𝟎𝟗𝟗 - 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝

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get us to 4.5k comments and 700 votes and the next chapter comes ur way asap!!!

WC: 11,765, so pls comment LOL

JUNE 25th, 1997

"Apparently, according to Rosmerta, Dumbledore's going out for a drink that night. The thirtieth," Celeste says from across the table, looking tired as she slouches in her chair and stares grimly down at the blueprints. "After curfew. It'll be the perfect time to start up the plan."

I glance up at her with lifted eyebrows, examining her closely. "Good," I then say lightly, my eyes settling on how she gnaws at her plump lower lip before I force my gaze back down to the blueprints. "That's good."

"Are you ready?" she asks, sounding amused somehow.

"For the task?"

"What else, idiot?"

She ignores my harsh glare. "Of course, I'm ready. We've only been preparing for this all year." My eyes narrow. "Are you ready?"

Celeste shrugs nonchalantly, fiddling with her quill. He pushes it against her lip, eyes peering up at me through thick, lashes, looking mischievous yet bitter all at the same time. "Of course, I'm ready," she mocks me, smirking when I roll my eyes. "I'm more than ready. But that's not what I was asking."

I lift an eyebrow inquisitively.

"I meant, are you really ready?" Her eyes are dark and casual as she leans forward against the table, asking in a voice as though we're talking about taking an exam, "Are you ready to murder someone?"

I nearly choke on my spit, crumpling the edge of the blueprint under my hand. She looks amused.

"You think you can do it, Malfoy? You think you can kill someone?" Celeste asks innocently, leaning forward still while her quill continues prodding at her lip.

"I..." I shake my head, frowning slightly. "What?"

"You heard me."

Am I ready to kill someone? Do I think I can kill someone? The questions make my gut twist uncomfortable, make me lightheaded, make me sit down in my own chair before I fall over because of it. I frown at her, as though there isn't an answer screaming at the back of my head.


I turn the question around on her instead. "What about you? You think you're capable of it?"

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