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WC: 7607

honestly... i love this chapter. specifically the last half of it, not as much the first half, tho it's kinda cute

please vote. PLEASE COMMENT. i'm desperate for comments on this chapter. and of course, please enjoy

"Maxon, where are we going?!"

"Telling you would ruin the surprise."

I practically growl under my breath, crossing my arms tightly. He's clearly very committed to this surprise, so I'm going to be very angry if it doesn't live up to all the hype he's built around it. He went as far as having Pansy get me dressed appropriately, because she gets to know where he's taking me and I don't.


"Yes, princesse?"

"Is it a coincidence that your little surprise lands on the same day as Valentine's day?" I huff, shivering under my breath as the cold bites at me. I'm assuming this surprise is indoors, because I doubt Pansy would dress me in my leather skirt and knee-high boots otherwise.

He laughs dryly. "This isn't a date. It just so happens that our surprise takes place this Friday. Not a date, unless you want it to be one," he says sarcastically, tightening his grip on my hand continue leading me since—of course—he blindfolded me for the sake of keeping his surprise a surprise.

"Most dates don't end with the guy buried in a ditch, so yeah, not a date in my book," I mutter under my breath, rubbing my arms as best as I can while stumbling to blindly keep up with him. He gave me his coat to wear on top of mine and even wrapped his thick scarf around my neck so it covered my ears and half my face, but no amount of layers could protect me from the February chill.

"I promise you won't want to murder me," he says easily, letting go of my arm to wrap his over my shoulders and pull me into his side. "I think you'll like this."

"I better."

We continue trudging through Hogsmeade—that's how much he told me—which must be quite a sight to everyone else seeing two people dressed in black, one even blindfolded. I smirk slightly at the thought, realizing that maybe the fact it's Valentine's day adds a certain something to the image we're giving off.

The thing is, though, this surprise is very late at night.

It's maybe 10:00 PM now as we continue walking, Maxon laughing off all my half-joking threats to castrate him and hide his dead body in a pile of snow.

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