Chapter 42

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(Translation for a foriegn language.)


I was anxious and worried, though I could feel the adrenaline slowly pump into my system. I took a shuttering breath as I a strapped on my wand holster onto my thigh. I had decided, to use the Elder Wand today, it would be too risky not to, seeing as we were battling Grindelwald today. I wanted my magic to be at full capacity.

I ran my hands through my hair nervously, Tom was in the closet trying to find robes that would be appropriate for the occasion. One that he wouldn't mind destroying and getting bloody and dirty. I strapped on another wand holster onto my forearm, I tucked the Elder Wand into the holster before rolling down my sleeve. I tucked in my other wand to the holster on my thigh. I had yet to put on the outer layer of my robes, they were still laying on the bed.

Tom finally came out of the closet, adjusting his robes slightly as he continued to get ready. Earlier in the week we had 'leaked' that we were going to France for a vacation, well techinically the paper said, 'Hadrian Peverell going to Paris France with mystery hunk!' I had a good laugh from that title and whole story actually, of course the ministry had tried to destroy the paper but they were just barely too late. They had sent us dozens of letters advising that we don't go, of course the letters were ignored and sent back.

Tom wrapped his arms around my torso as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "Are you about ready dear," I sighed as I nodded my head. I picked up my robe and put it on. I felt Tom's grip tighten slightly before we were ingulfed in shadows. we stepped out into the foye of the Peverell flat in Paris. I looked around a bit, memories not mine flooding my mind. I took Tom's hand as we headed to the door and out.

We walked through the wizarding streets both of us alert and trying to keep an eye out for Grindelwald or his men. I had a tight grip on Tom's hand as we continued to walk, *Stop being so nervous Hadrian. You've taken down a dark lord before, you can do it again. Besides you're making me nervous, don't forget I can feel what you feel darling,* he hissed into my ear, I sighed and tried to calm my nerves, I felt a wave of calm shoot through me, I looked at Tom with a look of relief and thanks. I felt Tom stiffen before he stopped walking all together, *He's here,* he hissed as his grip tightened.

We continued to walk, I took in our surroundings  there were a lot of people here and stores. I don't want to have a full battle with so many people around, it made me nervous and I didn't want too many innocent casualties. I felt my heart sink as I saw Grindelwald walk into the street, I saw a few of his men in their usual purple robes walk into the street as well. I felt anti-apparation wards being put in place around us.

I watched as the men in purple began to fire spells at us, they weren't even remotely close to us yet! They were all the way on the other side of the market. I watched as the men began to sprint through the crowd towards us, still firing the spells. A spell whizzed past me and hit the building behind us, Tom pulled me close and shadow stepped away as the building exploded from behind us.

We re-emerged only a few feet away safely, I winced as a cutting hex grazed me. I waved my hand over the wound making it heal instantly, "Well well well, if it isn't the one and only Hadrian Peverell, Lord Peverell, Master of Death," Grindelwald drawled as he drew closer to us. I glared at him as he approached, he held his wand in his hand as if he was about to conduct a choir. "I'm terribly sorry but I don't think we've met," he said directed towards Tom, Tom's grip on me momentarily tightend "Marvolo Emrys Gaunt," Tom said with narrowed eyes. I watched as Grindelwald's eyebrow rose, "Not only a Gaunt but an Emrys as well, my my. What a shame that you'll die today," he said with a snarl as he flicked his wand. A bright green curse flew towards Tom, I quickly manuevered us to where I took the spell instead, I made direct eye contact with Grindelwald as the spell took no effect. I had arranged it earlier with Death to where I wouldn't be taken to Purgatory after being hit with the killing curse, since it does no damage to me. The only thing it really did was make me slightly tired.

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