. "Well everything seems to be okey dokey," she said giggling, "Great!" I responded cheerily, she giggled once again, "There is a lot of people who want to speak to you by the way, the ministry, the headmaster from Hogwarts, and a teacher from Hogwarts as well. Also our best doctor would like to check up on you Mr...?", she explained trailing off so I could give her my name, it was now clear to me that she was either a halfblood, or a muggleborn, "I'm alright with talking to everyone, just no press. Ah, and my name is Hadrian Peverell," I answered, she nodded and wrote something on her notes, she then turned and left. Not even five minutes later a man walked in, "Peverell I assume?" he asked, I simply nodded at him, he ran some tests on me, which lasted about 30 minutes, "Everything seems to be in perfect health," I nodded, "I'm curious as to how you were dead for at least three hours, then you are able to walk as if nothing has happened," I shrugged as my answer not wanting him know that I was the Master of Death, "My family is known to being tolerant towards the killing curse, our heartbeats slow down so much that we can be mistaken as dead," I explained. The doctor nodded slowly, "I have gotten a letter from the goblins requesting to see you," he said, I nodded, "Please tell them to go ahead and head over, I would be more than thrilled to speak to the goblins," I said with a small smile, the doctor nodded and left the room leaving me alone.

A couple of minutes later three goblins walked in, I raised my eyebrow at them, two of them were taller and more burly, they had multiple scars, and I do believe one of them replaced their arm with a long jagged knife, the third one however looked like any other goblin except for the few scars on show, and more curled and pointed ears. "Lord Peverell, we have come here to discuss something with you," the more regal one said, he was surrounded with an air of professionalism, "Of course," I said with a nod. "I am Alnock, the head goblin, and these are my body guards, Bognuk," he gestured toward the one without the knife, "and this is, Rankar," he said gesturing towards the one with the knife as an arm, I nodded to both of them, "Well obviously, I am Lord Peverell it is a pleasure to meet you," I said with a smile, the goblin smiled back, "We are just going to do a blood test to see if you are who you say," he said, "Of course," I said. He pulled a long beautiful dagger with runes on it out of his robes, he gently handed it to me, I admired it as I held it closer to exam it closely, I sliced my hand and smeared my blood on the paper already knowing what to do. I watched as the paper filled with the proper information of the Peverell line, the only thing that stood out the most was the Master of Death tittle, all the goblins turned and looked at me in shock, I shrugged at them as a silent answer, "The goblin nation would be honored to be friends with you, Master of Death," Alnock said, I simply smiled and said as sincerely as I could, "I would also be honored to be friends with the goblin nation, but if we are to be friends I would prefer for you to call me Hadrian," all the goblins gave me big smiles, "To symbolize our friendship, keep the dagger," Alnock said, "Now I came to discuss with you about your safe house?" I simply nodded, "If it's alright can we speak about this at a later date, I will be attending Hogwarts for the time being," Alnock nodded once, "Please do come and visit when you can I would love to have some tea," with that all three of them made to leave, which is when I noticed the royal insignia for the goblin king, "May your gold forever flow, Goblin King," I stated, Alnock turned with a surprised smile, "And may your enemies fall at your feet, Master of Death," he said as he left out the door.

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