𝟎𝟕𝟗 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞

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word count: 7736

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"Do you want to switch? You've been at it for a while."

I glance over my shoulder, my hand holding my wand faltering when I see Celeste.

She's sitting on the ratty old sofa with the springs spilling out of one of the seats right across the Vanishing Cabinet, a spilt pile of textbooks beside her and one open right on her lap. Her curls are piled at the back of her head with her wand holding them together, a hairstyle I've always liked on her. She's dressed in her uniform without the robes, long legs revealed underneath the standard skirt, though she wears her knee-high socks.

"If you don't mind," I say, giving my wand a quick twirl before turning around to face her fully. I gave her a quick scan, at which she quickly averts her gaze and fumbles to push her textbook off her lap.

"So how close to mended do you think we are?" she asks with a slight grunt while getting up, walking over to stand beside me.

I turn so we're both looking at the cabinet, doing my best to ignore the way her arm brushes lightly against mine. "Halfway, maybe? There's no real way of knowing until we test it out on something. Maybe a book, or something we don't care about." I sense her turn her head to look at me, and I add, "Just in case what happened to Montague happens to whatever we put in there."

Celeste snorts humorously, prompting me to turn to her with a quirked brow.

"Oh, sorry," she shakes her head, lips twitching while turning back to look at the cabinet with crossed arms. "I kinda forgot about him. Montague."

I smirk. "You were fucking him all of last year."

"Yeah, but he wasn't anything exceptional. He didn't..." Celeste clears her throat, moving her fingers to tuck her hair behind her ears despite it being bound behind her head. "He didn't stand out in comparison to my other conquests."

I bite down on the inside of my cheek to hold back the shit-eating grin that wants to take over, patting her back lightly and murmuring something about reading the books before turning to take her previous spot on the sofa. As I drag a textbook onto my lap and open it up to the last chapter I recall being on, I glance up just in time to see Celeste pull her wand out of her hair. Her curls come spilling down and out like a gorgon's reptilian mane, and I watch blankly as she gives them a good shake before promptly continuing with the mending charms I was using before.

And so we descend into our typical routine. One of us sits on the sofa pouring through textbooks, occasionally reading them out loud so that the other can hear and in case the other catches something they don't. The other circles the Vanishing Cabinet, spewing mending charms and praying silently that they're actually holding.

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