𝟎𝟒𝟔 - 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬

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hey vote or else i'll melt ur eyes

anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy this chapter isssssssssss well you'll start to see that i have SO much in store for you guys

"Hey!" Blaise shouts, bursting my door open, "OWL results are here! C'mon, open yours up, rub in my face how you got more Outstandings," he says tossing my envelope over to me where I sit on my bed leaning against the headboard.

I watch in mild amusement as he practically bounces onto the bed to sit across from me, tearing his envelope open and scrambling to pull his letter out.

It's been seventeen days since I was discharged from the hospital. The first week wasn't terrible for me, but it had to have been awful for everyone else in the manor. I was numb to the point where that entire week was a blur. I have a few vague memories of people trying to shake me and make me move, sometimes someone setting food down beside me though I never touched a bit of it. It's like I could see what was in front of me, but my mind wasn't ready to go back to the real world.

It wasn't there either. It wasn't in the bakery with him.

It was nowhere. I don't remember much, though I do remember rather vividly sitting in a chair in my shower while Pansy struggled to wash my hair. I can't really walk on my own yet, or speak much without shutting down, or eat a lot more than a bit at each meal. Every little bit seems to expend all my energy, and I'm still not sure why. I heard Blaise talking to Aunt Colette about having some sort of specialist come see me, the thought of which making me both want to throw up and realize solemnly that might be exactly what I need. But nobody has come by. I've hardly seen my mother except when she passes by my room when the door is open.

I need answers, but I can't really ask for them.

"Ready?" Blaise asks, squinting slightly down at his letter. "Four Outstandings! Got Exceeds Expectations in Potions, Charms, and Care of Magical Creatures, and Acceptables in Divination and Astronomy. How'd you do?"

I stare down at my letter. Along with my OWLs, I know this envelope also holds my class rank. A month ago, the thought would make my gut twist, but I can hardly seem to care right now.

"I think I'll check later," I say quietly, grunting softly as I lean over to set the envelope down on my nightstand. I glance up to see Blaise gazing off slightly, his brows furrowed just slightly almost in concern, so I slip a small smirk on my face and say dryly, "but I definitely did better than you."

His brows loosen and his lips spread into a grin. "You're a bitch," he says with a roll of his eyes. "Wanna have lunch downstairs today?" he then asks, looking at me eagerly.

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