𝟎𝟓𝟏 - 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨

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At first she disappears into my bathroom, muttering something about a Glamor Charm, and for a moment my mind is on the mark on my arm, hidden by my own charm but constantly twisting and turning and coiling on my skin.

But then she's back, catching me off guard by pushing me onto my bed, and climbing on top of me.

All the air in my lungs escapes with a great gust when my back hits my mattress, my body landing with a slight bounce. I move to prop myself up on my elbows to look at her, but she's already crawling over me and shoving at my shoulders to push them back down against the bed. I chuckle darkly at her eagerness, resting back flat while my hands go to her hips and help her position herself so that her legs are on either side of my body.

She leans down and crashes her lips to mine, her curls, smelling strongly of bitter blackberries, cascading down as a curtain that brushes against the sides of my face. Her hands lace into my hair, pulling harshly as she presses her tongue into my mouth and aggressively brushes it against mine.

My hands squeeze at her hips, moving back to grab at her ass and massage the flesh tightly, enjoying the way she squirms slightly in my grip and lowers her hips down onto mine. I thrust my hips up lightly, hearing her gasp when my growing erection pressed against her. I then slide my hands up until they reach the hem of her sweatshirt, tugging at it until she pulls away from me and holds her arms up so I can pull the sweatshirt off of her in one swift motion, leaving her panting softly and straddling my hips in a simple black bra. Just as I expected, her forearm is barren of any mark. Her hand flies up to her locket, and then she clears her throat and leans back in, this time grinding her hips down against my erection.

"Fuck," I curse, but she practically swallows my curse when she kisses me again as aggressively and, dare I say, dominantly as possible, her hands seemingly unsure of what to do.

One is planted firmly near my head, the other snakes her my shirt to scratch at my chest. I groan slightly at the feeling of her nails taking down my skin harshly, maybe breaking blood but at the very least leaving swelling lines. I hiss when she finds one of my nipples, pinching it between her fingers while rolling her hips down on mine. But just as soon, she's slipping her hand out of my shirt to tug my hair, grip my jaw, scratch my arms.

She's hungry. No, she's beyond insatiable, someone who has been starved for months and then locked in a room with me. She moans lewdly, sounds lingering with my groans while my bulge grows larger and harder to press against her pussy through her underwear and shorts.

"Such a needy little girl," I rasp as she pulls away form my lips to kiss down my jawline, my eyes falling shut and hands slipping into her shorts to squeeze her ass from over her panties, hearing her inhale sharply while she nips at my skin. "You can't get enough from me, can you? All you can think about is all the ways I can make you cry..."

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