Chapter 2

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I slowly awoke, the bed was a little too hard to be my bed at home. I slowly opened my eyes only to be greeted by the early morning light, I hissed and squeezed my eyes back shut not wanting to get out of bed just yet. Slowly the events from before came to mind and I groaned in disappointment, I was going to be kidnapped in a little while. I slowly rolled out of bed and headed to what I assume is the bathroom. I opened the door to be greeted by clothes... it was the closet, I cursed under my breath and looked at the other door across the room, I opened it to be greeted by a white and gold styled bathroom. I breathed a sigh of relief as I went to relieve myself.

Once I was done I went to the sink to wash my hands, I looked up into the mirror only to see my reflection slightly changed from the last time I looked, my hair was still raven black but fell softer than before, it was also ever so slightly longer, not too long, it just fell to my ears. My eyes were even brighter if that was at all possible, in purgatory they looked slightly like the killing curse, now they were the exact shade, I could see perfectly clear without my glasses which was a big bonus for me, my facial structure was also slimmer and more aristocratic, instead of the more boyish looks. All in all... I looked pretty damn good. I looked down at my body only to notice I had smooth and long muscles, that are slightly defined, my figure was a little more lanky than I remembered and definitely more curvy... hopefully I'm taller in this life. I made my way back to my room after checking my new looks, I swiftly began to pack my items from the closet and checked to make sure the library was still around my neck. I stopped 'Where the hell are the Hallows?' I thought to myself, I checked everywhere in the room looking for the Hallows, not wanting to loose them quite yet, especially when I still had so much to do. I finally found them under the bed in a box that could only be opened by a parselmouth. After I retrieved the Hallows I carefully placed them with the library, I looked around the room, it was now only filled with the things I didn't think I needed, I had an expandable satchel slung across my body that only contained clothes. I made my way out of my room to look down the hall only to see numbered doors, I tilted my head in confusion... I thought Death said I was only staying at inherited estates, I shrugged my shoulders, maybe I'm just passing through and decided to stay in a hotel. I carefully crept down the hall to where the stair case was, I descended it as carefully as I could, at the bottom of the stairs I was met by a long hallway that opened up into a large extravagant room where people were lounging and socializing. I made my way into the room to see people everywhere, along with a nice long food court with extravagant foods... I speed walked towards the food, I drooled slightly as I passed all the luxurious dishes, than I found the most amazing of them all... treacle tarts! I grabbed at least three or four stuffing two of them into my mouth.

As I'm walking down the street I'm suddenly pulled into a dark alley way, I huffed and rolled my, 'How cliché,' I thought to myself, I looked to see who my disrupter was only to see a crazed man in front of me looking all to please with himself. I lifted an eyebrow, "May I help you sir?" I asked sarcastically, the man let out a low cackle and looked back at me, something insane burning in his muddy eyes, I have to say the man wasn't remotely attractive, he had scraggly hair that fell from his mostly bald head, he had muddy brown eyes, his face was sinking as if it was trying to get off, he was however very tall, or I was just very short, he does however have a pot belly from what I can only assume is from drinking to much, "You, pretty boy, will make somebody very happy today," he said brining me out of my musings, I looked at him warily, "If it's money you want for more beer, I don't have any," I said as I carefully tried to draw my wand only to realize I didn't have one, at least not one in this time, the only wand I had was the elder wand, which I didn't feel like using, 'Shit' I cursed myself, "Oh I don't want your money, no no no, I want to bring you to my master," he said looking all to proud of him self, I gave him a bored expression. Suddenly he was reaching towards me once again, I quickly flung him across the alley way with my raw magic, and scurried away and farther into the alley to try and get out the other side to leave, my path was quickly blocked by at least 3 or 4 men. I quickly swiveled around to try and leave the other way only for that to be blocked by Ugly and his friends, I readied myself. Both sides of the alley started to fire spells at me all of which I'm assuming is to try to stun me, I throw up a shield of raw magic, and tried to blast them back as well, it worked... sort of... at least the shield did, the blast, not so much. All of the sudden man after man was descending onto to me.

I don't remember passing out, or fainting, or getting knocked out, but here I was being awoken by Grindelwald casting Aguamentai at my face, I spluttered and coughed just trying to get the fluid out of my throat, I heard a dark chuckle as I continued to choke, I mustered up my hardest glare and sent it at the man. "Hello Mr. Peverell, how are you on this fine evening?" he asked, "Hello Grindy, I am just peachy as the muggles would say," I said sarcastically, he didn't seem to care though. "Well that's just swell, you see Mr. Peverell, I don't want to hurt you so, I'm just going to ask you nice and simple questions that I want you to answer truthfully," he stated in a professional tone, "Why of course Grindy what can I do for you?" I asked in a fake cheery and sarcastic tone, he once again ignored it, "Where have you been hiding?" he asked instead, "Nowhere and yet everywhere," I stated, he looked at me in slight confusion and anger, he growled, I smirked glad that I finally got a reaction out of him. "I'm done playing games!" he snarled, before I could come up with a snarky response he continued, "Where are the Hallows?!" he snarled again. I clamped my mouth shut and refused to answer he growled like an animal, "Tell me!" he roared, "Why should I?! You're a terrible man who will only use them for greed you will never find them! I would rather die over and over again in brutal ways then tell you," I seethed, he looked at me with rage flaring in his eyes, "That can be arranged, Crucio," the pain hit me like a ton of bricks, though thankfully it wasn't as painful as old Voldy's, I gritted my teeth and refused to give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream, "Tell me where they are," he said chillingly, "Never," I gritted out, he seemed shocked that I could speak while under the curse, so he took it off... and started to hit me with electricity. I gritted my teeth harder trying so hard not to scream as he hit me over and over and over again, it felt like a Crucio and blood boiling curse in one, it hurt like all living hell, he was using the electricity like a whip, striking me over and over.  Once he didn't get a reaction from me again, he hit me with cutting hex, it ripped through my clothes and made a large gash in my arm, "Tell me where the Hallows are," he said afterwards, "No," I said as strong as I could. Grindelwald just glared down at me and strode towards a wall that I didn't notice had a whole wall of sharp objects. He grabbed a dull looking knife before coming towards me smirking with a mad glint in his eyes.

I don't know how long I've been here, but I knew that a couple of days have passed of me being tortured and tied to this now blood stained chair. Grindelwald was just about to gore another curse at me when the door banged open. "Sir aurors are here!" the man said in a panic, Grindelwald let out growl, "What?" he growled out, 'He must be part animal or something,' I mused to myself, "Somebody must have betrayed us!" the man said even more panicked. Grindelwald let out a sigh and went to leave, before he did however he looked at me and gave a wicked grin as he raised his wand. I sighed in exasperation as he shot the killing curse at me.

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