Chapter 20

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I hate having the aurors around, they do nothing but scowl and bully the students, using the excuse that the students are in the way of their work. Which I find to be utter bull shit. Tom doesn't care as long as none of the snakes are touched, if one student complains about the aurors to him than he'll take care of it, well except me. I complain about them all the time.

As I walked down the corridor to get to my next class an auror stopped me. "Where are you going?" he all but growled, I raised my eyebrow at him, "To my next class sir," I tried to sound respectful, I really did but my annoyance was clear in my voice. The auror narrowed his eyes at me, "Show me some respect you insolent child," he snarled, by now students were gathering around us to enjoy the show. Every student knows that I am one of the most powerful people here. I narrowed my eyes at the man. "I refuse to show respect to you because you do not respect me also you have done nothing to earn my respect," the man glared at me before grabbing my arm in a rough grip and dragging me down the corridor, "Where are you taking me?!" I snarled. He didn't respond.

When he finally stopped it was at an abandoned classroom, he shoved me in. I stumbled inside and was met with the sight of another four aurors. "Lord Weasley? Who's this?" I snapped my head back to the man who dragged me here and finally noticed the Weasley looks although this Weasley was very broad and muscular. "This fellow is a suspicious person and should be interrogated at once," Weasley stated boldly. The other men nodded before looking down at me, "Do we have your permission to interrogate you with veritaserum?" I looked around for a moment before I sighed and agreed. They fed me the doses and began the interrogation with me stating my name. I guess the good thing about being the Master of Death is that veritaserum doesn't work on me.


I was walking down the corridor towards dinner when I heard an interesting snippet of gossip, "They've been interrogating Peverell since second block and they're still not done! Rumor has it that he's immune to the veritaserum!" the gossiper said. I halted in my steps and turned to the two girls, "Excuse me ladies but I couldn't help but to hear your conversation. Do you know where the interrogation room is?" both the girls blushed as they looked at each other.

I ran down the corridors to the supposed interrogation room. I skidded to a stop when I came to the door, I reached for the handle when I halted abruptly, I could hear Hadrian talking to the aurors with exasperation before his sentence was cut short by a cry of pain. I felt my blood boil as I blasted the door off its hinges. There on the middle of the floor chained and bleeding was my Hadrian, he looked relieved to see me, I looked to the only other person in the room. He was clearly a Weasley. My blood boiled further as I stepped into the room. "Lord Weasley, it is against the schools regulations and the law of the Ministry to torture an under aged wizard for information. It also illegal to torture a Lord of an ancient and noble house that is currently under the protection of the Ministry," I saw the coward gulp. "Yes well young man it is inappropriate to interrupt an interrogation," I snarled at him and sent a stunning spell towards him. He hit the ground with a loud thump, I blew the chains off of Hadrian as I hurried towards him, barely catching him as he slumped forwards. I picked him up and began to carry him to the infirmary. He grumbled against my chest as I continued to walk, "Shush love get some sleep," he looked up at me and smiled, "I was just beginning to get worried when you didn't show up," I smiled too, "What did I say about getting some sleep?" he huffed a laugh before closing his eyes.

Hadrian was laying in the infirmary bed passed out, his wounds already healed, he looked ethereal as the moon shined on him. He suddenly snapped awake and sat up breathing hard, I rushed to his side to sooth him. He sighed as he leaned against me for comfort, "Bad dream?" I asked he shook his head, "It was a bad memory," I sighed and kissed the top of his head, "Do you want to talk about it?" he shook his head again before tilting it back to look at me. I leaned down and slowly began to kiss him, his lips were slightly chapped but I didn't care I just deepened the kiss. I slithered my tongue into his mouth as I sucked on his lips, he groaned as I nipped slightly at his bottom lip. We pulled away slightly to catch our breaths, Hadrian sat up from his position of laying back on me to straddling me. I smirked at him before flicking my wand go close the curtains.

We continued to kiss, our tongues were dancing and entangled, elettic shocks pulsing through my body with every touch we shared. As we continue to kiss I allow my hands to roam his body and slowly reach to unbutton his hospital pajamas, I felt Hadrian shiver from underneath me as he slipped his hands under my own shirt to feel up my stomach and chest. I tossed Hadrian's shirt onto the chair as we separated the kiss, I continued to kiss down his neck and chest. He groaned underneath me as I nipped at his collar bone, I felt his hands fumble with the buttons of my own shirt so I pulled away and did it for him, watching his expression carefully with each button I undid. His face was practically glowing with how hard he was blushing.


I felt my face grow warm as I watched Tom slowly unbutton his shirt once he was finished he tossed it away towards where ever he threw mine, he leaned forward and pushed me on to the bed as he leaned over me reconnecting our lips. I was in pure bliss as I ran my hands through his hair and clung onto him, our bare chests rubbing against each other made my whole body ache with electric shocks making me groan into Tom's mouth.

Suddenly there was a loud bang of the infirmary doors opening, Tom and I went deathly still as we listened to the click of shoes head in our direction, I tightened my grip on Tom's hair as the clicking got closer, I didn't realize that I was holding my breath until the clack of shoes passed us. Tom slowly sat up and handed me my shirt, I looked at him curiously as I put mine on but he didn't put his back on, he smirked as he drew me closer once I was done. He gave me a chaste kiss before making us settle in the bed to sleep. I sighed with disappointment as he ran his fingers through my hair, "Does this mean we're not gonna finish what you started?" I asked indignantly, I felt his chest rumble as he chuckled, "I don't want our first time to be in a hospital wing," I felt my face flare with warmth as Tom tried to cover his laugh, "O-oh," was my stuttered response.

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