Chapter 23

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The first student to walk into the Great Hall let out a shriek. It was a young Hufflepuff, probably in her second year, she looked on with horror at the dead bodies placed carefully on the tables. Her screams were heard as student and teachers poured into the Great Hall, there on the tables were the aurors. Each one was carefully cut open, the entrails were placed around them blood was staining the wood from it seeping in. The hall filled with horrified gasps and sobs, teachers trying desperately to move the students away from the scene.


I watched as Hadrian finished carefully removing the entrails from the last auror, I smirked at him as he looked up at me, he looks stunning, even now with his arms up till his elbows covered in blood with slight blood splatters on his shirt and face. Though I'm not much better myself, there was blood splattered all over me but I don't mind one bit. We were careful placing the bodies, we didn't use magic and double checked for any evidence that was left behind that could lead back to us, going as far as wearing leather gloves to cover our finger prints. The only evidence we placed on the scene would point them to another student.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Hadrian tapped my arm, I looked down at him as he smiled up at me, I smirked back, "We should go shower love," I say as I get up from leaning on the wall. He nods and follows me through the corridors, we were careful as we walked watching for student or teachers. I lead us back to the chamber so we could wash and not worry about a student walking in and seeing the blood soaked clothes. Suddenly I heard foot steps headed towards us, I cursed and looked around the corridor had nowhere for use to hide and I was almost certain we would be caught till I caught the slightest sliver of shadow, I pulled Hadrian towards it before stepping inside the shadow to hide, I held Hadrian tightly against me as I shadow jumped to the chamber.

When we stepped out I slowly let go of him, he scowled before grumbling to himself, "I hate that way of travel," I laughed at him as he said this. We made our way to the chambers lavatory where a huge bath much like the prefects bath was, though this bath had giant snake statues pouring the water instead of normal faucets. I slowly eased my self into the tub once it was full, I glanced up at Hadrian as he made his way to pool like tub slowly, he looked at me, the only thing covering him was a towel, I smirked up at him, he slid into the tub before taking off his towel. I continued to smirk as he made his way farther into the tub I smiled before pulling him closer against me. He laughed as I kissed his forehead, I smiled down at him as I gently ran my hands through his hair, I slid my arms over his arms washing the blood from him, he hummed in satisfaction as I did so. I smiled softly at him before leaning down and kissed him softly.

After our bath we made our way to the bedroom of the chamber, I was carrying Hadrian in my arms, he had fallen asleep in the bath when I was getting the blood out of his hair.  I had awoken him briefly so that he could dress himself, as soon as he was done changing he had leaned against me and fell asleep, I looked down at him fondly as I continued my way to the room. I moved the sheets with wandless magic so that I could gently lay down Hadrian, as soon as he was looking comfortable I tucked him into the blankets so that he could keep warm. I slid into the bed next to him pulling him in closer to me, it didn't take long for him to cuddle against me, I drifted off to sleep with Hadrian comfortably sleeping within my arms.


I awoke extremely comfortable, I looked up to see Tom still asleep. I watched his peaceful expression, his breathing was perfectly even, he looked so at peace that I was almost jealous of his peace. I lightly traced my finger tips over his face, down his and slowly glided over his chest before tracing his abs, I bit my lip as I felt the hard muscle, how the hell is he so muscular? I've never even seen him work out, although he wasn't bulging with muscles he still had nicely defined muscles that I was slightly jealous of.

I sighed as I slowly sat up but before I could fully get up a muscular arm stopped me, Tom pulled me back onto the bed and leaned over me as he slowly kissed me, I smiled against his lips as he did so. He pulled away and smiled down at me, I sighed in bliss as I got comfortable, Tom kissed me again before getting up and casting a tempus, it was only seven a.m., I groaned as I also got up. Tom raised his brow at me as he glanced at me, "Where are  you going love?" he asked, I allowed my face to show my confusion, "I'm getting up of course," he chuckled before forcing me back on the bed, "Stay here and relax it's only Sunday. I'll get you some clothes and breakfast," I blinked up at him as he said this. I felt my heart flutter at his words, I was barely able to whisper an okay as I settled back into the bed and watched Tom call for a house elf. He ordered some food as he made his way towards a shadow, the elf popped away just before Tom stepped through the shadow and disappeared.

I looked around the room as I waited, I checked the bedside tables to see if there was anything I could entertain myself with, luckily their was a book on the night stand. I didn't pay any attention to the title and flipped open to the first chapter. I was just reading through the first page when Tom stepped back into the room with clothes in his arms, I looked up at him and smiled. "Love why are reading a book about immortality?" I blinked before flipping the book closed and reading the title and sure enough the title read Immortality and Where To Find It, I blinked again before I snorted, "It made for an interesting read I guess," I said as I set the book down. Just then food appeared on the bed side tables, Tom crawled back into bed with me before grabbing the food and plopping it onto the middle of the bed, "So what's the plan for today?" I asked, Tom smirked before responding, "Well, tomorrow classes are canceled because of the murders, so I do believe we should just relax for the next few days before the spectacle of Halloween," I nodded in agreement before taking a bite out of the toast presented. 

I was lounged on the couch in the chamber as Tom read a book. I had tried to read the cover but there wasn't a title to the book, it was a plain grey and black book that looked like it was made out of smoke, I huffed as Tom continued to pay attention to the book, I got up and made my way to where Tom was sitting before plunking myself onto his lap, he let out a startled huff of air as he wrapped his arms around me before continuing to read, I got myself comfortable before trying to read the book too. Tom chuckled as he closed the book, I pouted as I looked up at him, "You can't read that sorry love," he smiled down at me. In retaliation I got up and left the room, Tom called after me, I heard him curse before running footsteps approached me, I ignored him and locked myself into the bedroom. Tom knocked multiple times, "Love, open the door please," his voice was too sweet to be sincere and I knew that he was getting worked up as I continued to ignore him, I plopped down onto the bed and picked up the book from earlier and continuing from where I left off. 

Tom knocked on the door for at least thirty minutes demanding that I open the door, of course I just ignored him as I continued to read. Suddenly the knocking stopped, I assumed Tom got fed up and just left but was surprised when he cleared his voice from above me, I whipped my head up to see him standing above me, "Love why didn't you open the door," he smiled as he said this but his eyes were filled with rage, "I didn't feel like it," I said simply, Tom huffed as he glared at me.  "You didn't feel like it? I was banging on that door for hours Hadrian!" he snarled I only glanced up at him, "Don't be dramatic Tom it was only for thirty minutes," I said with nonchalance, I could see his eyebrow twitch with annoyance. "Hadrian I advice you don't anger me," I raised my brow as I continued to read the book, "What are you going to do? Feed me to Asuza? Get rid of me or ignore me?" I spoke coldly, I refused to raise my eyes from my book though. "I could never kill you or get rid of you..." his voice was a smooth calm as he trailed off, he leaned down and slowly took away my book. I looked up at I made sure to look as defiant as possible, he only chuckled before brushing his lips against mine, "Keep making that expression and I just might..." he leaned towards my ear before finishing his sentence, *consume you,* I felt a shiver run down my spine as he said this, I swallowed hard as Tom pulled away with an amused smirk, "Come along Hadrian we have to attend dinner," he pulled me up off the bed leading me to a shadow to walk through. 

1736 Words.

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