𝟎𝟗𝟓 - 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲

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hi :)

can we get to 2k comments and 600 votes before next chapter??

MAY 3rd, 1997

I look up at the ceiling of the Great Hall where dark storm clouds broom ominously. A crackle of lighting snakes across the ceiling, and torrents of rain come pouring down before disappearing into thin air about halfway down the room.

It's been like that on and off for the past week. Sometimes it will storm and thunder for days in a row, and then the weather will relent and give us light drizzles. The sky teases, pretends like it will calm and return to us blue skies and visible stars, but then the angry clouds come back to terrorize us with their shouts and lightning.

I prod at the fruits in my plate blindly, still looking up at the fake sky. I almost wish the charm displaying the weather was real, though of course producing magic that can create weather on such large scales is difficult. But I'd like to feel the rain pelting down, soaking my hair, weighing me down. Somehow, I think it would be relaxing. It would certainly be cool against my hot, burning, aching skin.

I look down carefully. Across from me sit Pansy and Verona. Pansy gives me a slight smile when we make eye contact, and then she goes back to looking at the new tarot cards Verona got for her birthday last week from her parents.

My eyes then slide further down the table to where Celeste sits with Carlier.

He's got his arm slung around her shoulders while he talks casually with Nott. His hand occasionally gives her arm a tight squeeze, while she busies herself with picking at her breakfast. Her expression is vacant, giving away nothing while she stares down at her food without lifting a bite of it to her mouth.

Carlier then says something that makes her lips spread into a brilliant grin, and it takes me a second to catch my breath. She turns her head up to him to say something that makes him laugh in response, and then she's giving his hair a ruffle before pulling him down to kiss her.

I look away instantly, my stomach twisting with half a mind to heave up what breakfast I've had so far. It's at this moment that I feel a hand lightly pat my back, and I glance to the side to see Blaise slipping into his seat. He gets himself comfortable before turning his head to offer me a slight smile.

He looks sympathetic. I want to hit him.

But I don't, because I'm grateful enough that my best mate silently forgave me only a week after blowing up on me. I still think he's full of shit, that he didn't have a damn reason to get pissed at me in the first place, but at least he didn't make me grovel.

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