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fun fact not so fun fact: the inquisitorial squad was based off of the hitler youth program

Dear Celeste,

Good luck on your OWLs today! It's the last day, right? I remember when I was taking my OWLs ages ago, after it was all over, my friends and I snuck out to Hogsmeade in the middle of the night for Butterbeer. I'm not about to encourage this behavior in you, but I will tell you that if you slip my name to Madam Rosmerta, you might get a free drink or two.

Today your mother and I were supposed to take a day off and visit some old places from back when we were your age, just for the memories. But you know how your mother is. She woke up and told me she had a "bad feeling" and that she HAD to go into work today. I told her she's just overworked and needs some good sleep and a relaxing day. She insisted, though, so I told her I'd go instead. So now I'm spending my day off in the Ministry, currently writing this letter to you in the break room while drinking subpar coffee. The things I do for your mother, Celeste.

Write back to me as soon as your exams are finished! I want to know how you did on them. I'm sure you're bringing home thirteen Outstandings, aren't you? We miss you back here.

Your Father

"Merlin, I can't wait to just be done with this," Pansy groans, picking at her oatmeal but not bringing a single bite up to her mouth. "I'm so fucking over sitting in the same damn room for hours a day writing until my hand gets cramped."

"It's just History of Magic, and then we're finished," I sigh slightly, feeling my stomach rumble out of both hunger and anxiety. I look down at the scrambled eggs on my plate, though, and feel like I'll throw up anything that I eat.

I fiddle with my locket instead, dragging it against the chain back and forth while staring hopelessly at my breakfast and wishing I could be sleeping right now.

I'm all done with my History of Magic exam.

I lean back in my seat, letting out a soft puff of a sigh while closing my eyes. My body, tense and rigid, slowly relaxes. I finally feel my muscles really ache, throbbing as I sit in my chair, soaked in the stress of exams and studies. My back hurts especially, in dire need of a massage. My head hurts too. It pounds fo the beat of my heart, and irking pain in the side right above my ear that makes me want to scratch at it. My heart feels like it's burning right behind my sternum, near the center of my chest slightly off to the left.

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