Chapter 13

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I'm restless. It's been a week since Hadrian and I's... conversation. He had still been in the hospital wing on surveillance, only getting out today. I had visited him every night while he was asleep, almost getting caught a few times.

In that week I had finally found the Chamber of Secrets, it was quiet simple. Although I didn't fancy the slide, but that was an easy fix, one had to simply say stairs. I still have yet to do anything with the basilisk, but I have found Salazar's study quiet useful. I spent most of my time reading through the old books with ancient spells and rituals, I enjoyed reading through the pages of Salazar's journals filling me with knowledge. Though one would believe my shock when I found a journal specifically dedicated to Salazar's lover, the journal went into strict detail about his lover and what they did... everything that they did. I shivered at the reminder of stumbling upon that entry.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a voice clearing their throat, I looked up into steel blue eyes, I raised a brow in a silent question, "Hadrian has been released from the infirmary," Malfoy stated. I nodded and continued to get lost in thought, although my thoughts were hardly ever sensible anymore, my mind was always occupied with Hadrian as he consumed my waking thoughts and dreams. On the rare occasion that I wasn't thinking about Hadrian I was thinking of the spells I had found, most becoming quiet useful for my knights and I, although I didn't share every spell with them, I still want an advantage over them.

I slowly made my way out of the dorm and into my chair in the common room, Malfoy and Nott beside me as I sat near the fire. I rested my chin on my hand as I once again got lost in thought, though thankfully my thoughts were filled with spells instead of Hadrian, I was thinking about all the spells I had learned and could still learn. Then a thought hit me, what if there was a spell that could cause immortality, or a ritual of some kind to live forever, it was a well known fact amongst the knights and I that I did not crave death nor did I even want it. If I could find a way to live forever using the Slytherin books and journals I am positive that I could find something, although I had already started with the idea of horcruxes it didn't appeal to me of ripping my soul apart but if I could find a different way to immortality than that would be my first option if it sounded more appealing than the horcruxes.


I was heading back to Slytherin common room when I was suddenly shoved into an abandoned classroom. I stumbled as I fell into the classroom colliding with the floor, I sighed exasperatedly and looked up to find a group of boys entering the room all of them seemed to be older than me, I looked to their robes to find the group was made up of boys from every house though mostly consisting of Gryffindor's, there were two Ravenclaws, two Slytherin's, and one Hufflepuff. I raised my brow at the group of boys, "May I help you?" I asked as I stood up. The group of boys had scowled at me, a Gryffindor boy stepped up making it obvious that he was the leader of the little entourage, the boy shoved me down again, "Stay down filth," he snarled down at me, I glared back at him, "If anything is filth here it's you tarnishing your name," I snapped back. The boy snarled again at me, are people in this era just part animal? I've lost count on how many people have snarled at me.   "You Hadrian Peverell should have died," he hissed at me as he glared down at me, I went to get up again only to have a shoe push me back to the ground, "Why does it matter to you?" I asked, I scowled at him as he smirked, "Grindelwald made us come here to make sure the job was done," then it hit me, these "kids" were most likely men on polyjuice potion, I scowled at them, "Where are the students?" all of them laughed, "Long since dead," the supposed leader said, I tried to identify them but I just couldn't recall them in my memory though that probably had to do with the fact that I am new to this Hogwarts and I don't know everyone here like in my own time. I scowled at him, "I'm assuming you used the polyjuice potion?" I cocked my eyebrow at the group, "Not all of us..." the man smirked as he looked at the Slytherin's, I looked to the two of them to recognize them as Duren Burke and Nixon Prewett, both of them were somewhat nobodies in the Slytherin house, they didn't stick to anybody and they mostly stayed to themselves and didn't socialize with anyone. I glared at them, "How will Riddle respond when he realizes that you betrayed a fellow Slytherin?" I asked, both of them, they both glared at me, "Tom Riddle is nothing compared to Grindelwald, he will die before the end of the year," Prewett said with a smirk, I felt my anger boil as I watched them. "I'm guessing that you're here to kill me?" I asked, they all glanced at each other with smirks plastered on their faces, they all drew their wands and pointed them at me, I sighed.

"Do I get any last words or do you want to kill me now?" I asked, they all glared and before they could fire a spell somebody burst through the door, "What's going on here?" a Gryffindor boy that looked eerily familiar demanded, they all whipped around to face him, wands still out. While their backs were turned to me I sent a blast sending them flying backwards, I quickly got up grabbed the Gryffindor boy and ran, we sprinted down the corridors heading towards the headmasters office. Suddenly spells were firing towards us as we continued to run, the boy would turn around sometimes sending 'stupefy' and 'expelliarmus' over his shoulder as we continued to run, "Where are we going?!" the boy shouted at me, I took a sharp turn and continued to run down the corridors still holding tightly onto the Gryffindor boy, I drew my wand as I ran towards the griffin statue, "What's the password?" I demanded as we drew closer to the entry, "Delili," the boy said breathlessly, I screamed the password when we were a few feet away. The statue began to move instantly much to my relief, I flung the boy in front of me and onto the steps. I turned back and before I could send another blast 4 green lights hit me square on the head, before my world went black I sent out the strongest blast of magic that I could muster.


I ran up the stairs after the Peverell boy pushed me up the stairs, I banged open the door to the headmasters office, as I stumbled into the office I was met with my head of house and the headmaster, "Sir! There are men attacking Peverell!" I exclaimed, the headmaster looked alarmed as he stood and stormed out of the room with Dumbledore following close behind. I ran after them to see seven men and two students firing all sorts of spells onto the Peverell boy, I gaped as I watched Dumbledore and Headmaster Dippet protect Peverell. Headmaster Dippet cast 'stupefy' at the intruders while Dumbledore held a 'protego'. After all of the perpetrators were stunned and captured Dippet checked on Peverell, "He's still alive, some rest and he should be fine," I looked down at Peverell and saw multiple lacerations on his body, blood seeping through his clothes, blood was also coming down his face from a cut upon his brow. "Sir... I don't mean to sound rude but I believe that Peverell should go to the hospital wing," I said looking up at the headmaster, he smiled at me gently before saying, "Head wounds tend to bleed more than the rest of the body. He'll be fine," I looked down at Peverell again, he defiantly had more than a head wound, his whole body is covered in blood. I looked back up at the Headmaster with a skeptical look. "How is it that you were with the Peverell boy?" Dumbledore asked me, I looked at my head of house before responding, "I saw him and a group of boys enter an abandoned classroom, I was just going to brush it off but I heard Peverell speak about them killing him... so I barged in and lent my assistance," I stated simply, Dumbledore nodded his head in approval. I looked down at Peverell again, "Will you help me bring him back to his common room?" Dippet asked me, before I could respond Dumbledore was disapproving, "I'm sure that we can call one of his house mates to get him," Dumbledore exclaimed, "Well we could but that would take much too long," Dippet responded somewhat exasperatedly,  I sighed before disrupting whatever Dumbledore was about to say, "I don't mind sir," Dippet smiled at me. "Alright then, pick him up and I'll lead you to his common room," I reluctantly picked up Peverell already feeling some of the blood seep onto my own clothes, I followed Dippet down the corridors towards the Slytherin common room.

When we arrived at the Slytherin common room, Dippet knocked on the wall before stepping back and waiting. A few minutes later Abraxias Malfoy walked out glaring at me before looking at Dippet, "Headmaster? Is there a problem?" Malfoy asked returning his glare to me, "No, no problem Abraxias. We just came to return Hadrian," Malfoy looked confused before looking around for Peverell, finally his gaze settled upon his body in my arms, "What did you do?" he growled at me seeming to have forgotten about Headmaster Dippet, "He has done nothing Abraxias, he has simply helped me return Hadrian," Dippet was smiling, almost acting oblivious to the circumstance. Malfoy nodded once before returning back into the common room, a few seconds later Malfoy came back out with Riddle, Riddle's eyes instantly landed on Peverell, he stepped closer and wrenched him out of my arms before turning and leaving. I huffed at Riddle's dramatics, "Thank you for bringing him back," Malfoy said before also turning around to go back into the common room, though before he went in any further he turned to me again, "This means nothing, we do not owe you for anything Charlus Potter," he spat my name like an insult before turning and leaving me with Headmaster Dippet.

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