𝟏𝟎𝟑 - 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐳𝐞

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hi baes

can we get like 2k comments perhaps ???

JULY 25th, 1997

It had taken a day until I could stand on my own two legs and a week until we'd both been declared healed enough. I spent most of the week falling in and out of sleep, as the best pain killers are Sleeping Potions. It was good that way. Sleeping Potions give a dreamless sleep. If I'd been dreaming, I'd have only been reliving the torture.

My father was there went I went home. He and all the other imprisoned Death Eaters had been broken out of Azkaban. He looked paler than normal, thin and gaunt. His eyes were sunken and tired, and his hair looked like half of it had either fallen out or been torn right out of his scalp. He flinched when he saw me. He didn't make any move to acknowledge me until the Dark Lord had dismissed us all, which was went he had grabbed me and pulled me into the longest embrace we'd ever shared.

Bellatrix is across from me at the long table we are seated at. Celeste sits beside her. She looks thinner than she was when we first came here. I know I am. Her skin is paler too, and she shivers violently even under the thick sweater and robes she's wearing. Her eyes are downcast, presumably on her hands.

Even with all the layers she's wearing, I can imagine her skin perfectly from that night. Dark and smooth, but littered with runes like tattoos. I'm not patient. I can't wait for her to just tell me. I would use my Legilimency to find out what they mean, and I did try, in fact, but it hasn't worked. I haven't had the strength to maintain my own Occlumency much less broach someone else's.

I sit between both my parents. My father is seated right beside the head of the table, where the Dark Lord stands waiting for all the other Death Eaters to be seated. My mother is on my right, her hand holding mine beneath the table. Pandora is seated somewhere further down beside her father.

I hadn't known he was a Death Eater.

Pandora's wide-eyed and staring up and down the table as people sit. She looks terrified out of her mind, but somehow, Celeste looks even weaker. Like she hasn't even recovered from last week.

"Ah, Severus," the Dark Lord sighs. I turn my head to find my professor—or headmaster, rather—standing at the two ajar doors. He is the last to be seated. "Come."

His footsteps echo off of the marble as he stalks inside. Snape's obsidian eyes briefly connect with mine as he stops behind the chair to the left of the Dark Lord, directly across from my father. They then shift to connect with him instead as he pulls his seat out and sinks into it.

"Now that we are all here... I thought it best to address something I had read in The Daily Prophet with you all watching. I thought, perhaps, it would be educational for our three youngest additions..." The Dark Lord bared his teeth in a poor excuse of a grin. His hand lifted, wand held lithely in his fingertips. I stiffened instantly, waiting for a flash of red light and excruciating pain, but he only whispers, "Revelio."

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