Chapter 5

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I was sat in my chair in the Slytherin common room, I sat bored in my chair, I have always somewhat been bored this year so far, the only thing that occupied my thoughts was the Chamber of Secrets, my friends are worried about me. I can't understand why, I am simply pursuing what is rightfully mine, I have continued to hold meetings for the Knights of Walpurgis, teaching my knights how to use proper dark curses, not the hogwash they teach here, although something is better than nothing, everyone knows that Dumbledore is fighting to get rid of the Dark Arts class, though thankfully only a very few people agree with him. I narrowed my eyes  just thinking about the old coot made me angry at my younger self, if I had kept my mouth shut about most of the things I said I would have the old man ensnared like the rest, I clenched my hand ever so slightly, I kept myself neutrally calm, not wanting my snakes to see me emotional.

 I heard a whimpering cry, my eyes swept the room and landed on the third year male that was being pushed in by Nott and Black, he whimpered as he was pushed down in front of me on his knees I glanced up at Nott and Black they only avoided eye contact, meaning I would be angry at what the third year had to say. I looked down upon the third year making eye-contact, I instantly delve into his head searching for his wrong doing, not finding anything, I left his poor excuse for a mind. "What is it?" I asked in a bored tone, the boy looked up and whimpered again, I kept my gaze fixed on him until he finally spoke, "Dumbledore found someone to compete against you," he said in a rush, as soon as he was finished talking he flinched back, as if I had already hit him, instead I raised a brow then made eye-contact with Malfoy, he sighed then went to question the boy, "Why is this important than?" he asked, the boy whimpered once again, "I over heard Dumbledore talking in the floo network, he said that he found a boy that was more smart, more cunning, and stronger than you! After that he said he had to go," I narrowed my eyes at the boy, "May I ask why you were shoved in here instead of coming on your own?" I asked the boy shrunk down on himself, he didn't respond though. "We caught the little devil gossiping with his friends, he was going to keep it to himself like a blood little rat," Black said, his mask was perfectly intact but his eyes were stormy, "Is this true?" I asked, I already had my answer but I wanted to give the boy a chance, "No! I was going to tell you!" he said sounding somewhat relieved, "I see, Nathaniel, Orion, do what you please to him," I said, the boys face fell, "No! No! I'm sorry!" the boy shrieked I simply waved them off and got up, "The only way to make your punishment less was to at least give us details, his looks, his name-" I was cut off as the boy screeched something that sounded familiar to devil, I turned and raised an eyebrow, "His name is-" shrieked once more in pain as Black fired a hex at him, "His name is Hadrian Peverell!" he said in rush as he was hit with another curse, I held up my hand and they stopped, the boy was panting in pain, "Hadrian Peverell?"


I was walking now aimlessly in Diagon, I sneezed then frowned, 'Somone must be talking about me.'
I had already gotten most of my stuff I was just waiting for my robes to be done, while I am waiting I was going to get a wand but I didn't know where to go to get one made, as much as I like Olivander, I want a wand specifically made for me. I was wandering aimlessly until I came across Nocturne Alley, I walked down the dreary alley, making sure to keep my self on high alert. I walked down the alley until I came across a shop named Fabrication de Mur  I walked into the store hearing a bell ring alerting the shop owner that I was within the premises, I watched as a burley looking man walked out from the back, he was tall, he had long dark brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail, his eyes were a dark green, the man cleared his throat, "How may I help you?" he asked, his voice was rough but calming, a weird mix if you ask me. "Yes I was looking into getting a wand made for me?" I asked, the man just simply nodded, "If you'll follow me to the back I can get you started," as he said that I followed the man to back. The back room was filled with different cores for wands, I followed him to a table, he then instructed me to sit and wait for him to bring out some woods for me. "Alright, so what you'll do is run your hand over the woods until you feel a pull towards a wand," he said as he set out the different wands, I simply nodded as I began to hover my hand over the woods.

I ended up leaving the shop 30 minutes later with almost an exact replica of the elder wand, my new wand was made of the rare wood of the elder tree, which made it look familiar to a grey marble, it had a core of a dementors cloak and a phoenix feather, it was semi flexible 11 1/2", I did however get to choose the design for the wand, I chose to make the wand entirely smooth, the handle had careful Celtic knots on it that interwove the Deathly Hollows insignia, in all it was a gorgeous wand. I was headed back to Diagon when I passed by an animal emporium, I stood in front of the entrance contemplating if I should go inside... screw it. I walked in to be greeted by a man scurrying about trying to care for all the different animals, both magical and non magical creatures. Once the man took notice of my entrance he brightened and scurried over to me, "How may I help you kind customer?" he asked sounding a little too excited, I just smiled, "I'm just looking around," I stated he seemed to deflate a little, "Well have a look around maybe you'll be able to find yourself a familiar," he said winking as he took off, the man was quite short now that I took notice, he had shoulder length white hair that was frizzed, his eyes were a dark blue, he was a skinny man as well, he had all sorts of flying creatures follow him, along with the few crawling creatures scurrying around him. I decided to walk around as I did I noted that all the enclosures had different habitats that matched perfectly with the animal, I smiled to myself as I walked by each animal that looked pleased to be so well taken care of. As I continued to walk I felt a draw towards the rights side of the room towards the back, I walked up to two kennels, one contained nothing but what looked like a lot of green plants, the other held a Zouwu kit, I smiled at the kit but looked closer into what appeared to be an empty kennel, I finally noticed it, a sleeping Swooping Evil. I straitened and looked at both kennels trying to decide which one had the greater pull, I couldn't decipher which one had the greater pull so I decided to just get both of the deadly beasts. As I began to walk back to the front to ask for the creatures, I noticed that the man was nowhere to be seen, I shrugged it off and went to the front desk. I was about to press the little dinger until I looked into the back room to see the shop keeper talking to a familiar scraggly man, my eyes widened as I ducked down behind the desk. I tried to listen to the conversation but the animals were just to loud. I heard footsteps come towards me and I quickly pulled my wand out of my new black dragon hide holster. I was ready to fire any curse and get out. "What are you doing?" the shop keeper asked me bewildered, I flushed and slowly stood, "I... uh, I thought I saw an enemy of mine is all," I said awkwardly, I coughed "So... um... I would like to purchase the Zouwu kit, and the Swooping Evil," I said smiling, the man nodded and went to go get the creatures.

I left the shop with an 20,000 galleons missing from one of my vaults. I grumbled to myself about expensive familiars and their things. I walked out of Nocturne Alley back into Diagon, I walked back to Madam Malkins to pick up my robes. After I picked up my robes I headed back towards the Leaky Cauldron, I was running just a little late but that's ok, I had my trunk shrunken and put into my satchel, my trunk was filled with all of my school supplies and robes, in each of my hands I had a kennel for my familiars. I opened the door to the inn with some difficulty, once I was in I gave up and started to float the kennels behind me, 'Much better,' I thought to myself, I scanned the area looking for someone who might be a professor, no such luck, I huffed and flopped down in a near by chair. I only had to wait for 2 minutes before someone gently tapped on my shoulder, I lolled my head back lazily to look up only to be met by blue annoyingly twinkly eyes, I felt my barriers strengthen, "Hello I am Professor Dumbledore, I am here to take you to Hogwarts," he said smiling at me making the twinkle even more twinkly, I plastered on a well practiced pleasant smile, "Hello Professor," I said as I died inside just a little.

1741 Words

A/N I could not find the original first names to Tom's followers so I have just decided to make them up. Sorry if I offend anybody who knows the real names, but I am trying my best. Thank you for your patience.

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