𝟎𝟓𝟖 - 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟

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AUGUST 17th, 1996

I pant softly, my temples throbbing lightly from the mental attack I just warded off. It doesn't hurt even nearly as much as before, but it takes some strain keeping those walls up.

"Good," Bellatrix chirps, her head tilting and practically resting on her shoulder as she glances between the two of us with those jarringly wide eyes. "So you've both finally picked up Occlumency. Wonderful. It only took forever."

I turn my chin up slightly, keeping my eyes set firmly on her while all too aware of her nephew standing a few feet away from me. The morning after she oh-so-considerately decided to torture me, it became so painfully clear to me why exactly my mind wasn't closing, why I couldn't sequester my thoughts and emotions and memories.

"We haven't dueled in a while," I say, scanning the woman and inhaling deeply. "I'm not too worried about myself, but I know for others that it can be... easy to become rusty when a skill isn't practiced."

Draco scoffs softly, but he doesn't say anything.

Bellatrix smirks slowly, her lips, painted a garish shade of red, contort cruelly as she looks me up and down. "Fair enough," she purrs in a high voice. "You said it yourself, you won't learn anything fueling each other. Tuesday, I'll find you two dueling partners. Tonight, get some rest. You still have quite a bit to learn before the summer is out..."

AUGUST 20th, 1996

I groan out in pain as I sink into my bed, feeling the silk sheets welcome by sore muscles with their cooling embrace.

When Bellatrix said she would find us dueling partners, I didn't expect her to scrounge up two of the most experienced Death Eaters of the entire lot. Honestly, I'm not sure if she even expected us to last more than ten minutes each. I'm not sure if she even paired us up with those two for entertainment or to actually train.

Whatever it was, all I want is a long night of rest.

Absentmindedly, I paw at my nightstand, sighing heavily while I pull the drawer open and pull out my Draught, glancing at it briefly to ensure it's the right bottle, and then twisting the cap open to let three drops into my mouth before capping it once more and putting it away.

Almost instantly, I feel it take its effect, my vision going blurry and grey as my muscles relax all on their own. My heart slows slightly as my eyes flutter shut, and soon I descend into sleep.


My eyes fly open as I inhale a loud gasp of air. My hands dart up to squeeze the wrists of their that tightly grip my shoulders, and I blink blankly at the face above mine, trying to understand what's going on.

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