Chapter 19

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We were walking through the small village just enjoying each others company, we are currently on our way to Honeydukes per Hadrian's request. I looked at all the sweets with a weary eye, I'm not a big fan of sweets and never really have been. Hadrian on the other hand seems to be enjoying himself immensely, he had an armful of sweets and was still adding on.  I raised my eyebrows at his pile, "Do you even have enough money for that Hadrian?" I asked with amusement clear in my voice. Hadrian smirked as he nodded, "Well it is our date, I would expect my lovely date to pay for me," I choked, he laughed at misery, "I'm just kidding, but yes I do have enough money for my sweets," I sighed in relief as we made our way to the counter to pay.

  We were walking to the Three Broomsticks when we heard a shout we turned to see the inner circle heading towards us, Hadrian waved and smiled at them, I on the other hand narrowed my eyes at them, I saw them falter slightly until Hadrian called out for them, "How are you guys?" he asked as they got closer. I sliced my eyes to Hadrian to see him smiling at the group, I softened my expression, "Oh? Is the Tom Riddle on a date?" Black asked, I glared at him in return, "Actually yes. I would appreciate it if you left us alone."  "Now, now Tom they leave us be when we reach the Three Broomsticks," Hadrian said with a charming smile before slicing his eyes to the Knights, "Right?" all of them eagerly nodded, I sighed before wrapping my arm around Hadrian and leading him to the Three Broomsticks.

Suddenly there was a scream I turned to see a girl fall to the ground, another scream and another body fell. I saw a green light whiz towards me, before I could counter or even react there was a body shoving me towards the ground. I looked up at the person who shoved me down, I looked up into Hadrian's green eyes and smiled he smiled back, "Be careful," he grinned wickedly once again before getting up. 


I looked around me to see chaos everywhere, people were running and screaming as they ran from wizards in dark clothes casting spells that were green and red. I clenched my teeth as I took in my surrounding, one wizard in particular caught my attention. He looked oh so familiar... oh shit it's Ugly, I let out a startled laugh, Tom gave me a curious glance before returning his gaze to the chaos. I surveyed the area for a way to try and escape but so far nothing, I flicked my wand into my hand getting prepared to cast spells. Lights whizzed and zoomed past me as I began to cast my own counter curses, Tom doing the same beside me. "Tom we need to get the students and children out of here, the adults should be able to handle themselves!" I shouted to him, he narrowed his eyes before reluctantly nodding his head. "Give me cover then," he said before putting away his wand and closing his eyes in concentration. I watched in amazement as shadows came to him, once there was a big black rolling mass around him did he open his eyes to send them in all different directions. I watched in fascination as the shadows dispersed and hooked on to students making them disappear, once he opened his eyes all of the students and children were gone. 

"That was amazing," I said in awe, Tom smirked and winked at me before redrawing his wand and sending curses at the men, "Tom we need to get out of here," I said as I watched more troops move in, why weren't the aurors here? I looked up towards the sky to see a slight shimmer, an anti-apparition barrier. I cursed colorfully as we got surrounded by Grindelwald's men, I watched as Ugly made his way to the front of the crowd he smirked at me before opening his ugly mouth, "Why hello Lord Peverell... last I saw of you you were bleeding and dead," his mouth twisted into a feral grin as he took another step towards me, screams filled the air as the adults were rounded up, "I'll make a deal with you Peverell, come with me and I'll let these people go," I raised my eyebrow at him, suddenly Ugly fell to the ground writhing and spluttering in pain, "I'll say this once and only once, let us go... or I will kill you and everything you hold dear," Tom said stepping in front of me, Ugly kept spluttering as he tried to speak, the other men around us surged forward to stop Tom but a sharp glare from him sent another man down to his knees in pain. "Who are you?" Ugly finally spat out through his pain, "Someone you should bow down to," Tom said with a hiss as Ugly fainted. 

The men around us slowly parted to let Tom through as he grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd, as soon as we were close to the end of the crowd Tom pulled me closer and enveloped us in shadow. My world went dark and yet I was still somewhat conscious as Tom held on to me, suddenly I was blinded, being pulled back into the light, we stepped out onto the trail that led away from the shrieking shack, we were also surrounded by the other children and students. I heard the cracks of apparition, I turned to the town to see that the barrier was let down. "Let's go," Tom said gesturing towards his Knights, all of them followed him as he moved his way back to Hogwarts, "What was that?" Tom glanced down at me as I asked this, "What was what?" I narrowed my eyes at him "You know exactly what I mean Tom," he chuckled before smirking down at me, "That is for me to know and for you to figure out, after all I had to figure you out it's only fair," I pouted slightly as I heard Tom let out another chuckle. 

As the students got closer to the school we noticed that the all of the teachers were standing outside of the school, the professors instantly went to work making sure all of the students were ok. Before Headmaster Dippet got the students' attention, "Excuse me students although today there was an attack on Hogsmeade and most of you were injured a student has been killed today here in our walls, for we do not know who could have done such a thing professionals are working on it," I glanced to Tom, who looked all to smug. 

1149 Words

Very Important A/N - I am currently being hospitalized and do not currently have my computer so I will be using my phone to write chapters until I get my computer back, also the chapters for my story will mostly likely get shorter in which I apologize.  

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