Chapter 22

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I awoke to someone carding their hand through my hair, I let out a pleased sigh as I snuggled closer to Tom. "It's time to get up love we have a big day ahead of us," Tom rumbles in his morning voice, I felt my face go red as I listened to his normally deep baritone get deeper, it made me shiver with delight. I hummed as I cuddled even closer, Tom let out a deep chuckle as I did so, "Come now Hadrian we have men to dispose of," I huffed as I finally sat up, I scowled down at Tom as he watched me with an amused smirk, he leaned up and captured my lips with his.

He slowly dragged his tongue against the seam of my mouth, I eagerly opened it only for Tom to take his dear sweet time sweeping his tongue into my mouth, I groaned when he slowly sucked on my tongue, I felt him pull me down back onto the bed as he switched our positions so that he was now hovering above me. He intertwined our tongues together before slowly pulling away nipping at my lips as he did so. "Isn't it too fucking early to have morning sex? It's literally 6:30 a.m! Go back to sleep you psychos," I heard Lestrange say with exasperation, I felt my face go red with embarrassment, "Well Corbin if you actually stayed asleep and would mind your own goddamn business we wouldn't have this problem," I felt my face get more hot as I listened to Tom curse, he hardly ever cursed, Corbin just grunted in response to Tom's scolding.

Tom pressed a quick kiss to my lips before getting up, I sighed as I got up too, complaining loudly as I made my way to my dresser to change, the rest of the sleeping boys groaned for me to shut it. I pulled out some tight fitting leather trousers and my dragon hide ankle boots before looking for a shirt. Right as I was about to get frustrated not being able to find a suitable shirt Tom cleared his throat from above me, I looked up at him to see him holding an emerald green silk button up shirt, I quickly snatched it from him before stripping on the spot to change into my other set of clothes. Just as I was about to put on the shirt a large hand pulled me against a hard chest, I looked up at Tom with a smile as he bent down and brushed a chaste kiss onto my lips, "I rather like you without clothes love," he said as he nuzzled into my hair, I laughed before responding, "I'm sure you do but I'm also quite positive that you don't want other people seeing me without clothes," he growled lightly before sighing and letting me go, I smiled at him as I shrugged on his shirt.


I was getting frustrated as Hadrian and I roamed the corridors looking for an auror, Hadrian was beginning to look annoyed as well it had been at four hours and we still haven't found one, as we continued on our way I heard Hadrian let out an irritated sigh. I don't like seeing him so tense and irritated so I did the first thing that came to mind, I grabbed his arm to stop him from walking as I pulled him into my embrace. I felt him instantly relax which in turn made me smile, he tilted his head up to look up at me, he got on his toes not being able to reach my face even then, I laughed as huffed.

I instantly stopped laughing when he punched me in the gut causing me to bend over in pain, he took this opportunity to grab my face and give me a chaste kiss. "Love if your going to punch me you need to at least kiss me a little longer," I wheezed he only smirked in response before kissing me  again, this time I grabbed the back of his head, threading my fingers through his silky hair to keep him in place as I deepened the kiss further, he seemed to have practically melted against me as he moaned into my mouth when I nipped at his tongue.

A voice cleared from behind us but that didn't stop me from pulling on Hadrian's bottom lip with my teeth as I pulled away. We turned to see an auror standing there with raised eyebrows and an angry look. "If you boys want to show disgusting behavior like that keep it to the privacy of your room," he sneered. I felt Hadrian stiffen against me and I growled. I took in the man's appearance, he had a dusting of freckles across his face and black shaggy hair that fell into muddy brown eyes, he was unnaturally pale and thin, he was near my height but not by much. "Oh good we were actually looking for an auror, we heard from someone that they saw a suspicious person enter the girls lavatory where the body was found," I replied smoothly I watched as the man's eyes lit up with interest. 

We were three corridors down from the chamber when I began to summon Asuza, I gave simple instructions to kill the man and bring his corpse to the chamber, as soon as I heard her near Hadrian and I, I grabbed Hadrian's hand and began to sprint down the corridor listening to Asuza repeat one word, kill.

We sprinted from the scene and towards the Great Hall, I could hear Hadrian laughing with delight as we continued to run, it was near noon so lunch would be starting soon, the perfect time to get the attention of some aurors. I skidded to a stop feeling Hadrian bump into me as I did so, in front of us were all the rest of the aurors, I grinned wickedly before schooling my features and approaching the group with Hadrian behind me. "I don't mean to entrude on your conversation but I know where the murderer is," I said plainly as all the men looked at me curiously. The group followed us to the lavatory, once we were in front of the sinks Hadrian quietly summoned the intrance, the aurors took a step back as they watched the sinks move out of the way, "Right then follow me gentlemen," I said as I summoned stairs to walk down. The men eagerly followed us down to the Chamber, they were fascinated as they watched the snakes unlock the door to fully get in, once we were in the main chamber the men looked around. I too glanced around seeing if Asuza had brought the body yet, she infact did. The corpse was laying down beside the pool infront of the Salazar statue, I heard sharp gasps as the other aurors also spotted the body. I glance at Hadrian to see him looking bored as he watched the aurors run to the dead man, I scoffed as I too approached the corpse. Asuza had done a good job of making sure he was dead, his arms and lower abdomen were gone though not to far from the upper body was a bloody leg, though I could tell that his wounds did not kill him but Asuza's deadly stare did. The aurors pulled back from the corpse and observed the chamber. "How did you know the murderer was here," the Weasley Lord asked I smiled wickedly as I heard Hadrian begin to summon Asuza, "Well that is because I am the one behind the so called murders... although I would perfer to call it disposing of people I don't want living," I said with a chuckle, all of the men shared a glance before drawing their wands, "Hadrian dear is Asuza on her way? It appears our guests aren't too happy to be kept waiting," there was an underlining urgency. Before Hadrian could respond Asuza came slithering out of the tunnels and waisted no time in getting to work.

Instead of staying to watch the show I grabbed Hadrians hand and led him to the Slytherin study. We were reading books as the men screamed, Hadrian huffed and looked up at me, "As amusing as listening to the screams of men I would much prefer to read in silence," he said with a sigh, I simply smiled at him before casting a silencing charm, "Better?" I asked he smiled as he nodded his thanks.


Tom and I were waiting for Asuza to be done before carrying on with the rest of our plan. We were planning on strewning the bodies of the aurors around the school, of course I suggested putting them in the Great Hall, there was a total of eight men so it was quite simple, a body for each table and hour glass of points. Tom liked the table idea not so much the other, Instead he suggested to strewn the other four in the classrooms of the head of houses. I sighed as I tried to keep myself preoccupied but it just wasn't working, instead I focused my attention on Tom and watched silently as he read through one of Salazar's journals, "Love it's rude to stare," he said without looking up, I felt my face get warm as I replied, "It's natural to stare at something that attractive," he looked up from his book then with a smirk, "Then I do believe that it's only fair the I stare too," I sighed as he continued to stare. I pushed myself up and made my way across the room to him before flopping down beside him, he raised an eyebrow at me with amusement, I huffed as I looked away from him, he chuckled as he grabbed me by my hips and dragged me into his lap, he smiled up at me cockily as I looked down at him with amusement. "Do you know a wonderful way to pass the time?" he asked, I hummed in response, "I could think of a few things," I said as I dipped my head to connect our lips, Tom smiled against my lips before pulling away, I whined as he did so, he laughed, "Sorry love but we need to focuse," I pouted before responding, "Is Asuza even done?" he laughed again, "Yes, she's been done for at least 15 minutes," I blinked at him before getting up and running for the main chamber.  

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