𝟎𝟔𝟑 - 𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐢'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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vote!! 6169 words, i wanna see comments 😡🦑

My mother sent Sleeping Draught with me, but there's really no point taking it even if it to quell the nightmares. I hardly doubt I'll be sleeping more than three or four hours a night anymore.

Especially with that incessant banging on my door.

Maybe if I pretend to be asleep and ignore it, it'll go away. I've accepted the possibility of only getting three hours, but two is just unacceptable.

Thud, thud, thud!

I groan softly, turning my head so one ear is pressed into my pillow and bringing my covers up over the side of my head.

One loud thud! reaches my ears, as if someone has kicked the door in frustration.

Who the fuck needs me at this hour? I mutter internally, thrashing slightly to turn around onto my stomach and bring my covers up over my head, my arms locking over my ears. I am determined to sleep.

"Open the fuck up, Malfoy!"

My eyes shoot open.

My body is moving faster than my brain, ripping my covers off of me, throwing them onto the floor, leaping down from the bed, nearly slipping on the covers previously thrown, and stumbling towards the door in a half-asleep stupor. When I grab the doorknob, unlock it, and swing it open, I see Celeste standing there with her fist raise about to knock it on the door.

She freezes when she sees me, and I freeze when I see her.

She looks like a mess, dressed in just cotton shorts and a massive shirt. Her curls are bed-ragged and pulled up into an incredibly messy up, stray locks pouring from it wildly. Her eyes are wide, as if she's shocked I even opened the door at all, when I realize she's taking them up and down me, taking in my naked torso and my thighs below where my briefs end.

"Were you sleeping?" she then asks firmly, eyes still on my thighs as her hand drops from the air.

I quirk an incredulous eye at her. "At four in the morning? Yes, just like you should have been."

"Did I wake you up?"


"Good," she says, pushing past me—knocking her shoulder against mine—to stride into my room as if it's hers, leaving me standing and holding the door, staring blankly at the door across mine with tired eyes, still in disbelief this is happening at all. "Are you just gonna stand there?"

"No, ma'am," I exhale under my breath, run by into a hand through my hair while I swing my door shut and turn around to see Celeste pacing my room, her arms wrapped tightly around her. "What are... you doing here?" I ask, yawning half way through, my eyes squeezing shut.

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