𝟎𝟑𝟕 - 𝐢'𝐦 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐲

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I lean towards my cousin, nudging him with my elbow to get his attention. "Hey, what's taking them so long?" I ask him, sipping on my coffee from my thermos.

Blaise's brows are furrowed as he looks out at the field that's empty save for two people strolling near the edge. "No idea," he murmurs.

Blaise and I decided to come see the Slytherin Quidditch team practice this Friday morning. It's May, so the weather is rather nice out now even n the early mornings, and we'd both slept so early last night that when we caught each other in the common room this morning, we decided it'd be nice to spend some time outside together. Except practice was supposed to begin ten minutes ago, but there are no big, burly, sweaty Quidditch players out on the field for me to gawk at.

I sigh softly. I even wore my slightly too small shirt for when the boys inevitably try to hit on me afterwards.

"Hey, Celeste," Blaise says suddenly, his eyes distant as they follow the walking couple at the opposite side of the pitch, "when's the last time you liked someone?"

I turn to him with mild alarm, my eyebrows raised and eyes wide. "Um," I choke out, brushing my curls out of my face when a light breeze hits us, "where is this coming from?"

"Nothing, I just..." He hesitates slightly, leaning back and resting his foot on top of his knee while his fingers absentmindedly rub his jaw. "Just wondering."

"Uh, okay, well..." I inhale softly and look away out to the Forbidden Forest, my hand fiddling with my locket and thumb tracing all the grooves in it. "I guess the end of third year, when I was in France."

"Same guy that was your first kiss?"

"Yeah. I liked him for a few months, actually. What about you?" I ask curiously.

Blaise is quiet for a few moments, his eyebrows tense. "I don't think I've ever liked anyone," he then says, his eyes darting to me briefly before going back to watching the strolling couple. "I thought I've liked people before, but I was just thinking about it recently, and..."

"And?" I press, frowning slightly as I angle myself to face him better.

"I think I was just attracted to them."

I shrug, still frowning slightly. "Okay," I say, shaking my head a little, "I mean, that's fine. I don't like people that easily either. The French guy—his name was Max—was my first crush ever, and my last as of now."

Blaise purses his lips. "Oh," he murmurs, his hand brushing through his short hair before he sighs all of a sudden and stands up, extending his hand out to me. "Wanna go to the locker room? See what's taking them so long?"

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