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A/N- Something went terribly wrong with the old Epilogue but I was able to salvage it. It's the same one so don't worry.


Hadrian was able to get the Headmaster to agree to let us go, we had told him that we were filing charges against someone, thankfully he wasn't curious and didn't ask who. I just shadow stepped us to an entrance point for the Ministry, both of us were finely dressed. We walked through the Ministry, we both walked to the front desk. The woman working there looked at both of us from over her glasses, "May I help you?" she asked, her voice dripping with disgust and I was very tempted to kill her at that moment, "Yes, hello," I said, putting on my most charming smile. "You look very lovely I must say, honestly just lavishing," the girl blushed and began to smile, "You see we're here to file an issue with the head auror," the girl leaned forward propping her arms on the desk and pushing her breast up, extremely noticeable and gross. I glanced down at Hadrian to see him more than angry, I could feel his annoyance radiating through the bond. "Oh Merlin, I hope everything goes well," the lady handed over two passes and a piece of paper. "Thank you so much," I smiled one last time before taking Hadrian by the waist and leading him to the department of law enforcement. I could still feel the clear annoyance radiating through the bond, we stepped into the lift Hadrian was still wearing a scowl as we went rocketing up to the Department of Law Enforcement.

We got off the lift, Hadrian stepped off first leading us towards the Head of law enforcement. He confidently strode past all the other workers diligently working away, passing some aurors as we went, the aurors seeming in a hurry. He knocked on the door, barely reading the name that was inscribed on it before being let in. We both stepped in and took in the chaotic office, there were papers flying all over the room filing themselves or lying themselves upon the ever growing pile forming upon the desk. Behind the desk almost covered in ink and paper was a stressed looking man, his hair jutted up every which way in a soft brown, his eyes were a rich hazel and he had round glasses that rested on the very edge of his nose.

"Hello gentlemen, how may I help you?" he asked, sounding somewhat tired. "Yes sir, I've sent you a letter? I am Hadrian Peverell and this is my husband and bonded Marvolo Gaunt," the man raised an eyebrow before glancing at me, "You are a Gaunt?" he asked, "Yes sir, though I was barely able to claim my lordship sir, I did not know my family and was devastated to learn that they were all dead," I made my voice sound saddened and I looked at the ground with false sadness filling my eyes, Hadrian laid his hand upon my shoulder in false condolence. "Don't be sad boy, the man that was your relative was hardly a man, he was extraordinarily rude and horrible. I am glad you had the pleasure of never meeting him," the man said before moving on. "So, you are here to convict one Albus Dumbledore?"

We left the Ministry feeling confident in what we just presented. We had a date for the trial and the Head of law enforcement seemed keen on getting the old coot imprisoned after viewing Hadrian's memories and reviewing my evidence.


We were sitting in the common room reading, Tom was excited for the upcoming trial along with all the other Slytherin's. I, like everyone else, was also excited. I was never able to get justice for what Dumbledore did in my past life, but now I was able to. Not only was I getting justice now but I would be getting justice for my past friends and family, children from the future in general i guess. I sighed as I sat my book down and eyed Tom in his normal arm chair, the Slytherin king's throne. He was reading through a new book this time, not the same book on shadow magic, this one was about blood magic and rituals. I sent a wave of lust through the bond and watched as Tom narrowed his eyes at his book and shifted slightly in his seat, I picked my book back up again and began to act as if I was still reading. I sent another wave of lust, and watched as Tom took a deep breath and put a hand on the side of his temple, he looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.

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