𝟎𝟔𝟓 - 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬

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it's so difficult for me to write party chapters bc for some reason, I can only imagine the characters dancing like episode characters

thank you so much for 919k!!!

now vote and comment 🙄

"Hey, man, if you hadn't quit for no fucking reason, that would be you right there," Urquhart, one of the new Chasers, leans over to say with a mouth crammed full of chips and dip.

I turn my head slowly to look at him blankly, taking in his thin, hooded black eyes that look at me innocently and the way his jaw moves up and down like a cow, the smell of chips wafting off of him. I give him a curt scan before looking back to where Carlier, the new Seeker, is grinning and laughing talking to people next to Cassius Warrington, one of our Chasers and our new Captain.

And then I turn around and walk away from Urquhart as he shovels more chips into his mouth, quickly finding Blaise with Pansy and Verona, each holding a cup of Firewhiskey.

"Congrats, man," I say, clapping his back so suddenly, he makes a muffled noise and chokes on the sip of Firewhiskey he was drinking. I watch with a small smirk as he coughs violently, glancing up to see Pansy hiding her snickers in Verona's arm. "All good?"

"Yeah, I—" One last cough, "—good, yeah, good. Thanks," he says with a shrug, straightening back up. "I, uh, honestly didn't think Cassius would really make me the Keeper."

"Bull," I say, grabbing a bottle of beer from off a nearby table. "I showed up to practice, I saw you. You were a shit ton better than Bletchley was, I'll tell you that."

Blaise snorts.

"Why didn't you try out?" Verona asks curiously, scanning me with brown eyes.

I shrug. Too distracting, it could get in the way of planning to murder our Headmaster. "Honestly, it's not remotely close to anything I'd pursue after Hogwarts, so I figured I'd focus on better things. I'm destined to more than a lifetime of catching little Snitches, you know," I say, popping the cap off my ear and taking a small sip.

"Aw, theres my favorite arrogant little arsehole," Pansy coos sweetly, scrunching her nose at me and leaning forward to tousle my hair, laughing when I protest and duck out of the way.

"Fuck you," I say with a scowl as I straighten up, taking another sip.

My eyes wander the common room, seeing Crabbe and Goyle talking very enthusiastically with Adrian about getting the Beater positions—they were the only two candidates, so I'm not sure why they look so shocked—and Tracey fawning all over Cassius Warrington. It only takes a few more moments for my eyes to find her.

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