𝟎𝟎𝟖 - 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐬

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"Morning," Blaise whistles when I sit down beside him. "You look...well-rested."

I shoot him a glare, knowing very well how sarcastic he's being. He only gives me a cheeky grin back before reaching across the table for the syrup, proceeding to drown his waffles.

I hardly slept last night. A stupid first year forgot about the second step and fell into the damn pit. The worst part is, he was sneaking around after curfew, which mean I finally got back to my dorm after my nightly rounds, did my homework, slept for maybe an hour or two, and then woke up to a stupid twelve year old boy screaming in pain at about two in the morning.

I was so tempted to just fall back asleep and pretend I never heard, but then his screaming got so loud that Miles burst into my room and threatened to hex me if I didn't do something about it. He easily could've woken Graham, one of the seventh year prefects, but something tells me he's rather face my tired wrath than our captain's.

So I had to haul the stupid kid out of the hole only to find out he broke his wrist and twisted his ankle. Because I was the only Prefect up, Snape made me stay with him in the medical ward and give a firsthand account of how I found him when his angry parents came in at four in the morning to hear how their precious little boy got hurt.

It was seven when I fell back asleep. It's currently 8:28.

"I fucking hate first years," I mutter under my breath, reaching over to serve myself some scrambled eggs while my stomach grumbles loudly. I'm beyond starving. It was rather uncomfortable when the boy's parents were interrogating me on how this happened and my stomach kept making noises while I spoke.

"Do you, now?" Pansy asks teasingly as she pops down across from me, an irritating look in her brown eyes. "Couldn't tell."

"And where the fuck were you?" I snap instantly, waving the serving spoon in her direction so aggressively that a piece of scrambled egg goes flying and lands in her plate.

She smirks at me with amusement before reaching over to pluck the spoon from my hand and serve herself some. "Asleep," she says simply. "I just went back to sleep."

"That's not fair! How the bloody hell did they make you Prefect over...I don't fucking know...Tracey!" I spit, blurring the first name I can think of when I spot the pink-haired girl in question out of the corner of my eye.

"Cry about it."

"Why's Malfoy crying?" Theodore Nott asks as he sits down on the other side of me, grinning with those rabbit teeth of his. His whole appearance is rather stringy and weedy and rabbity. He's tall, somehow even taller than me, and thin, and his front two teeth stick out just as much as his pointy ears do.

I scoff. "I'm not crying, thank you very much."

"It's because of his daddy issues," Blaise supplies casually right as Celeste sits down next to Pansy and across from Blaise.

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