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I sat in my old families living space staring at the wall across from me, not bothering to sit on the sofa behind me. I felt broken and quite frankly utterly lost. I knew for a fact that the old coot had fooled with me... stealing from me... keying blocks and potions on me... not to mention the compulsions. After the man had died I had most of the blocks and compulsions removed or broken thanks to his death... this however did not deter the Weasley family from continuing to put me under strong love potions, trust potions, and even hate and mistrusting potions, though when I state Weasley family I mainly mean Ronald Weasley, and Molly Weasley. Ginerva actually tried to help me try and get out of the potions, along with the rest of her siblings. She also heavily accepted the fact that I am gay. This little fact however didn't stop Molly Weasley from forming an illegal marriage certificate tying me with Ginerva, and continuing with the love potions, though three children later, I wasn't regretting them but the fact that I was so susceptible to the potions, it made me furious.

Though I was extraordinarily happy with my children, misery still hit like a plague. First it took out my first child James Sirius Potter, at age 17 just going out into the world, he was kidnapped by escaped Death Eaters and killed, the Death Eaters sending me the head of James, I was devastated, James was extremely confident in himself and everything he did making me proud, he was a fighter... after that death my children were watched like hawks by my friends. My second child that died was sweet little Lily Luna Potter, at age 15 she was struck with a deadly illness that couldn't be named, she was delirious half the time and always called out her families names, mostly James'. The last one to go was Albus Severus Potter, he was only 28 when it happened... his was the most brutal the same Death Eaters who had killed James had killed him, strung up his dead body in Diagon Alley his entrails splattered everywhere, his limbs a mangled mess, and his head missing, for his head was sent in a nicely wrapped package with an explosive that cost Ginerva her life at 86.

I sat in this dreary and dead house reminiscing in good and bad memories. A letter limply held in my hand, the letter read, " Prepare yourself Harry James Potter for we're coming for you we killed your family and now we're coming for you. We will come for your head and take great satisfaction from your death. We will arrive tonight. "
I waited for them to barge into the house that I had inherited from the Potter line, I am at least 150 years old and am well prepared to die. I heard the door explode off the hinges, presumably the front door, I hear two heavy sets of foot steps come towards where I am, as soon as I saw the two horrendous faces, I made a split second decision, albeit stupid, but it was better than having half wits kill me and have the satisfaction, and so I lifted my wand, took a deep breath, looked into their crazed eyes and with last bit of confidents I had left, pointed my wand at my temple, I heard both of them yell at me to stop moving, they fired curses and spells all of which missing me, I grinned at them as I whispered the spell...

"Avada Kadavra"

Then my world went black.

607 Words

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