𝟎𝟏𝟏 - 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐠

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"Did you even sleep last night?"

I sigh softly from where I'm sitting on my bed, a microfiber towel wrapped around my wet hair as I paw through my trunk for cute clothes, wearing only a towel around my body.

"Hardly," I murmur, furrowing my eyebrows as I pull out a sweater and hold it out in front of me to see if I'm in the mood to wear it. "I slept at three."

"Girl—literally why?" Pansy laughs shortly from her bed right across from mine. I glance up at her to see her in her underwear shimmying a pair of ripped mom jeans up her hips and buttoning them up. "It's the weekend, you know."

"Yeah, I know," I sigh again before folding the sweater back up and shoving it into my trunk. I grab another sweater—a simple black turtleneck, skintight and a staple. I shrug before tossing it into my bed and moving on to find something to wear with it. "Won't you get cold in ripped jeans?"

"Probably," she shrugs, slipping a striped shirt over her head and a thick black cardigan over that. "Why were you up 'til three, anyway?"

"Homework," I respond flatly, grabbing a tight plaid skirt—black and brown, one of my favorites—and setting that down with my sweater. It's a simple, basic outfit, but I'm too tired to put my mental energy into anything better. "Homework and studying. I didn't want to leave it all for Sunday night."

"Hey, way to call me out," Pansy says sourly, walking over to me now fully dressed and peering over my shoulder to see what I'm planning on wearing. "Now, won't you get cold in a skirt?"

"Obviously," I scoff, a smile slipping onto my face. "But how else am I supposed to show off my legs? Besides, it's a good excuse to wear knee-high socks. Guys simply can't resist knee-high socks."

"Fair enough," she shrugs, turning back around to clean her bed up while I drop my towel—my underwear already on, thank you, and after checking to make sure the door is closed—and start slipping my clothes on. "All this thought just to impress Graham Montague, Cel?" she teases, shoving all the clothes she tried on messily into her trunk. "He's a simple man, babe. All you have to do is wear an ugly shade of red lipstick and flash some boob."

I cough on my spit, a grin ripping across my face as I tuck my sweater into my skirt, reaching underneath it to make sure I don't get any of those annoying folds because of how formfitting both articles of clothing are. I laugh in a weak voice as I wrap my favorite beige scarf around my neck and slip my dragon hide gloves on. "Why don't you worry about impressing girls, Panz?" I tease, shooting her a bright smile.

"Oh, hush. I spent all of third and fourth year convincing myself I like guys, okay? I was once on the Dark Side trying to seduce..." She pretends to gag, "...men. So I know what I'm doing when I say just show him a little titty and put on too much perfume."

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