Chapter 10

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I made my way to the Great Hall the conversation with Death looping around in my head. As I entered the hall I noticed there was an open seat on the right of Riddle... oh no. I cleared my head as I continued to walk towards the open spot. As I got there I sat next to Riddle and Malfoy, "So... why did you leave so suddenly?" one of the Carrow twins asked, "Yeah you looked like a mad man," the other chimed in, "I remembered I forgot something," I said sheepishly as I rubbed the back of my neck. The Carrow twins and Lestrange chuckled, Black looked mildly amused. "What did you forget?" Avery asked skeptically, "My quill," I said automatically, I had used this lie so many times, trying to escape Ronald or anyone else for few moments if at all, though sometimes it was parchment, an ink well, or when I really wanted to take my time... my wand... stupid I know... my wand, well wands now, are always on me no matter what. "You took your dear sweet time getting it then," Lestrange muttered, I only smiled boyishly at him.

As conversations continued I noticed that Riddle was mostly zoned out, I gently nudged him getting his attention, he made eye contact with me and I felt myself getting pulled into the eyes that looked like soft velvet... not yet Crucio red. "What are you thinking about?" I asked finally, he raised one of his brow, "Why do you want to know?" he asked instead. I thought about it for a minute, never dropping eye contact, "I'll tell you one of my secrets if you tell me what your thinking," I offered instead, this caused him to smirk at me dangerously, "Sounds like a fair trade," he said, eyes glinting dangerously making me shiver. "Well go on then," I encouraged. He glanced around at the group, "Follow me," he said as he stood. I silently followed him out of the hall, many people watching and staring at us as we went.

Riddle led me to an abandoned classroom, he moved into the room after me as he held open the door, when he was in the room I felt the silencing ward and privacy charms settle around me. "What do you want to know?" I asked, Riddle's brow raised a little, "This is how it's going to work Peverell. I will tell you one of my thoughts and you tell me one of your secrets," Riddle said narrowing his eyes challenging me to oppose, "Alright... but I won't tell you anything about what Grindelwald wants," I confirmed, he simply nodded in agreement. "Why is your mind so foggy?" he asked, I chuckled slightly, "It's my way of protecting my brain," I said giving him a boyish smile. "Potions," was his response, I blinked in confusion until I realized he was telling me one of his thoughts.

Riddle and I were making our way down to the Slytherin dorms after at least 45 minutes of us talking. Instead of sticking to thoughts and secrets we had begun sharing things about our selves getting to know each other better, I don't know if he was manipulating me, or if he was actually trying to get along with me. Either way it made my stomach flutter in... excitement? Yeah... excitement. As we continued to walk and make nice small talk I heard a high pitched screech call out for Riddle. We both turned to see a small group of Ravenclaw girls make their way towards us. "How dare you!" what seemed to be the leader screeched at Riddle. Riddle raised a brow, "Beg your pardon?" He asked politely, the girl seemed to seethe with anger even more,  "You unbearable..." she broke off searching for a word, "Dunderhead?" I supplied, "Yes! You unbearable dunderhead!" The girl exclaimed, Riddle glared at me for helping her, I only shrugged in return with a smirk. "May I ask why I am an 'unbearable dunderhead'?" Riddle asked. The three or four girl in the group murmured  in protest at Riddle's question, as they were distractedly discussing I leaned over to Riddle and ask, "What did you do?" My voice was laced with amusement, "Honestly... no idea," he whispered back. "You were an utter ass to Myrtle!" the girl exclaimed, before I could think or comprehend what I was saying, "Moaning Myrtle?" I asked stupidly. I watched with mild amusement as all the girls blushed red and Riddle coughed into his hand to stop a laugh, "Uh- buh- uh- wah- duh- ...... WHAT!" the leader screeched, "Are you assuming Myrtle is a whore!?" the girl squealed, "No-" I was cut off by a hard slap.

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