Chapter 14

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I was laying in a meadow of flowers enjoying the sun on my skin, I only had to wait half an hour to wake up. "Master we have a slight problem," Death said above me, I glanced up at him as I raised an eyebrow, "You have more damage to your body than what we originally thought. Though don't worry you should be able to return in an hour or so... while you wait you can come do some paper work," he smiled at me evilly as I groaned and sat up, following Death into the station and towards the office. It always confused me, Purgatory that is, while the dead met in the area that looked very similar to the King's Cross Station to be judged by Death and myself before sending them to where they belonged, though hidden from the dead was an office where I did paper work to help with the sorting and the current world disasters. It saddened me to walk in and see children looking sad and lost as they stayed together, it was even more disheartening when all of them stayed in Purgatory, very rare occasions a child will go to Erewhon or more commonly known as Heaven.

I sighed as I sat down to do the Merlin forbidden paper work, I heard Death chuckle at my misery I shot him a glare as I got busy groaning when he brought in another stack.


I was watching over Hadrian as he healed, he was healing extraordinarily fast. Though I wasn't surprised, Dippet probably performed a spell or fed him a potion to help the healing process. I watched as the laceration on his brow slowly began to heal, in my honest opinion Hadrian looked dead. I reached out for his hand taking it carefully into my own, I was shocked to feel that his skin was deathly cold, I turned his wrist over in my hand, slowly I brought my fingers down to his pulse point and checked for a pulse. I searched for a few minutes before checking the neck pulse point as well, but I couldn't find a pulse. I looked up at Hadrian's body to see that all of his wounds were healed although I could clearly see that they scarred over, this however just added to Hadrian's beauty. I was concentrating on his face, not realizing that I still had my hand resting over where his neck pulse point should be, suddenly I felt a jolt in his pulse, I looked down at him shocked as his heart began to beat again ever so slowly, I watched as his eyelashes twitched. I quickly stood and left the room before he could wake up making my way to the Chamber of Secrets.

Once I was safely within the office area of the Chamber I began to look through the books, Hadrian was immortal, there was no other way to explain it. He hadn't been breathing, he had no pulse, and I'm certain that that's the reason why his lacerations healed so quickly. I searched through the collection of books until I found something that sounded promising to what I was researching. I quickly pulled out the book and began to flip through it till I found what I was looking for, the chapter titled "Immortality and How To Find It," I carefully read through the pages, this not only answered my question to finding the different ways to immortality but also to get an idea on how Hadrian got it.


I woke up with curse, my whole body ached and I was starving. I slowly sat up and looked down at myself, my clothes were tattered and blood soaked, I groaned at the prospect of having to replace the outfit. I slowly got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom to wash off the blood and grime off of my body. I stripped down and hopped into the warm shower, I scrubbed off all of the grime and blood off of my body, as soon as I was done I hopped out, grabbed a towel and headed to a mirror to brush my teeth. I grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste preparing to brush my teeth, I looked up at my reflection just as I had stuffed the tooth brush into my mouth. My eyes widened as they landed on a scar placed over my right eye... exactly where that damned lightning bolt scar had been, though this one was different. Instead of the emoji styled atrocity it looked like an actual lightning bolt, starting at my hair line and ending at my eyebrow and slightly onto my temple, though I don't see how this is possible since it was just a killing curse, the first one I got hit with didn't do this so why now? I quickly looked down at the rest of my body to see very faint silver scars along with some that looked similar to the one on my head. I cursed and whipped out the Elder wand from the library pouch, screaming the incantation to summon Death, he appeared before me blinking slightly as he took in my appearance, he suddenly burst out laughing as I scowled at him, "It seems, Master, that you are very fond of lightning bolt shaped scars," he said whipping away a fake tear. I glared at him, "Why am I scarring?" it's not that I didn't mind scars I just didn't like them if they were on my face. "It appears that if you are brutally killed or murdered you'll scar, though don't fret I'm sure they'll fade much like the ones the explosion caused, just simple silver scars..." as he said this he traced some of the scars that the bomb had left. "I see... so all of this will just turn silver... how endearing..." I glanced back into the mirror to see that most of the scars were already fading into silver. I sighed as I dismissed Death and finished brushing my teeth.

I headed back to my room and got dressed, I brushed out my hair glancing at the scar on my brow, it was almost completely faded although it was still slightly noticeable making my skin look slightly like marble. I watched as the scar finally completely faded making me happy to see the silver line barely noticeable.


I had many theories about how Hadrian got his immortality, 1. he was a vampire, but he can walk in sunlight making that impossible. My second theory was that he was a shadow walker, shadow walkers were a rare type of wizard or witch that used the shadow to help them perform magic and spells, the shadows also help keep their master alive until the master performs a spell to expel their magic and kill them, they are also sometimes mistaken as an obscures, although this seems more likely for Hadrian the only problem was that he didn't radiate a dark aura. The third theory was extraordinarily far fetched, my third theory was that Hadrian was the Master of Death, if the three hallows were collected than it is said that the person who collected them becomes the Master of Death also gaining immortality, although the only problem with this theory is that the three hallows are a myth, though something that does support this theory is the fact that Grindelwald killed many generations of Peverell's looking for something from them and he never left any Peverell alive. Though if the hallows were true I would gladly go in search for them, although the shadow magic sounded more appealing to me, I already had a dark aura so it wouldn't be too noticeable, and it would be easy since there were books in the office based on the shadow magic. I quickly checked the time, it was past curfew so I quickly left the Chamber and headed back towards the common room.

I was almost to the common room before I heard somebody shout my name, I slowly turned around seeing Charlus Potter jogging towards me. I sighed and plastered on a fake smile, "What can I do for you Potter?" I asked with faux kindness, he glared at me in return, "Drop the act Riddle. I just wanted to know how Peverell is doing," I dropped my smile as I glared him. "What is it to you?" Potter's glare became more harsh as he responded, "I wouldn't be so cocky Riddle! Peverell was injured because of your snakes!" he shouted at me, I allowed my face to become deadly, "Really Potter? Last I checked a couple of your lions were missing... at least I know when one of my house mates is replaced," I looked down at him as he paled and looked down at his feet. He looked back up at me with a forced glare, "Tell Peverell that I hope he feels better," and with that he scurried off, I rolled my eyes as he went back down the corridor.

As I entered the common room Abraxias confronted me, "Peverell is awake, he tried to leave but I sent him back to bed because of it being past curfew," he reported, I only simply nodded and headed to the dormitory. As I entered I saw Hadrian messing with his Swooping Evil, he looked up at me then carefully set the Swooping Evil on the head board allowing it to wrap its vine like tail around the head board. He sat up and looked me, all that were visible were faded into a beautiful silver making him seem like a silver quartz. "Glad to see you well healed and awake," his eyes widened as I stated this, "Uh... thanks I guess..." he said trailing off, I noticed he kept trying to fix his hair over the new scar on his brow. I stepped towards him and grabbed him the wrist, stopping his attempts, I held both of his wrists in one hand as I then moved his hair to look at the scar, "Don't hide your scars from me Hadrian..." his eyes connected with mine and I  couldn't help myself.

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