Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

My head was pounding, I felt like utter crap as well, my eyes were squeezed shut. I slowly fluttered my eyes open to look around, it was pitch black I couldn't see anything at all, I stayed perfectly still, not saying a single word, I slowly sat up from laying down on what I presume is the cold, hard, ground. I wearily look around trying to take in my surroundings as best as I can.Then I was being blinded, I cried out in suprised shock, as I threw my arm over my eyes. I heard a low deep raspy chuckle come from infront of me, "Sorry about that," a strong and yet rattley voice said, I squinted as I looked up at the figure clad in black. The stranger offered me a boned hand, I wearily took it and looked at the skeletal figure infront of me.

He was quite literally a skeleton, he wore a big black cloak that slightly covered his skull. The only way you could tell the gender of the terrifying man was his voice. I heard another deep chuckle. "I see that my appearance disturbs you Master," he rasped out. I watched as he began to change his appearance, skin began to grow onto his bones hair began to sprout from his head, eyes filled into his eye sockets. I looked at the now normal man in front of me in shocked silence, he now had long black hair falling elegantly down his back and shoulders, he had entirely black eyes, he had light skin with a slight olive tint, when he smiled I could see his canines were sharper than a normal human being. "I'm pleased to meet you Master, I am Death," I gaped at him, "Why do you call me master?" I quiried, he tilted his head slighlty, "You have collected all of my Hallows, therefore you are now my master," I looked at him slightly startled, then looked back into my memories, slowly I remebered during the war where I had the stone, my cloak, and the elder wand, I groaned softly to myself, "What your telling me is that one coincidence made me your master? For how long?" I asked. He smiled in amusement at me, "Yes, and this will only last untill someone else has claimed all three of my Hallows," I groaned again. I slowly got off the ground... my body felt so much lighter than I remember, my bones always ached and I always felt somewhat heavy... now I felt light and my bones didn't hurt. I slowly looked down at myself to see that my stomach wasn't bloated in that old man way anymore, infact I was very slim, I'm also extremly pleased to note that I was no longer wrinkly like a raisin, but infact my skin was porcilin smooth. This only shocked me further, I have never in all of my life had smooth skin. "May I please have a mirror?" I asked Death meakly, he nodded and snapped his fingers so that there was a full length mirror infront of me, I gasped, I looked so healthy... my skin was still incredibly pale, my hair was a raven nest but not as bad as it used to be, it fell more sofly into my eyes, my eyes were a brighter green, which reminded me slightly of the killing curse of which I took my life with, my figure was still slightly muscular and yet somewhat feminine. I gaped at myself, I looked at least 16, I would imagine this is how I would look if I wasn't Harry Potter, hell I didn't even have my emoji styled lighting bolt scar anymore.

I turned to death with questions burning in my eyes, he let out another chuckle, "I asume you have many questions, but right now isn't the time. You see I have decided to give you a choice Master. I have four options for you Master, one being that you go back to that fateful night and continue your new life from there. Two, you start from where you first started Hogwarts. Three you go back in time to where I choose and make a new life for yourself. Four you pass on to the after life to meet your friends, children, and parents," Death said in a serious, businesslike tone. I widened my eyes in silent shock as I considered what he said, the first option sounded good since I could avoid the potions, blocks, and compulsions earlier in life, the second one was definetly a no, the third one sounded tempting, I very much enjoyed the idea of being semi normal, the fourth one however sounded the best, I really wanted to see my friends and family again... I knew what I wanted to choose.

"I would like to go back in time," I tell him with all of my confidence. He smirked down at me and nodded, he summoned three very familiar objects, the Hallows. He gently handed them to me, I looked at him questioningly, he just shrugged in answer, "I like you being my Master, you're better than the other ones, besides your also alot more entertaining than them," he smiled wickedly at me, "So what timeline are you choosing?" I asked as a response. His wicked smile only grew wider, "1942 September 15th," he said without hesitating, I thought it over and nodded not seeing anything wrong with the date. "You will no longer be Harry James Potter, but instead, in this time you will be known as Hadrian Peverell. You are part of a pure and ancient family, however the family is known to be the protectors of the Hallows. Grindelwald heard of this and went after your bloodline as he went to kill your parents you barely escaped and have been running since then. You move from inherited estate from the next, you've claimed all of your lordships after your families murder, in your free time you learned defensive, offensive, dark, light, death, and parsel magic spells. You have been carrying this small pouch," as he spoke images flooded my mind of the events, and when he mentioned the pouch one materialized around my neck, it was very small, it looked like it could only carry a ring, "which contains the whole Peverell Library, you learn most of your material from there, you already know all of the pureblood edicate. However when I place you, you will be captured and taken by Grindelwald to be questioned about the Hallows, you will hold strong, but don't worry you wont be killed and nothing will be taken from you," he reasured before continuing, "after you are saved, Hogwarts will send you a letter, from there it's up to you."

I blinked at him, "Will I be able to summon you?" I asked he simply nodded, "Yes, just summon me with the elder wand, all you have to do is say 'cito death' and I shall appear," he stated confidently. I nodded in understanding, "Everything will be prepared for me when I start this life, right?" I hesitently asked, once againg Death nodded. I let out a shacky breath and nodded once. Death gave a vicous smirk, "Before I send you to that time I must warn you, both worlds are in the middle of a terrible war," he said seriosly, I nodded in understanding, "If you should somehow die, you will be brought to purgatory until you regenerate, though should you lose the Hallows to another that opportunity will be lost," Death warned. "I understand... so when do we begin?" Death smiled wikedly, "Now."

With that my world once again went black.

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