𝟎𝟑𝟖 - 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐧

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She looks nervous.

And she should. I revel in it, the way she presses herself against the bookshelf as if it'll come to her rescue, the way she stands as far away from me as possible and makes herself small as if I'll forget what she's done, the way she peers at me cautiously through her eye lashes with big, innocent eyes as if I'll show her any mercy, the way she presses her thighs together as of that'll give her any relief.

I take my time. She unties the knots for me like a good girl, breath hitching as I snarl to her just how badly she screwed up, but she leaves me to take the ropes off myself. So I take my time, enjoying how she grows increasing nervous with anticipation, watching me pull the rope off my legs and arms and coil it into two neat piles, watching me tuck the chair back into the desk, watching me pull my belt out of my pants and leave them unbuttoned and unzipped hanging low on my waist, watching me take my shirt completely off and rub the light rope burns on my wrists.

"Viens ici, ma chérie [Come here, darling]," I coax, holding a hand out to her.

Celeste glances down to it warily. With slightly trembling hands at her sides, she pushes off the bookshelf and walks over to me, making me smirk from the way she glances up at me hesitantly before slipping her small, cool hand into my bigger one.

I instantly pull her up against me, one of my hand tugging on her tie to hear her choke while my other grabs her hair and tugs it down, forcing her to tilt her head up so I can smash my lips against hers and force my tongue into her mouth. She makes a small noise, her hands balling into fists that rest against my chest while I turn us around and press her roughly against our table, her nails scratching lightly against my skin.

My hands press up her back, pushing her closer against me while she wraps her arms around my neck and drags her nails over my scalp. I feel up her sides, my hands grabbing at her breasts from over her shirt only to realize she decided to go without a bra for the day. I groan lowly in her mouth when I feel this, pinching her hard nipples from over her shirt to hear her gasp softly.

"Tu t'es amusé à faire semblant d'avoir le contrôle [Did you have fun pretending to be in control]?" I chuckle darkly as I press my face into the side of her neck, inhaling the bitter berry scent she always wears while fumbling to remove her tie. "Tu aimes te comporter comme une mauvaise fille [Do you like acting like a bad girl]?"

Her heels kick against the backs of my legs in an attempt kick her shoes off. I hear them thud against the floor one by one, and then shes hooking her legs around my hips and digging her heels into my back to push me closer to her. I grab her thighs and force them away, and she flexes them in an attempt to push them back against me, but I easily push them away. I step back a little, my hands sliding up her thighs and up her skirt to hook my fingers into her panties, her breath hitching when I pull them all the way down past her feet, tossing them aside to land on her bag.

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