Chapter 29

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I sat waiting for Hadrian, I had just claimed all of my lordships and have changed my name to something... more pure blood, I had also asked for the courtship ring for the Emrys family. I changed my name to Marvolo Emrys Gaunt, choosing two well respected pureblood names would help me gain more allies within the pureblood society. I looked up when I heard a knock at the door, the door swung open to reveal Hadrian and the goblin from earlier. Hadrian smiled at me as he entered, I raised my brow at him as I stood up, "So are you now Lord Slytherin?" he asked, I chuckled at him before answering, "No I have changed my name to Marvolo Gaunt, though I will be applying that name after we graduate," I said with a smirk, he smiled at me before we both headed for the exit.


We walked back into the main chamber, Bognuk nodded to me before heading back to his post, I felt Tom's hand protectively around my waist. "I'm going to grab an endless pouch wait for me outside, I'll be with you shortly," he said as he leaned down to whisper in my ear. I smiled and nodded at him, he reluctantly left me as I headed for the doors. 

I felt a large hand grab me suddenly, it was a rough and hard grip, I felt something hard press into my back, "We meet again Peverell," a familiar voice said, I felt grit my teeth as I realized who it was, "Good evening Ugly, how've you been? Does Grindy miss me," I said with sarcastic enthusiasm, I felt him push the hard object more firmly into my back, "Too afraid to use an actual wand?" I sneered, he growled into my ear before he properly responded, "Come quickly and quietly, and maybe I won't kill your lover," he growled into my ear, he clenched my teeth again before nodding. He shoved the gun harder into my back and I began to walk. I had just reached the steps of the bank when I heard Tom's voice from behind me. "Hadrian? Who's this?" he asked as he went to follow us. I felt the gun leave my body and I felt the panic sink in as I realized what was about to happen, "No!" I yelled as I threw myself in front of the gun right as Ugly fired at Tom. I felt the bullet lodge itself deep inside of me, I groaned as I hit the ground, I heard screams come from around me as more shots rung out into the air, soon finding those shots lodged deep inside me like the first bullet. I groaned in pain, suddenly there was an agonizing scream come from beside me. I went to turn my head to see who it was only for warm familiar hands to stop me, Tom tenderly held my head in his hands, he gently wiped at my eyes, "Try to stay awake," he said as continued to gently caress my face. I let out a bitter chuckle, "Tom... even if I die I'll just come back," I said with a bitter smile. He scowled at me as I continued to chuckle, "Little imp," he said before dragging my body into his lap. I felt the familiar darkness of Death surround me before my vision slowly went blurry and black, "Take me to Alnock... he'll know what to do," I rasped out just as my vision went.


I held Hadrian's face in between my hands desperately, he had stopped moving and he was no longer breathing. Chaos was surrounding me, Grindelwald's men were scattered around torturing and killing people, the man that had shot Hadrian was still laying on the ground writhing in pain from the 'Tormentum' I sent his way. I held the spell as I lifted Hadrian into my arms and went back inside the bank, only when I was safely back in the bank did I stop the spell. Almost instantly the goblin from earlier was in front of us, "What happened?" he asked as he made a gesture to follow him. "Some man shot him... he works with Grindelwald," I said. I was trying desperately to keep the worry from my voice but it was proving to be difficult. The goblin led me to one of the carts, I reluctantly got in and made myself comfortable. I gazed down at Hadrian's face holding him tightly as the cart took off deep into the bank, Hadrian looked like he was sleeping, although I didn't like how he was so deathly still. 

Soon the cart came to a stop and I was racing to follow the goblin to a room deep within the bank. The goblin knocked and didn't wait to throw open the doors unlike earlier, I followed the goblin inside to see another goblin looking shocked as he took in the sight of Hadrian. "Put him on the couch," the new goblin demanded, I gently laid Hadrian down onto the couch as instructed and listened as the goblins talked in Gobbledegook, although I was good at the language I wasn't flued and could only pick up on bits and pieces of the conversation. The goblin from earlier rushed out of the room as the new one hurried over to Hadrian. "My name is Alnock by the way. I am Hadrian's account manager and friend," he said, I hid my shock as the goblin called himself Hadrian's friend, although I wasn't too surprised. "Marvolo Gaunt Emrys, though most know me as Tom Marvolo Riddle," I said in turn, the goblin simply nodded as he removed Hadrian's shirt. Twelve... there were twelve bullet holes all on Hadrian's torso. I felt rage boil in me, I wanted desperately to find the hideous man and destroy him, but right now Hadrian needed me. I was drawn out my thoughts as Alnock handed my a silver platter, I took it and watched as the goblin summoned long tweezers. I watched as the goblin would carefully put the tweezers into one of the bullet holes, he carefully adjusted the tweezers around to find the bullet and pulled it out, he repeated this with each and every wound. "Do you know of Hadrian's... ability's?" Alnock asked, I raised my eyebrow in question before it dawned on me what he meant, "Yes, I know that he is the Master of Death," I stated firmly, the goblin nodded once before pressing his finger to Hadrian's temple. I watched as a green hue left the finger, "What did you do?" I asked, the goblin smirked a little, "Well I don't think Hadrian would enjoy having to live through those wounds, so... I killed him. With the bullets removed he should heal just fine and much faster now that he's dead," he said. I sighed as I took Hadrian's hand in mine. 


I was sitting in darkness for who knows how long before suddenly I was dragged into the white train station. I looked around expecting Death to be there to greet me only to find him no where in sight, this didn't shock me too bad since there was a double war going on right now. I made my way through the station as it suddenly began to fill with people, I was just about to reach the office before a voice stopped me. "I need your help," I turned to see Death looking utterly exhausted, I sighed as I nodded my head, "I'll do the paper work you go collect the souls," I said glumly, Death chuckled slightly before disappearing again. 

I had no idea how much time had passed but I knew that I should've already been back with the land of the living a while ago, although I didn't mind helping Death with all this goddamn paper work. He really needed to try and stay on top of it otherwise he would have another issue like today where he was just too overloaded. I sighed as I rubbed my hand down my face, "Sorry about that Master, but your help was much needed," Death said as he walked through the door, I just scowled at him causing him to chuckle, "I guess I should send you back now," he said with a sigh. I laughed at his misery only causing him to scowl.

I woke up with a gasp and a pounding headache, my body was sore all over and I over all felt like dying. I cursed as I strained to sit up, cursing Death and his pettiness as I finally managed to sit upright, "Oh good you're awake. Your lover was quite worried about you," Alnock said from beside me making me jump. He cackled as I scowled at him, "Speaking of, where is Tom? How long have I been out?" I asked, the goblin shrugged, "I don't know where your lover is, and it's only been four hours," he replied, I nodded my head before trying to get up, I was somewhat successful but my head was swimming making me dizzy. There came a knock from the door before Bognuk entered with Tom right behind him, once Tom saw me awake and standing he wasted no time with striding over and pulling me into a bone crushing hug, I sighed as he enveloped me in warmth, Tom squeezed tightly causing me groan in pain, he instantly pulled back in concern, "Are you hurt?" he asked checking me over, causing to also look down to finally notice that I was without a shirt, I felt my cheeks get warm as Tom chuckled. "Are you sore Hadrian?" Alnock asked, I sighed before answering, "I feel like I got hit by a bus, everything hurts, my head is killing me, and quite frankly I feel like dying... again," I sighed, Alnock and Tom both laughed at my pain causing me to scowl at them. 

I was leaning heavily against Tom as we exited the bank, he kept glancing down at me with worry as we made our way to the floo network, "I don't think I can let you go to Nott's house, how about you come back to the Malfoy's with me?" I chuckled at Tom's question, "It's fine, I'm going straight to bed as soon as I get there. Besides you'll see me in two days at the Yule ball," I said with a breathless chuckle. Tom just sighed as we finally made it, he reluctantly helped me into the floo and handed me some floo powder, I smiled at him before calling out my destination and arriving back at Nott manor. 

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