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this chapters a mess bc frankly i don't understand how debutante balls work and no amount of research really helped as much as may so a big ily to beyondthesee . but despite how much i annoyed her for info on it, i promise you very sincerely that this chapter is a hot mess and i have no clue if anything i wrote makes sense <3

7244 words

get me to 500 votes and 3k comments, and the next chapter comes ur way ASAP!

and a big fat congratulations to nyx-malfoy for reaching one million :)

"Merlin's beard, you see the mustache on him?" Blaise whispers loudly as he approaches me where I lean against the wall of the foyer to my own manor, making me roll my eyes.

"Who, the one with the monocle?"

"The mon—? Oh, my goodness, I didn't even see that," he mutters, a mild look of disgust falling over his face. "He looks like he's straight out of a caricature, doesn't he?"

"Speak any louder, Blaise," I drawl casually, briefly glancing down at my watch, "I don't think he's heard your commentary."

"Oh, quiet. You going in or not?" Blaise questions, gesturing towards the two grand doors standing ajar right across from where I lean, taking a step towards them and turning to face me with an inquisitive lift of his eyebrows. "Shouldn't you be in there with you mother?"

I inhale deeply, giving my eyes a slight roll before pushing off the wall and moving to enter the drawing room, reaching a hand up to adjust the silver bow-tie knotted at my neck.

"I was waiting for you, dumbarse. Where's the rest of your family?" I scoff, walking in front of him into the ballroom where the orchestra music grows a bit louder, intentionally keeping my gaze where the walls meet the ceiling to avoid locking eye contact and making some
overly enthusiastic stranger think that means I want to make conversation.

"They won't be joining until later," he responds casually from behind me, and I glance over my shoulder with a humorous smile to see him looking around the drawing room with an impressed expression. "Your mother went all out, as per usual."

My smile slips slightly. I glance over at where she stands greeting guests left and right. One couldn't possibly tell from the beam on her face just how much effort it took her to get up this morning. "Right. Why wouldn't she, after all? You should see the ballroom."

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