Chapter 32

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I stared at Tom with my mouth agape, "Wh... What?" I asked with a slight quiver to my voice, Tom's gaze never left me as he stared at me with an intense gaze. "Bond with me," he said again, I blinked, then blinked again, "Tom... bonding is extremely serious, are you sure? Have you even really thought about it?" I asked with a raised brow, Tom didn't even blink, "Yes, I've even looked up bonding ceremonies. I found one that will fit us perfectly,"  I gulped.

"I can't except Tom. Not because I don't want to, believe me I want to but I... I haven't told you everything," I said with uncertainty. His eyes narrowed slightly, "Then tell me," he said in a slight growl. I just chuckled nervously in response, "It's not that simple Tom there are things that I can't explain... I would have to show you," he sighed as he gently caressed my face, "Fine, but one day you will show me. Then we will bond," his voice held no room for argument making me shiver within his grasp. I nodded biting my lower lip slightly, Tom watched me before leaning in and gently kissing me. "You will tell me one day," I nodded as we pressed our foreheads together, "I'll tell you on our summer break," Tom hummed in affirmation. 


I was in the Great Hall with the rest of the staff and students, checking on everyone just to be sure, most of the students were Gryffindor's and Hufflepuffs, I looked around for the Peverell boy but he was no where in sight and neither was Tom, I glanced at Charlus Potter to see him speaking with the Headmaster and Professor Higgles. I walked up to the group catching the last bit of detail that Charlus gave of the event, "Tom took Hadrian to get help... at least that's what he told me," the boy looked panicked, Dippet however looked as calm as could be, "Don't worry Mr. Potter I'm sure Mr. Peverell is fine," Dippet said with a soothing smile. I placed my hand onto the shoulder of the Gryffindor to try and provide a bit of comfort for my student. The boy sighed as he shrugged me off. 

I walked back to my office with my mind filled with theories which all stopped once I entered my office, there on my desk was an elegant raven holding a black envelope. I felt my blood freeze with dread as I slowly approached the raven, it croaked at me as I gently took the letter before flying off through the window. My hands trembled as I carefully opened the envelope, it read; 

My Dear Albus,

It has come upon my attention that a certain Peverell attends Hogwarts, do not worry I have also sent a letter to the dear Headmaster, though I highly doubt he will meet my standards and fulfill my request, but you my dear Albus, you are different. Here is my proposition, hand over the Peverell boy and I will leave your precious school alone, if not than not only will I destroy your school but I will also destroy all of Britain. I will give you until a fortnight from now to give me the Peverell boy with all his possessions.

Sincerely, Grindelwald

P.S. I have heard of what people want you to do Albus and just know that if you were to join my side once again all would be forgiven. 

As I read the letter it was as if I could hear Grindelwald whispering in my ear. I shivered and quickly threw the letter in the fire, I glanced at the growing pile of unopened letters from people all across Europe begging me to take down Grindelwald. I sighed and ran my hands down my face as I tried to think, why would Grindelwald want the Peverell boy? I sighed as I plopped down onto my desk chair allowing myself to get lost in thought.


Hadrian was neatly tucked against my side as we both laid in the dormitories, I sighed as I inhaled his sent, I could get used to always laying with Hadrian. I lightly ran my fingers through his hair as I kissed the top of his head. 

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