Chapter 21

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I am more than glad that Hadrian is alright but I am not happy at the scum that hurt him. I have yet to do anything properly to avenge my lover. The aurors continue to galavant around the school acting high and mighty as they harass the students daily, more and more of my snakes have come to me complaining about the aurors, I have an idea of what I want to do to them but I want to wait until Halloween to carry it out, which was in a week.

I was walking down the corridor about to meet with Hadrian to go to lunch when someone called out my name, I turn to see an auror storming towards me. He was shorter than me by a few inches, he had scraggly sandy brown hair with a slight tint of red, he had brown eyes and he appeared to be the same age as the old coot, I raised my brow at the man as he drew closer to me. "May I help you sir?" I asked as he stopped infront of me, he huffed angrily, for some reason this man was more than furious towards me. "Where are you going boy?" he gruffed out, I pulled my most pleasant smile before responding to him, "I'm going to lunch sir. Is there something you needed from me?" I kept my tone polite and respectful, I kept my face pleasant too, I didn't want this strange man suspecting anything. Besides if they were going to go looking for a murderer I would gladly point him to one. The man looked me up and down before huffing again and leaving. I stood there in thought for a moment before deciding, I want these aurors gone soon and so I will carry out my sooner than expected and frame someone on Halloween instead, I smirked at my idea as I made my way to the Great Hall.

As I entered I noticed that all my knights were already sat down with Hadrian leaving my seat empty, I swiftly made my way over and sat down next to Hadrian. He smiled at me before turning back to his conversation with Black, I relaxed slightly as I watched Hadrian interact with the Knights.


I was beginning to get worried as lunch had started only a minute ago and Tom still wasn't here. I tried to keep myself busy by talking with the Knights but my attempt was soon destroyed when a piece of paper appeared infront of me, it was folded into a nice and elegant swan, I carefully tapped it with my wand and watched as it unfolded itself, inside was an elegantly written note, it said; Dear Hadrian, I would be most pleased if you could meet me in the abandoned classroom 206, it is imperative that you come, meet me at 7:30 tonight. - Anonymous

I scoffed, the note was drenched in Dumblewhores magic, reeking with compulsion spells. I decided to flatter the old coot. I will show up tonight to see what he wants, it's not like he can do anything to me anyway, I had the full protection of Death on my side not to mention a crazy psycopath as an over protective partner. I have yet to find out what kind of relationship Tom and I are in, I know that he said that we are courting but he hasn't officially asked me yet and it has been driving me crazy. I looked in time to see Tom sit down beside me and glance at me, I smiled at him before realizing that Black was still spewing nonsence in my direction.

I was walking back to the dormitories with Tom after dinner when I asked for the time, he looked at me curiosly before casting a quick tempus, "It's 7:15 why?" I smiled at him before giving a lame excuse and slipping away. I made no rush of going to the classroom, when I did make it I checked the time to see that I was at least ten minutes late, I smirked before opening the door and making my way inside. I looked around the room in curiosity it was somewhat dark, the only light being one candle sitting onimously on a desk, I sighed. "Professor Dumbledore? You wanted to see me sir?" I asked, I put on my best act, I tried my hardest to sound confused and skeptical. The man stepped out of the shadows and into the slightly flickering candle light, and I was secretly hoping that his beard would catch on fire. "Ah I'm glad to see that you have come my boy, I just wanted to discuss a small problem with you is all," he said with a small twinkle in his eyes, I simply nodded and watched as the man with a flourish lit all the candles in the room.

"It has been my understanding that you and Mr. Riddle are quite close," he didn't sound to happy as he said this but the twinkle in his eyes was still present, I sighed before deciding to flatter the old man and feed his dilusions, just slightly. "Yes sir, Tom and I are quite close," I didn't have to fake the soft smile that graced my features at the mention of Tom's name, of course Dumbledore noticed this. "I see... you know I suspect that Mr. Riddle is behind the death of Miss Myrtle Warren. If you know anything please let me know Mr. Peverell," he looked down his nose at me as he said this, I had to fight with myself not to snort at his arrogance. "Lord Peverell actually sir," he blinked a few times, "Beg your pardon my boy?" he looked befuddled at my responce, so I repeated myself with a low chuckle, "I am not to be addressed as Mr.Peverell but as Lord Peverell Professor Dumbledore. After all that is what I am... a Lord," I watched as his jaw fell open, I turned to leave but stopped as another responce entered my thoughts, "If I know anything about the murder sir I will be sure to go to Headmaster Dippet sir," and with that I left the classroom allowing the door to slam shut behind me. 


I was pacing a hole into the floor as I waited for Hadrian. He had slipped away with the lame exuse that he had to go and tutor Death... why the hell would Death need to be tutored? I know that Hadrian lied about where he was going, a pretty horrible lie at that, but I know that he lied for a reason so I am allowing him his space for now. I know one thing for sure though as soon as Hadrian enters that door I am either going to demand where he was, scold him, or kiss him... maybe all three to be honest. I sighed as I casted another tempus, it has been 45 minutes and counting since he's left and I'm beginning to get worried. 

Suddenly the door was pushed open and I was met by an amused looking Hadrian entering the room, I crossed the floor in two long strides and cupped his face in my hands before bending down and connecting our lips, I instantly slipped my tongue into his mouth and entangled it with his own. I slowly pulled away nipping at his lips as I did so, I drank in the sight of him, he was flushed red and breathing hard as his lips were slightly parted and slightly swolled. I dipped down and kissed him again. I pulled back smirking at Hadrian's flustered appearance, "Where were you?" I demanded finally, Hadrian took a moment to register my words before responding, "I already told you where I was," I gave him a dead panned look, "Yes because I'm sure Death needs to have a tutor even though he is an all knowing entity," I said sarcastically, I watched as Hadrian's face flushed red again, "Di- did I really say that?" he looked mortified and I chuckled, "Yes, now tell me where you were before I start to scold you instead," his blush deepened. "I had a meeting with Dumbledore, he wanted ask me if you were the murderer, he even tried to probe into my mind," I glared at the thought of Dumbledore touching Hadrian with his magic, or even being near Hadrian without me there. "Please tell me you have a plan to get rid of the aurors and the suspicion thrown on you," I was drawn out of my thoughts by Hadrian's some what frantic voice, I only chuckled before gently stroking his cheek, "Yes I have a plan," I smiled down at him as he pouted. "Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to guess?" his pout only grew as I laughed, "That depends if you'll lay with me tonight," I smirked as he spluttered.

 Hadrian was laying quitly curled against me, I was running my fingers through his silky hair as he thought, I had explained my plan to him and we were currently trying to come up with names of people we could frame, we were trying to think of people that had connections to beasts and would look every bit of the murderer part. Hadrian sighed as he squirmed closer to me, I chuckled as I looked down at him, "Any names yet love?" I asked only to recieve another sigh as my answer, I chuckled agian. Then it hit me, the perfect person to frame, "I have the perfect person," I said with a smirk, I felt Hadrian tilt his head up to look up at me, "Who?" he asked. "Rubeus Hagrid," I felt Hadrian shift slightly before responding, "Are you sure he's the right pick? He's too sweet not to mention Dumbledore will more than likely help the kid out... he's way to loyal to him," I sighed knowing Hadrian was right, "He's the only one who fits the discription, not to mention that he doesn't have many friends," Hadrian sighed before nodding, I knew that Hadrian was hiding something so I slowly stroked his hair before I asked him what was wrong, "It just feels wrong the poor kid has done nothing to warrant us framing him," I sighed as I continued to rake my hands through his hair, "On the contrary when he was placed here in Slytherin he cried and refused to follow us to dorm instead sleeping in the green house and then continued to scare off any kid that came up to him with some creature he had on hand," Hadrian went silent as I said this. "Alright let's do it," I smiled as he said this.

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