𝟏𝟏𝟏 - 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞

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hi guys


April 27th

Though it is the middle of the day, the sky above us is an ominous shade of gray, with low-hanging clouds that stretch as far as the eye can see. The billowing formations threaten to unleash their watery contents upon us at any given moment, casting a sense of impending rain over the landscape. As if to punctuate the gloominess, a sudden flash of lightning briefly illuminates a corner of the sky, but it is unaccompanied by the rumble of thunder that usually follows.

Celeste and I lay on a blanket on one of the once green and grassy hills in front of the castle. There hasn't been much upkeeping or landscaping recently, so the grass has all died. She's tucked under my arm, brows furrowed in concentration as she is engrossed in whatever book it is she is reading. Every once in a while, her glasses slip down the bridge of her nose, and she makes an irritated noise before pushing them up. I simply watch the storm clouds pass by. They move like giants, slow and lumbering, a sharp contrast to the way the thoughts in my mind race.

As the clouds meander across the sky, they cast ever-changing shadows upon dreary land. It makes me almost nauseous to watch, yet it is so mesmerizing at the same time. It almost looks as though the land is undulating as the shadows ebb and flow. It feels as though the entire world is hesitating with anticipation of the rain that is sure to come, yet neither of us suggest packing up and moving back indoors. 

I look at her, my hand brushing against her arm. It takes only a moment's worth of concentration for me to feel the expanse of her mind. It races just as mine does, which provides a brief moment of solace. She's only half focused on her book. The other half cannot seem to decide what exactly it wants to ponder, but the more I remain in her head, the more I am filled with her sense of dread and fear.

"Celeste," I murmur, breaking the relative silence that swarms us, my eyes wandering back up to the sky.

She doesn't respond,  remaining lost in the depths of her internal turmoil, oblivious to my voice. The book in her hands trembles slightly, a testament to the unease she carries within her. I watch as a distant clap of thunder reverberates through the sky, harmonizing with the symphony of emotions that echo between us.

Concern gnaws at the edges of my consciousness, urging me to bridge the gap that separates us. The deeper I delve into her emotions, the more lost I feel among them, and I can only wonder how lost she must feel.

"Hey, Celeste."

Again, no response, though I do finally hear a clap of thunder in the distance. The lightning momentarily illuminates  the sky, casting a glow that dances across Celeste's face. She remains in her book, though her face screws tighter and tighter as she struggles to maintain her concentration. 

Then, she pauses, her eyes now fixed on the distant horizon where the storm clouds loom. Her grip on the book tightens, and her knuckles turn white. Her inner struggle feels akin to my own, the battle between vulnerability and self-preservation.


"What?" she finally snaps, putting her book down to look at me with a stern expression. "What? What do you want?"

Her mind is racing even faster, so much so that it makes my own heart race. Each beat echoes the rapid flow of thoughts and emotions that surge through her. I watch her intently, studying the creases on her forehead and the subtle tension in her muscles. It's as if her emotions have seeped into the very air around us, leaving me both captivated and unsettled.

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