Chapter 12

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I can't breathe... I can't think... I tried to ground myself back to Earth but I just can't... I'm frozen in place not reacting to the pleasantly warm lips upon my own. My eyes are wide in shock as Riddle continues to kiss me, something finally clicks inside my brain when he tries to pull back. I grab hold of the back of his neck and bring him back to me deepening the kiss. Our lips are colliding and brushing against each other, my hands travel into his pristine hair messing it up as I run my hands through it, Riddle is leaning most of his weight onto his hand supporting himself as he caresses my face. I feel him dip his tongue into the seam of my mouth prodding for entrance, I reluctantly open my mouth by a fraction. He didn't seem to care as his tongue dove into my mouth, licking around. I can't bear the thought of him having full control so I nudged his tongue with my own, he seemed to growl at this as if daring me to battle him for dominance... so I did. Our tongues swirled and clashed together before Tom finally sucked my tongue into his mouth, sucking and nipping at it, I let out a moan feeling him smirk against me. Finally reality hit me like a bus and my eyes flew open as I had to physically and mentally wrench myself away from him, I gasped for air as my lungs tried to get used to breathing once again, I looked over at Riddle and glared, snarling when he just smirked in return. "What the hell?" I asked, mortified that my voice sounded hoarse and cracked ever so slightly. His smirk only grew at this... predicament. "I couldn't help myself..." he trailed off as if he didn't want to finish his sentence, "So do you always go around kissing people or is that just me?" I asked bitterly. He looked down as if he were ashamed... stupid bastard. "I was worried about you... seeing you alive and well... I just couldn't help it. You do things to me Hadrian Peverell, and I now know for a fact that you feel the same way," his gaze met mine, and I knew, I knew that we felt the same for each other... but I have a job to do. "I think you're mistaken," it made my chest ache as I said this, I looked away not meeting his gaze, "Oh? Is that why you're lying to yourself? I know you feel it Hadrian except it and join me," he was looking at me intensely and I could already feel the regret, "I despise you Tom Riddle... with every fiber of my being," I looked down at my hands as I said this, suddenly I felt a cool hand grab my chin and force it up to meet burning red eyes, in Riddle's rage it looked brighter... more like the color of the Cruciatus than the nice red velvet from before, "Look me in the eye and say that again," he demanded, I hardened my resolve and tried again, but nothing would leave my lips... I furrowed my brow and shook my head, "Tom... please just let me go," I said instead. He jerked his hand away from me before getting up and storming out, I knew for a fact he caught the double meaning of my words... and Merlin it hurts... I'm a bloody idiot.


I stormed out of the infirmary, I feel enraged not at Hadrian... never at Hadrian, but at myself. How could I kiss him? Though... he quite obviously feels the same, he was holding me as if I was his air. I ran my hands down my face as I hurried down the corridor, the kiss replaying over and over in my head, his slight gasps, his velvety lips, his wet cavern... I can't help but want him... no... I need him and it pains me to think about what he had said. I continued to make my way down the corridor, trying to somehow walk off the ache in my chest, I decided to go to the presumed location of the Chamber of Secrets, I entered the girls lavatory after checking to see if anyone was in there. I sighed as I looked around trying to decide where to start.

I had been in this bloody lavatory for more than an hour! I still can't find the damned entrance, I slammed my hands down on a near by sink in frustration when something caught my eye, there on the sink was the Slytherin symbol, I quickly went around each sink to see if they also had it... they didn't. I made my way back to the snake symbol and hissed at it in Parseltongue a simple 'open'. The sinks rearranged themselves and made a big opening in the ground, I looked down into the big gaping, black hole and thought for a moment, I hissed a request for stairs only to be greatly relieved when some appeared on the tunnel walls. I gave a happy hum as I started to descend the stairs, ordering for the entrance to once again close, in case some nosy brat entered the wash room.


I am beyond bored. Riddle left me with a slight burn in my chest and a feeling of utter confusion, but I was saving those feelings to deal with later. For now I'm trying to focus on casting privacy wards, silencing charms, and a locking charm on the curtains of my space. I really want to summon Death to get his opinion on a few things. As soon as I was sure that nobody would be able to spy on me, I quickly summoned Death. He appeared in front of me looking mildly irritated and ever so slightly amused... though his face is a skull... so... he's always smiling. I gave him a cheeky grin before I got down to business. "One, I think Dumblewhore is trying to manipulate me onto his side... again. Two, Grindelwald wants me dead dead dead. Three, Tom Riddle confessed his undying love for me," Death's skull looked more amused as I listed my problems, he seemed to think for a second before responding, "For problem one, Dumbledore won't be able to manipulate you, either by using magic, potions, or the more mundane way. You have a barrier in your mind that prevents somebody from getting inside unless if you give them explicit permission, and the only being that can officially take it down is myself. Problem two, you won't be able to die until you lose the Hallows so I believe you're safe, also if he wants to gain more followers he'll have to cut back on the attempted murders. As for the third 'problem'..." he air quoted, giving me a chilling grin, "I don't see the problem, just except his feelings then get close to him, then set him on your chosen path," he said with ease, I looked at him blankly, "It wouldn't be right for me to except him though... I... I don't like him like that..." I trailed off looking away, it was as if I was lying to myself... but I'm not!  Of course Riddle is as attractive as a god, but that's only an attraction to his face... of course his personality is impeccable as well, his light smooth baritone chuckles always giving me butterflies...  "Damn it," I cursed, Death laughed loudly at my predicament, I can't be infatuated with Riddle, it would only lead to trouble, and I can't be involve romantically with an upcoming dark lord, I would be his weakness which would put a constant target on my back. I already have one of those I don't need another, "Sorry to interrupt your self denial Master but I have some news regarding the man of your predicament," Death said with amusement clear in his voice, I looked at him gesturing for him to continue, "He's found the Chamber of Secrets," I sighed and banged my head on the wall in exasperation, "Of course he did, I'll deal with it tomorrow. For now I would like some rest you're dismissed," Death left in a whirl of smoke and shadows as I sighed once again. It was my own fault that he found it... hopefully Riddle would keep to the deal we made. I allowed myself to slowly slip into the world of the unconsciousness, trying to forget all of my problems and worries for the time being.


  He was writhing and panting underneath me as I continued to suck and kiss my way down his torso, Hadrian let out a little whine when I hit a particularly sensitive spot, only causing him to writhe more. I smirked up at his flushed faced, leaning back and capturing his lips in mine once again, I slipped my tongue into his slightly parted lips tangling our tongues together in a melodic dance. Slowly I slid my hand to Hadrian's trousers and slowly began to slip them off.

I bolted up right, running my hands through my slightly damp hair. I'm completely flushed and sweaty as I try to get my bearings after my dream, I looked around noticing that the area wasn't immediately familiar. I huffed as I realized I fell asleep studying tombs on dark magic, I sighed and slumped forward allowing my head to hit the tomb in front of me. I sighed again, the dream felt so real... and for a fraction of a moment I felt utter bliss... but of course all good things must come to an end. I casted a quick tempus only to see that it was only one in the morning. I groaned and slowly made my way out of the chamber and back to my proper sleeping quarters.

As I quickly made my ways through the corridors images from the dream flooded my mind, Hadrian's sweet moans and whines filling my senses, his beautiful face flushed, his body writhing on the bed. I was snapped from my thoughts as I made it to the secret passage, I quickly said the password and hurried to bed, quickly changing into my sleep attire before slipping under the covers. I buried my head into my pillow, trying to get some sleep without Hadrian plaguing my mind, which only proved to be slightly impossible.

1748 Words

A/N - Shout out to aryalunagaunt for the creative nickname for Dumbledore and the help for spelling Gringotts! Thank you! Please don't forget to comment I love reading them!

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