𝟎𝟑𝟎 - 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧

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let's get a few things straight bbs (i'm not) (actually i am but i'm not? we don't talk abt it)

1. celeste will not be getting pregnant in this book, not even in the epilogue (if she lives that long). i don't believe in happy epilogues anyway they're so stupid and unrealistic

2. dramione is not happening! draco has a crush on hermione bc it's canon + moral dilemma ("i hate muggleborns bc daddy said so but this one is cute but also she's beating me at school wtf"). also hasn't he mentioned this before why were y'all surprised LMAO ???

3. this is the slowest burn you'll ever read. they don't really have a crush on each other right now. maybe a minor one, but it's purely physical. they've basically just started talking to each other without wanting to die/kill each other, and only kind of. i promise, you'll know when they know.

also am i the only person who does NOT want to give birth (maybe adopt one day?) but has a breeding kink bc 🐸🐸🐸

"Maybe we don't need to study for this," Celeste says lightly, a slight pout on her lips as she glares down at her notes. "Maybe we'll somehow remember everything Binns has ever said tomorrow."

"Yeah, right," Pansy snorts.

"I'm done with this," Blaise sighs from where he's sitting on his own bed, slamming his textbook shut and tossing it onto the floor in front of his nightstand. "If I fail, I fail. I'll live."

"I won't," I grumble from my own bed.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to sleep, so if you're gonna stay up, get the fuck out," he says, flopping over in his bed and pulling his covers up over his head in one fluid movement. "Like, now."

"Uh, oh," Celeste tuts. She and Pansy are sitting on the ground leaning against Blaise's bed. She smirks, glancing up at me to say, "Looks like Blaisey is a bit cranky. A kiss should lighten him up, don't you think, Dray?"

Everyone in the room freezes. Pansy's jaw is dropped in an irritating grin.

"Shut up, Celeste," I groan, climbing out of my bed and messily shoving all my books and notes back into my bag.


"So she knows the story, huh?" Blaise mumbles from beneath his thick blankets.

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