𝟎𝟎𝟔 - 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬

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"Merlin. You need a shave, Captain," I smirk, one of my eyebrows quirking when I see the seventh years' boys' dorm door swinging open to let out Graham and Miles.

Graham rolls his eyes, rubbing the scruff on his jaw. He shoots a glare at Miles who walks out behind him, saying, "Yeah, well, if Bletchley didn't spend thirty minutes gelling his hair up, maybe I would've been able to shave."

"Piss off," Miles scowls, running a hand through his wavy brown hair and then instantly moving to fix it back up. "You're just jealous yours doesn't look as good as mine, you ruddy rat."

"You got a key to the girls' dorm, Malfoy?" Graham looks at me, choosing to entirely ignore Miles. "Don't tell me I took the time out of my day to hang out with fifth years and you don't have a key."

I give him an incredulous look as Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise step out of our own dorm and shut the door behind them. "Don't act like I forced you into this," I say pointedly, my smirk growing as I fish around the pocket of my jacket, hand wrapping around the cool metal of my copy of the keys. "Weren't you the one yelling at us during practice that anyone who couldn't come had to do extra laps?"

"Don't talk to your captain that way," Graham jeers, though a short laugh leaves his throat. "Lead the way then, Malfoy."

The team (and Blaise) follow me down the boys' hall and out the door into the common room. I roll my eyes as Miles and Graham continue their bickering about Miles's hair habits, two of our beaters Adrian and Warrington shout loudly over each other the lyrics to some song by The Hobgoblins, and our beaters Crabbe and Goyle lumber behind mumbling incoherently. Blaise catches up to me, nudging my arm with his elbow to get my attention.

"You know if there's Firewhiskey?" he asks, pushing up the sleeves to his sweater.

I scoff as we cross across the common room to the door on the opposite side where the girls' hall is. A few eyes pick up when they notice the entire Quidditch team loudly crossing the green room, making my chest puff up instantly and smirk grow just a bit.

"This is Pansy we're talking about, Blaise," I sigh in mock disappointment as I stop at the door with my hand on the handle. "There'll be Firewhiskey, Dragon Barrel Brandy, Bin Juice. Hell, she'll probably even have Alihotsy leaves."

Turns out, I'm right.

"How'd you even get your hands on these?" Adrian asks in awe, holding the little baggie filled with dried pink and green leaves close to his face before passing it off to Pansy.

She shrugs, wearing a smug expression as she opens it up. "You'd be surprised how beneficial it is having a friend or two in Hufflepuff."

There's fifteen of us sitting on the ground in the fifth year girls' dorm. The balcony doors are spread wide open (the Slytherin common room and dorms are in the dungeon, so by balcony I mean a tiny little sitting room that juts out into the Black Lake with walls made of glass), letting Warrington and Adrian sit with their backs facing the October air, the rest of us sprawled out in the space between the balcony and the beds.

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