Chapter 7

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I couldn't sleep... at least not comfortably, my mind was reeling, I didn't trust anyone in this room. In fact I didn't trust the soon to be murderer sleeping across from me, well I was still planning on what I wanted to do, if I would allow him to proceed on his path, or push him in a less murderous path... honestly I would push him on the path to kill Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore... Merlin he has to many names. Though if I persuade Riddle to kill Dumbledore than a whole lifetime of pain and sorrow would be avoided for many people, not to mention all the death. I rolled over in my bed trying to get more comfortable, I looked through my enchanted curtains, yes I enchanted them, I put up a silencing ward, a sticking charm, and lastly a charm that was like a window for me, people on the other side will only see curtains while I'll see everything, this worked greatly in my favor though sometimes it kind of freaked me out seeing them, before the little DE's went to their respective beds they all stood and stared at me from Riddle's bed as he murmured things to them that I couldn't hear, which reminded me of a muggle movie I had once watched, either way it was incredibly creepy and it pissed of Ignis my Zouwu kit.

I was about to finally get to sleep when I saw movement, I peered over to where it happened only to be greeted by Riddle who was getting up and was starting to pace back and forth, one arm limply by his side the other running through his hair, it was clear that he was stressed, about what I don't know. He turned to my bed and walked towards it, I was half expecting to hear Ignis growl at Riddle when he got too close but he didn't, instead he carefully watched Riddle, I looked to above my head to see Mortem sleeping soundly in her cocoon like state. As Riddle continued to get closer I slowly sat up looking at him, he reached towards my curtains obviously planning to draw them back, when he tried to pull he looked mildly shocked when they wouldn't budge, I watched as he smiled amused that I had stuck my curtains, he chuckled lightly to himself as he made his way back to his bed.

I woke up relatively early the next day not even remembering how I fell asleep, I quickly got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, the bathroom had four shower stalls, but one toilet and one sink... how pleasant. I took a quick shower doing it on the colder side so that I could wake up a little more. Once I left the bathroom I noticed that all of the boys except one were still in bed, that boy was, not surprisingly, Riddle. Our eyes met for a split second before I pulled my gaze away, I made my way towards my trunk summoning my clean robes out of it, I changed carefully fast, I didn't want Riddle to see anything. Once I was fully changed I reached for Mortem, carefully placing her in a pocket, I looked up to see Riddle grab his bag, he glanced up making eye contact with me, "Would you like to walk with me to the hall?" he inquired, I grabbed my satchel and looked at him, "It would be a pleasure," I said putting on a charming smile.


As Peverell and I made our way down to the Great Hall I found that I wasn't all that shocked when Peverell was awake with me, after all he is apparently supposed to be better than myself, though so far he just seems to be a mimic of me, maybe a little less ambitious though. As we continued to walk in silence I found myself thinking of last night, I couldn't sleep so to get my mind pumping I had started to pace the floor, before I got curious, 'How does Peverell sleep so peacefully... well I wouldn't know if he's peaceful... I can sense the silencing ward, he's probably restless...' before I could think of anything else or talk myself out of it, like a sensible wizard, I had found myself trying to see if Peverell was indeed restless, only to be shocked by the sticking charm placed on the curtains, Peverell was certainly smart, though smarter than myself... I will have see.  I was however extraordinarily shocked when I saw the Zouwu watching me approach Peverell's bed. I was drawn out of my thoughts when Peverell spoke, "How did you sleep?" I glanced at him, "Fine, and yourself?" I quire, he shrugs his shoulders, "Sleep and I aren't the greatest of friends at the moment," he stated almost sheepishly. Peverell had this enthrallment about him, he was obviously very handsome, maybe even beautiful, though he still had this boyish charm, though this charm made it seem as though he was chaotic, as though he were troublesome in an exciting way, that made people crave to be with him.

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